
1.Effect of Rotation and Interplanting on Cucumber Yield and Soil Microbial Diversity轮套作对黄瓜土壤微生物多样性及产量的影响
2.The Study of Cucumber Soil Microbial Community Diversity and Quality of Output by Rotate and Interplanting;轮套作对黄瓜土壤微生物多样性及产量品质的影响
3.Effects of Different Rotation and Intercroping Modes on Cucumber Yield and Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Environment不同轮套作方式对黄瓜产量及其根际土壤微生态环境的影响
4.A new relay of horses was harnessed to the cart.用作轮换的马都已套到了那辆马车上.
5.aintenance Practice of Variable (Guide) Vane System of Axial Flow Gas Turbine燃气轮机可转导叶部套保养工作实践
6."The form of the wheels and their work was like a beryl; the four of them had the same form and design, and they were like a wheel inside a wheel."轮的形状和颜色(原文作作法)好像水苍玉。四轮都是一个样式,形状和作法好像轮中套轮。
7.This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.轮的形状和颜色(文作作法)像水苍玉。四轮都是一个样式,形状和作法好像轮中套轮。
8.Experimental Research on Working Performance of New Floating Ring Journal Bearings新型牙轮钻头浮动套轴承工作机理试验研究
9.Research of Conservation Tillage and Rotation Tillage of Wheat Relayed Maize;小麦套作玉米周年土壤保护性耕作及轮耕模式研究
10.For instance, interplanting commercial crops, winter or early spring vegetables in interplanting space of wheat-maize rotation before maize seeding can increase returns significantly.例如,在小麦玉米轮作中玉米播种前在套种带中插套经济作物、冬前和早春蔬菜可显著增加收入。
11.Select the gear operator and drive bushing from the table for gear operators and options for butterfly valves on page 28.从第28页的齿轮操作机构和蝶阀选配件表格中,选择齿轮操作机构和驱动套管。
12.model ,working or scale, of aircraft, boats, or other vehicles (incl. kits)飞机,轮船或其他交通工具的工作模型或缩尺模型(包括配套元件)
13."The assembly should then be slipped onto the valve stem, with the valve in the closed position."然后将蜗轮操作装置总成套在阀杆上,此时阀门应该处于关闭状态。
14.clutch center guide离合器中心齿轮导套
15.axle drive pinion adjusting sleeve车轴传动小齿轮调整套
16.harness a horse to a wagon把马套到四轮马车上.
17.He harnessed the horse to a wagon.他把马套到四轮马车上。
18.crankcase cam gear bushing曲轴箱凸轮传动轴衬套

Intercrop and rotation间套轮作
1.Study of Intercropping Pattern on Cotton and Radish;棉花—萝卜套作模式研究
2.Primary Report on the Study of Stereoscopic Cultivation Mode of Intercropping Chinese Herb Rhizoma Polygonatum with Corn;中药黄精套作玉米立体栽培模式研究初报
3.Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization Analysis on the Cultivation Measures of Intercropping between Potato and Carrot;马铃薯与胡萝卜套作栽培措施的多目标模糊优化分析
1.Preliminary Studies on effects of different interplanting date on flue-cured tobacco and comprehensive effects under flue-cured tobacco intercplanted with sweet potato烟薯不同套作时期对烤烟影响及综合效应的研究初报
2.Study on Interplanting Technology of Cabbage with Open Field Planting and Precocity Characters通过甘蓝与矮生菜豆、辣椒、茄子、白菜进行套作研究,表明甘蓝与茄子、白菜套作最为理想。
1.Effect of strip distance on interplanting corn growth and yield in multi-harvest regions;多熟制地区带距与套作玉米生长、产量分析
2.The paper studied the growth characters and forage production of five perennial species of grasses and legumes based on interplant model of forage +peanut =5 + 6.本文研究了紫花苜蓿、白三叶、多年生黑麦草、鸡脚草和苇状羊茅等五种多年生牧 草与花生在“5+6”模式套作情况下生长特点以及对饲草生产的影响。
1.Effects on Paste Properties and Starch Contents of Different Maturity Maize Cultivars Relay-planting;不同熟期玉米品种春、夏套作对籽粒淀粉含量及糊化特性的影响
2.Mechanisms of Nitrogen Competition and Utilization in Spring-sown Maize and Summer-sown Maize Relay-planting Systems and Its Effects on Yield and Quality;春夏玉米套作氮素竞争利用及对产量品质的影响机理研究
3.The results showed that wheat exhibited a obvious relay-planting advantage,and in the two systems,the biomass and nitrogen acquisition under without barrier condition were higher than those of under solid barrier.通过根系分隔盆栽试验,研究小麦/玉米/大豆与小麦/玉米/甘薯两种三熟套作体系的氮素吸收利用及种间相互作用。
