设施土壤,greenhouse soil
1)greenhouse soil设施土壤
1.Salt accumulation,translocation and ion composition in greenhouse soil profiles;设施土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特征
2.Effects of sterilizing on greenhouse soil by microwave;微波消毒设施土壤试验研究
3.The total N,and P in greenhouse soils increased,but the total K decreased,which indicated .表明设施土壤理化性状和各种形态养分的动态变化可能会导致土壤功能发生转变。

1.The effect on salinity of facilities soil by different manure treatment不同施肥处理对设施土壤盐分的影响
2.Study on Salt Accumulation in Greenhouse in Bengbu Region蚌埠地区设施土壤盐分累积特征研究
3.Regularity of Salt Accumulation of Greenhouse Soil in Suburbs of Harbin哈尔滨市郊设施土壤积盐规律的研究
4.Effects of applying biogas fertilizer on nitrogen-fixation bacteria in greenhouse soil施用沼肥对设施土壤固氮菌影响的研究
5.Study on Characteristics of Secondary Salinization of Soil under Protected Cultivation in Nanhui District of Shanghai City;上海市南汇区设施土壤次生盐渍化特点研究
6.Study on the Changes of Microbial Characters in Different Cropping Year s Greenhouse Soil;不同种植年限设施土壤微生物学特性变化研究
7.Nutrient State and Characteristics of Accumulation and Translocation of Salt in Greenhouse Soil Profiles;设施土壤养分状况及盐分的累积、迁移特征
8.The Forms, Transformation and Availability of Phosphorus in Sheltered Cultivation Soil;设施土壤磷素形态、转化及其生物有效性的研究
9.The Study on Regularity of Nitrate Accumulation in Greenhouse Soil and Vegetables设施土壤和蔬菜硝酸盐积累规律的研究
10.Research on secondary salinization of greenhouse soils in Pudong New Area浦东新区设施土壤次生盐渍化机理探讨
11.Secondary salinization of soil is an important factor limiting the greenhouse cropping system.设施土壤次生盐渍化是我国设施农业生产中的一个重要限制因子。
12.Effect of Long-term Stationary Fertilizing on Physical and Chemical Characters of Soil and Growth and Development of Cucumber;长期定位施肥对设施土壤理化性质及黄瓜生育影响的研究
13.Barriers to Agricultural Soils Facilities Demonstration and Application of Control Measures设施农业土壤障碍治理措施示范与应用
14.The Study of Activities of Soil Enzymes and Relationships Between Soil Enzymes and Fertilities of Different Cropping Years in Establishment;设施不同种植年限土壤酶活性及其与土壤肥力关系的研究
15.Screening of Tolerance to Soil Ca(NO_3)_2 in Tomatoes for Protected Cultivation and Their Physiological Characteristics;设施栽培番茄耐土壤硝酸盐筛选及生理特性
16.Study on the Remediational Technology of Soil Ecological Environment and the Effect in Facility Farmland;设施农田土壤生态环境修复技术及其效应研究
17.Corn straw improved soil microflora of the continuous cucumber cropping in green house;秸秆有机肥改善设施黄瓜连作土壤微生物区系
18.Relation of Soil Basic Fertility and Enzyme Activity of Greenhouse in Guanzhong Area关中地区设施农业土壤基础肥力与酶活性关系

greenhouse soil nutrient设施土壤培肥
3)Greenhouse soil quality设施土壤质量
1.It puts forword the new concept on Greenhouse soil quality.综述了目前设施土壤质量方面的研究进展,提出设施土壤质量的概念;并且针对我国设施土壤质量研究中存在的问题提出今后的研究方向。
4)facility culturing soil设施栽培土壤
5)greenhouse soil-plant system设施菜地土壤-植物系统
1.The newly progress in the effects of antibiotics from organic manure on greenhouse soil-plant system were reviewed.本文重点对设施菜地土壤-植物系统中有机肥源抗生素的影响等方面的研究进展进行了综述,最后提出了开展有机肥源抗生素在设施菜地土壤-植物系统中迁移转化规律研究的建议。
6)buride drug into soil土壤埋施
