毛白杨,Populus tomentosa
1)Populus tomentosa毛白杨
1.On stump grafting techniques of Populus tomentosa;毛白杨伐根嫁接繁殖技术研究
2.Effect of Small Diameter Log of Populus tomentosa Dyeing Factors to Up-take;毛白杨小径材断面浸注法染色因素对上染率的影响
3.Wood Property Estimation and Selection of Populus tomentosa;毛白杨材性指标预测及选择

1.Seedling Measurement of Hybrids of Populus alba and P.alba×P.glandulos,P.alba and P.tomentosa银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及苗期测定
2.The Study on Hybridization between Populus Alba and (P.Alba×P.Glandulos)、P.Tomentosa and Original Selection of Hybrid Seedling;银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及杂种苗的初选研究
3.Electrochemical bleaching on chemical pulp of Tripoid Porpulus Tomentosa三倍体毛白杨化学浆电化学漂白研究
4.Studies on insect-resistant mechanism of transgenic triploid of Chinese white poplar转基因三倍体毛白杨的抗虫机理研究
5.Study on the establishment of regeneration of triploids of Chinese white poplar三倍体毛白杨叶片再生体系建立研究
6.Study on the Transformation of Triploids of Chinese White Poplar with Two Genes of Insect-resistant双抗虫基因转化三倍体毛白杨的研究
7.SEEDLINGS OF CHINESE WHITE POPLAR (Populus tomentosa Carr.) FROM EMBRYO-CULTURE利用胚培养的方法获得毛白杨实生苗
8.Thecolor of sapwood of Chinese white poplar among trees has significant difference.毛白杨边材材色株间存在显著差异。
9.Studies on Cuttage Seedling of Chinese white Poplar(Populus tomentosa carr.)in Hexi Corridor,Gansu Province甘肃省河西走廊毛白杨扦插育苗试验
10.Study on Genetic Transformation of Populus Tomentosa with rolB Gene and Improving Its Rooting Ability;转rolB基因改良毛白杨生根能力的研究
11.Study on Pulping of the Triploid Populus Tomentosa Carr. Waste-crotch Wood;三倍体毛白杨废弃物—枝桠材制浆研究
12.A Study on the Variation of rolB Transformed Clones of Populus Tomentosa;转rolB基因毛白杨植株性状变异的研究
13.Populus Tomentosa Cyclophysis and Research for mRNA Difference Display;毛白杨成熟效应及其mRNA差异显示研究
14.An AFLP Linkage Mapping Using a Hybrid Population of Populus tomentosa;毛白杨杂交群体AFLP遗传图谱的构建
15.Cloning and Transformation of PtMADS4 and PtMADS5 Genes in Populus Tomentosa Carr;毛白杨PtMADS4和PtMADS5基因的克隆与遗传转化
16.Cloning and Functional Analysis of PtCaM in Populus Tomentosa Carr毛白杨PtCaM的克隆及功能分析
17.Expression of RolB-pttGA20ox Double Genes in Populus tomentosarolB-pttGA20ox双价基因对毛白杨的转化和表达
18.Leaf nutrient diagnosis of triploid Populus tomentosa with DRIS三倍体毛白杨叶片营养DRIS诊断

Populus tomentosa Carr毛白杨
1.Cloning and Expression Analysis of PtFATB Gene Encoding the Acyl-acyl Carrier Protein Thioesterase in Populus tomentosa Carr;毛白杨乙酰-乙酰载体蛋白硫脂酶基因(PtFATB)的克隆与表达分析(英文)
2.Prokaryotic Expression Analysis of A NBS-type PtDRG01 Gene Isolated from Populus tomentosa Carr.;毛白杨NBS型基因PtDRG01原核表达研究
3.Cloning and sequence analysis on cDNA of cysteine proteinase inhibitor gene from Populus tomentosa Carr.;毛白杨巯基蛋白酶抑制剂基因cDNA的克隆及序列分析
3)Chinese white poplar毛白杨
1.Tests on Grafting and Raising Seedling Techniques of Triploid Chinese White Poplar;三倍体毛白杨嫁接育苗技术试验
2.Study on Cuttage Raise Seedlings Technique of Chinese White Poplar and 84K Poplar;毛白杨、84K杨扦插育苗技术研究
3.Mechanism of 2n pollen occurring in Chinese white poplar.;毛白杨未减数2n花粉发生机制的研究
1.Vitrification of Regeneration Shoots of P.tomentosa;毛白杨叶片组培再生芽的玻璃化问题探讨
2.Seedling Measurement of Hybrids of Populus alba and P.alba×P.glandulos,P.alba and P.tomentosa银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及苗期测定
3.The thesis carried through tested study of cutting surface quality after it sawedˋ Eu.本文通过国产木工薄板框锯机对大叶桉和毛白杨锯材锯解后的切削表面质量的试验研究,着重从表面粗糙度等参数入手,分析和评价了综合切削性能。
5)P. tomentosa毛白杨
1.The authors used X-ray microanalysis to investigate ion compartmentation (Na~+, Cl~-and K~+) in leaf cells of a salt_tolerant species, Populus euphratica and a salt_sensitive species, P.该文以抗盐的胡杨和盐敏感的毛白杨组培再生苗为实验材料,利用X--射线微区分析技术研究盐胁迫下(为期20d的盐处理)叶片各种类型细胞内主要元素Na+、Cl-、K+的分布情况,测定的细胞类型包括:①叶脉细胞(叶脉维管束导管、叶脉维管束内部和外部的薄壁细胞);②叶肉细胞(栅栏组织、海绵组织);③表皮细胞(上、下表皮细胞)。
2.A grafting trial of Populus hopeiensis and P.对河北杨、毛白杨进行休眠期嫁接试验 ,结果表明 :室内嫁接工作从元月 1 0日开始至砧木和接穗的芽未萌动期间均可进行。
3.And tissue culture could also provide technical basis for orderly improvement of P.毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr。
6)Lipaphis erysimi (Kalteback)白杨毛蚜
1.Predation of Harmonia axyridis(Pallas) on aphid species,Chaitophorus populeti (Panzer),Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) and Lipaphis erysimi (Kalteback);异色瓢虫对菜缢管蚜、禾谷缢管蚜和白杨毛蚜的捕食作用

毛白杨【通用名称】毛白杨【其他名称】毛白杨 (山东昌潍《慢性气管炎资料选编》) 【异名】白杨、笨白杨、独摇(山东昌潍《慢性气管炎资料选编》)。 【来源】为杨柳种植物毛白杨的树皮。 【植物形态】毛白杨 大乔木,树高达25米。树皮灰白色,老时深灰色,纵裂;幼枝有灰色绒毛,老枝平滑无毛,芽稍有绒毛。叶互生;长枝上的叶片三角状卵形,长10~15厘米,宽8~12厘米,先端尖,基部平截或近心形,具大腺体2枚,边缘有复锯齿,上面深绿色,疏有柔毛,下面有灰白色绒毛,叶柄圆,长2.5~5.5厘米;老枝上的叶片较小,边缘具波状齿,渐无毛;在短枝上的叶更小,卵形或三角形,有波齿,背面无毛。柔荑花序,雌雄异株,先叶开放;雄花序长约10~14厘米;苞片卵圆形,尖裂,具长柔毛;雄蕊8;雌花序长4~7厘米;子房椭圆形,柱头2裂。蒴果长卵形,2裂。花期3月。果期4月。 分布辽宁及华北、西北、华东等地,一般为栽培。 【采集】全年可采。 【化学成分】树皮含总甙、皂甙、强心甙、黄酮甙、酚类、蛋白质、氨基酸。 【功用主治】祛痰。治咳嗽痰喘。 【临床应用】治疗慢性气管炎 取鲜白杨树皮2两,加水煎沸半小时后加入鲜蛤蟆草2两,再煎15分钟,滤出药液,药渣再加水煎沸15分钟。两次煎液混合约得150~200毫升,早晚2次分服,10天为一疗程。观察1558例,绝大多数经2~3疗程,总有效率为86%,其中显效以上占46.9%。对咳、痰、喘均有一定效果。极少数患者服药后有轻度腹部不适或腹痛腹泻,暂停药或继服后消失。对兼有痔疮、习惯性便秘的患者,也有一定治疗作用。