农业信息,agricultural information
1)agricultural information农业信息
1.Current status analysis on agricultural information service ways in Guangxi;广西农业信息服务方式现状分析
2.Development and application of the network platform for the agricultural information exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan Provinces;闽台农业信息交流网络平台的开发与应用

1.To Develop Agriculture Informatization and Bring into Play Agriculture Industrialization;发展农业信息化 以信息化推动产业化
2.Agro informationalization and Its Effect on Agricultural Industrialization;农业信息化及其对农业产业化的影响
3.Research on the Agricultural Information Service Modes Based on Agricultural Information Chain;基于农业信息链的农业信息服务模式研究
4.Agricultural informationization and analysis of the commonweal characteristic of the agricultural information technology;农业信息化及农业信息技术的公益特征分析
5.The core competency of agricultural information institutions and their information services;农业信息机构的核心竞争力与农业信息服务
6.Study on Information into Family in the Agricultural Informatization Construction;农业信息化建设中信息入户问题研究
7.On Agro-informatization and the Growth Style of Agricultural Economy;农业信息化与农业经济增长方式研究
8.Intelligent core of agriculture informatization--agricultural expert online;农业信息化的智力核心——农业专家在线
9.Basic Connotation of Agricultural Information and Modernization;农业信息化与农业现代化的基本内涵
10.Speeding up the Construction of the Modern Tobacco Agriculture by Agricultural Information以农业信息化助推现代烟草农业建设
11.Agricultural university library should be involved in the agricultural informationization construction农业高校图书馆参与农业信息化建设
12.Increase Farmers Consciousness of Information Network and Promote the Construction of IT Application in Agriculture;提高农民信息网络意识 推动农业信息化建设
13.Effect of Agricultural Informationization in New Rural Construction and Policy Support of Government to Agricultural Informationization;农业信息化在新农村建设中的作用及政府对农业信息化政策支持
14.Peasants-oriented information service of agricultural universities农业高校应以农民为本开展农业信息服务
15.Exploring and Analysis on Agricultural Information in New Rural Construction;新农村建设中的农业信息化问题探析
16.IT Applications in Agriculture and Ability Developments of the Poor Groups in Village;农业信息化与农村贫困群体能力建设
17.Enhance Agricultural Informationization to Improve the Construction of Economy in the New Countryside;加强农业信息化 促进新农村经济建设
18.Boosting Agricultural Information,Building New Socialist Countryside;推进农业信息化 建设社会主义新农村

Agriculture information农业信息
1.Analysis of the current problems of the agriculture information market in China;我国农业信息市场发展现状及问题分析
2.Study and apply on agriculture information resources shares platform based on the XML;基于XML的农业信息资源共享平台研究与应用
3.According to the need of agriculture market development,Haimen city has built the agriculture inforˉmation service terrace inside the city,which has promptly provided a large number of agriculture information for peasant and a set of operating mode served to city level information has been summarized,Now the agriculture inˉformation is well solving the question”the final a kilometer”.根据市场农业发展需要 ,江苏省海门市在全市范围内建立了农业信息服务平台 ,研究总结了一套市级信息服务平台的运行模式 ,及时向农民提供大量农业信息 ,较好地解决了农业信息“最后一公里”的问题。
3)information agriculture信息农业
1.The era of information agriculture is commencing in the new century.21世纪人类将跨入信息农业的时代。
2.Information agriculture is the advanced development stage of agriculture information industrialization and the result of the application of information technology in agriculture.信息农业是农业信息化发展的高级阶段,是现代信息技术在农业中应用的结果,3S技术在农业中的应用,使农业生产更加信息化。
3.Relationships between Precision Agrivulture,Digiatl Earth,Information Agriculture,Virtual Agriculture and Digital Agriculture are analyzed.在对现代农业基本特点分析的基础上 ,提出了“数字农业”的概念 ,并给出了数字农业的基本架构 ,分析了数字农业与精细农业、数字地球、信息农业、虚拟农业之间的关系。
4)Information-based Agriculture信息农业
1.On the basis of analyzing the difficulties in the development of our agriculture systematically, the paper expounded the importance and agency of founding information-based agriculture in our country.从分析我国农业发展存在的问题入手,论述了信息农业发展的重要性和迫切性,构建了我国信息农业建设的集成框架体系,提出了杨凌信息农业建设推进与实施的建议,并进一步提出以农业科技创新平台为突破,带动和加速杨凌信息化建设,使之成为面向世界的农业科技信息港的设想。
5)agriculture informatization农业信息化
1.Research on Service Model of Mobile Operator in China s Agriculture Informatization;移动运营商在农业信息化过程中的服务模式研究
2.This paper start from the basic truth of agricultural economy of Xiangxi autonomous prefecture,point out the necessity of developing agriculture informatization,analyse the current situation and the problem of agriculture informatization development,last put forward the corresponding countermeasures.文章从湘西州农业经济的基本实情出发,指出发展农业信息化的必要性,分析现阶段湘西州农业信息化发展的现状及存在的问题,最后针对问题提出了相应的对策。
3.Strengthening the Construction of Agriculture Informatization Is an Important Policy during the Reform Process,also a Hot Topic in the Society Now.加强农业信息化建设是目前我国改革进程中的重大举措,也是社会热点,加快农业信息化标准体系建设是保证农业信息化顺利进行的重要措施。
6)Agricultural information农业信息化
1.Agricultural electronic commerce is a necessary way for Chinese agricultural information;电子商务是农业信息化的必然
2.Some Contemplation on Agricultural Information;对农业信息化发展现状的思考
3.Progress of agricultural information system in Guangxi during the past decade (1999-2009)广西农业信息化十年(1999~2009)实践与思考

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