1.Discussion on Basic Medical Insurance Management System at County Level—Regarding Jiangsu Province as Example;浅析县域基本医疗保障管理体制
2.Master-plan Research and Practice in County-level Sustainable Development Experimental Zone——A Case Study of Zhuji Sustainable Development Experimental Zone;县域可持续发展实验区总体规划编制的思路与实践——以浙江省诸暨市可持续发展实验区为例
3.Analysis of Per Capita Income Structure of Farmers in County of Ji an Ciry in 2005;吉安市2005年县域农民人均纯收入结构分析

1.Research on the High Schools of the County Service County Economy;县域普通高中服务县域经济问题研究
2.Study on the Strategy of Sustainable Agriculture Development of Guanyun County;灌云县县域农业可持续发展战略研究
3.The Research on the County-regional Economy the Medium and Small-sized Enterprises Development for Impoverished Counties;贫困县县域经济与中小企业发展研究
4.To Enlarge the Counties Power:the New Approach to Develop the Economy of Counties in Guangxi;扩权强县:广西县域经济发展的新路径
5.Research on agricultural Industry in county Area;县域农业产业化探索——以安阳县为例
6.Study on Sustainable Development, a Case Study of Hua De County Agricultural Economy化德县县域农业经济可持续发展研究
7.A Study about Economic Situation in Yuan'an County of Hubei Province湖北省远安县县域经济发展研究分析
8.Xinjin County Master Plan Compilation成都市新津县县域总体规划编制探讨
9.Intra-county economic development should be promoted.推动县域经济发展。
10.1.research results(1) The development of county economy is dependent upon county finance.(1) 县域经济发展离不开县域金融的支持。
11.Research on the Relation between County Entrepreneurial Environment and County Economic Development;县域创业环境与县域经济发展的关系研究
12.The Research on the County Territory Economy Development of Shilou;县域经济发展研究——以石楼县域经济发展为例
13.A Strategic Study on the Promotion of County District Finance and Economic Development of Jiangsu Province;江苏县域金融推进县域经济发展的策略研究
15.Changing the Growth Mode to Develop County-level Industry and Economy;发展县域工业和县域经济必须转变增长方式
16.County Economic Development and Financial System Restructuring: The Case of Zhejiang Province;县域经济发展中的县域金融体系重构:浙江案例
17.Coupling of Economy and Finance at the County-level: A Case Study in Jiangsu Province;江苏省县域经济与县域金融发展的耦合研究
18.Research on County Economy Development and ‘Blue Sea Strategy' of County Sub-branches of Agricultural Bank of China县域经济发展与县域农行蓝海战略研究

county area县域
1.Analysis on the Development of the Institutional Structure of Logisti cs of Industrial Enterprises in the County Areas;县域工业企业物流组织结构的发展分析
2.Assessment of biodiversity conservation importance in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River:by taking county area as the basic assessment unit长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价──以县域为评价单元
3.Sustainable development in a county area(SDCA) requires that each sub-system of the large complex system should keep on sustainable development.县域可持续发展要求县域复合大系统中各子系统内部及各子系统之间实现可持续发展。
3)county level县域
1.Preliminary study on issues concerning planning of new countryside construction at county level;县域尺度上新农村建设规划初探
2.On Investing in County Level Agriculture in Xinjiang;新疆县域农业投入问题探析
3.A Research on Decision Support System for Agriculture Structure Adjustment at County Level;县域农业结构调整决策支持系统研究
4)county region县域
1.Demonstrative research on town system structure in mountainous county region;山区县域城镇体系结构的实证研究——以闽北松溪县为例
2.The level of development of economy about county region is reflecting the unbalance of province economy.县域是省级区域的重要单元,县域经济是省域经济和社会发展的构成部分。
5)county territory县域
1.The research of competitive ability of county territory's investment environment in quanzhou泉州市县域投资环境竞争力评价研究
2.Synergetic economic development in Chinese county territory under the guidance of circular economics implies the unity of the various aspects of development and aims at an advanced stage of harmonious economic development.循环经济理论指导下的县域经济协同发展是指县域经济内在性、整体性和综合性的发展聚合,以达到一种县域内外高度和谐的协调发展高级阶段为最终目的。
3.Taking the county as the unit,eco-economic system healthy situation of farming and forestry compound of county territory has been studied in the laterite rolling region.在分析生态经济系统健康特征和指标筛选原则的基础上,构建了一套适合于县域尺度生态经济系统健康诊断指标体系。
1.Increasing Tendency and Stability of Grain Yield per Unit Area of Counties in Huang-huai-hai - Plain;黄淮海平原县域粮食单产的增长趋势及其稳定性比较
2.0,counties agricultural investment environment in Ningxia is appraised with GIS,FA and DEA.0统计软件,运用地理信息系统(GIS)、因子分析(FA)和数据包络分析(DEA)等定量研究方法,选取了47个原始指标或生成指标,组成样本地区县域农业投资环境评价指标体系中的子系统、数据子库和解释性指标层,对样本地区县域农业投资环境进行了综合评价。
3.Suiting the implementation needs of the strategy prospering the nation by science and education, the science and technology development in counties aroused widespread attention.适应科教兴国战略实施的需要 ,县域科技发展引起广泛重视。

城市总体规划中的市域和县域城镇体系规划 《城市规划法》第十九条规定:“设市城市和县人民政府所在地镇的总体规划,应当包括市域或者县域的城镇体系规划”。明确把市域与县域城镇体系规划作为市和县城总体规划不可缺少的部分,这是基于三方面的考虑:一是完善和深化城市总体规划的客观要求;二是完善市带县、镇管村行政体制的要求;三是切实保证发挥中心城市的作用,促使城乡协调发展的要求。 我国城市规划工作要提高科学性,重要途径之一是从区域人手,开展市、县域经济社会发展的调查研究,进行相应的市、县域城镇体系规划,在此基础上对中心城市和县城的发展进行综合部署,避免城市规划工作孤立地就城市论城市。 我国不少大、中城市实行市带县体制,县以下建制镇实行镇管村体制。市带县、镇管村,其目的都是发挥中心城市的作用,通过制定区域经济社会发展战略和城镇体系规划,对区域内城镇布局、交通运输网及其他基础设施建设、城镇发展进行综合安排,使之逐步形成以城市为中心、城乡结合、协调发展的统一整体。1986年,全国人大通过的第七个五年计划已明确提出:“七五”期间各市、县都要编制市域、县域城镇体系规划,《城市规划法》又进一步明确发挥它的法律地位。 市域、县域城镇体系规划的任务和内容主要是: 1.摸清市、县域的基本情况;分析市、县发展条件、发展优势和制约因素,提出市、县域城镇发展战略、发展目标。 2.市、县域城镇化水平和途径的预测;城镇体系的规模结构、职能分工和空间布局;市县域内重点城镇或中心城镇的发展条件分析及与周围城镇的关联,提出近期发展的重点和生产力布局的建议等。 3.确定区域基础设施,如交通、水资源、能源及社会服务设施等的发展目标与布局。 4,提出实施规划的有关技术、经济政策和措施。开展市、县域城镇规划工作,要在市、县人民的直接领导和组织下进行,要因地制宜、从实际出发,搞好各方面的协调,搞好综合平衡,进行充分的分析论证,促使区域整体功能的优化。