农业工程,agricultural engineering
1)agricultural engineering农业工程
1.Virtual instrument and its application in agricultural engineering;虚拟仪器及其在农业工程中的应用
2.Research of integrative modes of agricultural engineering technology for production-life-ecosystem;“生产-生活-生态”农业工程技术集成模式的研究
3.Research and Practice of Talents Development Modes in Agricultural Engineering Discipline;农业工程类专业本科人才培养模式的研究与实践

1.Panel of Experts on Agricultural Engineering农业工程学专家小组
2.International Commission of Agricultural国际农业工程委员会
3.American Society of Agricultural Engineers,ASAE美国农业工程师学会
4.Impacts of Agricultural Engineering on Agricultural Modernization;农业工程技术在农业现代化中的作用
5.Fcderal Research Station for Farm Management and Agricultural瑞士农场管理与农业工程研究站
6.On The Agenda of Agricultural Engineering in China in 21st Century;面向21世纪的中国农业工程议程探索
7.The Development of Agricultural Engineering After Amalgamated University of Agriculture and Science & Technology;农业院校与理工科院校合并后农业工程专业发展模式探讨
8.Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering Research and Planning中国农业工程研究设计院
9.Scientists with the University's Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering have been supervising the tests.该大学的生物农业工程系负责实验。
10.Study on the Computer System for Agricultural Engineering Signal Processing;农业工程信号计算机处理系统的研究
11.Research of Agriculture Management Information System for Irrigation Area of AWATI County Based on GIS;阿瓦提灌区农业工程GIS信息系统研究
12.solar energy utilization in agriculture农业太阳能利用工程
13.IE Application of IE to Agriculture Production Management;工业工程在农业生产管理中应用初探
14.Development of Produce Process Industry Accelerate Industrialization Course of Country in Hunan;发展农产品加工业 促进湖南农村工业化进程
15.The Transfer of Surplus Labor Force in the Course of Industrialization;工业化进程中的农业剩余劳动力转移
16.Development of Precision Agriculture and Innovation of Agricultural Eco engineering in China.精确农业发展与我国农业生态工程创新
17.Pushing forward the Industrialization in Guangxi by Developing the Industry of Agricultural Products Processing;大力发展农产品加工业 推进广西工业化进程
18.Strengthen the Practical Talents of Rural for the Development of Modern Agriculture;夯实农村实用人才工程 促进现代农业发展

agriculture engineering农业工程
1.The scientific research and development of traditional agriculture engineering equipment facing the problem of selecting subject toward modern market economy after China joined WTO.我国加入世贸组织以后,传统的农业工程装备科研与开发面临着向现代市场经济转型时期的科研项目选题问题。
3)agricultural engineerization农业工程化
1.There is the close relationship among agricultural modernization, agricultural engineerization and industrialization.对农业的现代化、工程化和产业化及其相互关系进行了深入的分析与探讨 ,得出结论 :农业工程化是实现农业产业化的前提与保障 ;而农业产业化是实现农业现代化的根本途径。
4)agricultural engineering discipline农业工程类
1.On the background of revising schemes (2008 edition) of undergraduate talent in China Agricultural University, combined with the implement process of course system reform of practical teaching in agricultural engineering discipline, the new Course System of Practical Teaching was established, it is more accurate to make a reservation for Talents Cultivation.以中国农业大学2008版本科人才方案修订为背景,结合工学院农业工程类专业的实践教学课程体系改革的实践过程,建立了新的实践教学课程体系,使人才培养的定位更加准确,特色显著。
5)AE agricultural engineer农业工程师
6)Agricultural Engineering Division农业工程部
1.Agricultural Engineering Division (AED) is conducting some research to develop appropriate technology for hill mechanization; like power tiller and modified modular power tiller for land preparation of wheat which has proved to be efficient in comparison with convention method.农业工程部(AED)正在致力于研究适应的技术来发展山区机械。
