土壤改良,soil improvement
1)soil improvement土壤改良
1.Feasibility studies on coal-fly-ash application in refuse dump of coal mine for soil improvement;用粉煤灰对煤矿排土场土壤改良可行性研究
2.Application of attapulgite in soil improvement and new type fertilizer development;凹凸棒土在土壤改良和新型肥料开发上的应用
3.The technical measures of soil improvement in Longchi Ponkan orchard of Jinping county;锦屏县龙池片区椪柑果园土壤改良技术措施

1.Effect of Soil Ameliorants on Salinized Soil;土壤改良物质对盐渍化土壤改良的作用
2.Improvement Effects of Soil Amendments on Soil Water Retention Capacity in Loessial Soil土壤改良剂对黄绵土持水性能的改良效应研究
3.Study the Effects of Soil Improvement on Acid Soil in the South of China不同土壤改良剂对南方酸性土壤的改良效果研究
4.Effects of Different Modifiers on Plant Growth and Pb-Cd-Contaminated Soil;不同改良剂对Cd、Pb污染土壤改良效果的研究
5.Study on the Remediation Effect of Different Ameliorant to the Pb Polluted in Granitic Latosol;不同改良剂对砖红壤铅污染土壤改良效果的研究
6.The party secretary of the county began to pore on the problem of soil improvement.县党委书记开始考虑土壤改良问题。
7.This has provided valuable data for work in soil improvement.这为土壤改良工作提供了宝贵资料。
8.Reduces Resistance New Method of Based on Soil Amelioration Technology Network;基于土壤改良技术的地网降阻新方法
9.Soil Improved Effect of Vegetation Restoration in Coal Waste Piles;植被恢复下矸石山土壤改良效益研究
10.Effect of special soil amendment for improvement of saline soil in northern Yinchuan of Ningxia宁夏银北地区盐化土壤改良成效研究
11.Effect of salinity soil improvement on crop production盐渍化土壤改良措施的作物生产效应
12.Application of By-Product from Flue Gas Desulfurization in Reclamation of Sodic Soils脱硫副产物在碱化土壤改良中的应用
13.Effect of Different Soil Amendments on the Acidity of Latosol施用不同土壤改良剂对砖红壤酸度的影响
14.reduce soil acidity and improve soil texture减轻土壤酸性和改良土壤结构
15.Research on the Effect of Bentonite and FWFPM to Acid Soil Amendment;膨润土和塘泥对酸性土壤的改良研究
16.A Study on Physical and Chemical Characteristics and on the Technology to improve the Soil from Rice Field“稻改茶”土壤理化性状与改良技术研究
17.Ameliorative Effects of a Kind of Bioreactant on Soil and Quartz一种土壤生物反应剂改良土壤和石英砂的效果
18.It is important to enrich the soil before planting.种植前先改良土壤是很重要的。

soil amelioration土壤改良
1.Effects of sand covering and soil amelioration on turf performance of white clover retina sod;覆沙和土壤改良对白三叶网草皮坪用性状的影响
2.Taking Heidaigou open-pit coal mine as an example,in the mining area,after engineering reclamation of mined land,the theoretical and technologic problems such as soil amelioration,vegetation variety screening and vegetation technologies and so on had been studied during the process of biological reclamation.以黑岱沟露天煤矿为例,对矿区工程复垦后土地生物复垦中的土壤改良、植被品种的筛选和植被工艺等理论与技术方面的问题进行了研究。
3.Based on the physical and chemical properties analysis of red mud from Bayer-process, the soil amelioration and planting on red mud in the storage yard of Pingguo Aluminum Industrial Corporation is investigated in laboratory.在分析拜耳法赤泥理化性质的基础上 ,研究广西平果铝堆场赤泥的土壤改良与种植。
3)soil amendment土壤改良
1.It concluded that maize straw could be used as an organic materials for blueberry soil amendment instead of peat.由此可知,玉米秸秆可以替代草炭作为越橘栽培中土壤改良的有机物料。
2.The effects of fly ash as sandy soil amendment on the physical properties of soil water were tested by measuring the accumulated water infiltration in the soil.粉煤灰土壤改良层中含水率较沙土有明显提高,有效水分滞留时间显著增加。
4)soil melioration土壤改良
5)soil improvement改良土壤
1.From four aspects of nutrient content、nitrogen fixing capacity、alkaline saline resistance and soil improving capacity,the superiority of the broad bean using as green manure has been evaluated and the significance in soil improvement and efficacy improvement has been explained in this thesis.文章从养分含量、固氮能力、抗盐碱能力及改良土壤能力等四个方面对蚕豆作为有机绿肥的优越性进行评估,阐述了蚕豆用作绿肥对改良土壤、提高土壤效力的意义。
2.The mechanism of soil improvement, drought relief and water saving, growth promoting as well as affecting factors on such functions are analyzed.介绍了高吸水性树脂的吸水机理及农用高吸水性树脂的性能、种类和使用方法,分析了高吸水性树脂抗旱节水、改良土壤和促进作物生长的作用机理和影响因素,指出了当前研究中所存在的问题及改进的方向。
6)soil amelioration改良土壤
1.So discussion paid particular emphasis on exploring the theory and practice of soil amelioration of using lime in ancient China.在长期的生产实践中,已摸索出利用矿物质改良土壤之法,古文献中有零星记载。
