外水压力,external water pressure
1)external water pressure外水压力
1.Study on the external water pressure of deep-lying tunnel in Jinping hydropower station;锦屏二级水电站深埋隧洞外水压力研究
2.Discussion on external water pressure value in tunnel design;隧道设计中外水压力取值的探讨
3.Study on external water pressure on lining of tunnel No 7 of south main of YRDP;山西引黄工程南干线7~#隧洞衬砌外水压力研究

1.Study of Defining Tunnel External Water Pressure with Hydrogeochemical Method;水文地球化学方法确定隧洞外水压力研究
2.Analysis of external water pressure and construction cold joint influence on diversion tunnel导流隧洞外水压力与施工冷缝的影响分析
3.An Approach to the Coefficient or Reduction of External Water Pressure Value in the Diversion Tunnel at Xiangshui Hydropower Station响水电站引水隧洞外水压力值折减系数的问题探讨
4.Three-dimensional Seepage Calculation of Groundwater in the Cavity with Pressure of High Water for Shaanxi Yinhongjishi Project陕西引红济石工程高外水压力隧洞中地下水三维渗流计算
5.Study on lining external water pressure under limited discharge in deep buried tunnel深埋岩溶隧道限量排放条件下衬砌外水压力试验研究
6.Water pressure outside pressure tunnel under water-tight layer and effective stress of seepage不透水层压力隧洞外渗透压力和渗流有效应力
7.Simulation for Stability of Hydroelectric Station Penstock Under External Pressure水电站压力钢管外压稳定问题的数值仿真研究
8.The exudation of water from leaves as a result of root pressure.吐水作用由于根部压力使叶片向外渗水的现象
9.In the slurry dewatering test with commercial scale of Belt Press Filter, slurry went out the belt when it passed through the pressure area.在带式压滤机脱水工业性试验中,污泥从压力脱水区带两侧外溢。
10.hydrostatic extrusio静水压挤压;静水压挤压;静液力挤压;静液力挤压;液力静挤压
11.Researching on External Pressure Test Pressure Coefficient of External Pressure Vessels薄壁外压容器外压试验压力系数研究
12.hydraulic engine水力(液压)发动机
13.pneumatic and hydraulic pressure regulator气动及水压压力调节器
14.hydrostatic(al) pressure流体静压, 静水压力
15.Pressure balance system is used to balance lateral water pressure outside reinforced concrete of the air cushion surge chamber and air pressure in the surge chamber .同时,采用平压系统平衡气室钢筋混凝土外侧水压力和气室气体压力。
16.Whether or not the water pressure outside the curtainaffect the foundation?防渗帷幕外测的高水头产生的水压力是否会影响支护结构?
17.The resistance to float relates to the attributes and conditions of the ground water, the pressure and floatage of water, the change of water level and the sudden supplement of water.结构抗浮验算与地下水的性状、压力和浮力、下水位变化的影响因素、外补水有关。
18.horizontal action jack (excl. hydraulic)水平千斤顶(液压的除外)

high external water pressure高外水压力
1.A deep buried tunnel in China has the characteristics of high field stress and high external water pressure.某深埋隧洞局部地应力高达42 MPa,局部外水压力高达10 MPa,具有高地应力、高外水压力的特点。
3)high water pressure高外水压力
1.In this paper,a new method called JPQ-system is proposed,which can be proper to the conditions of high field stress and high water pressure.本文以某深埋隧洞围岩分类为例、以著名的巴顿岩体质量分类Q系统为基础,建立了高地应力、高外水压力条件下的围岩分类方法———JPQ系统,经验证该方法在某深埋隧洞围岩分类中适用性好,并可推广使用。
2.By now,these methods are not proper to the conditions of the high field stress and high water pressure.现有围岩分类方法只适用于中低地应力、低外水压力条件,在高地应力、高外水压力条件下的适用性差。
4)external hydrostatic pressure外静水压力
5)external water pressure on lining衬砌外水压力
1.Therefore,external water pressure on lining should be considered when designing tunnel structure.基于穿越高水压富水岩溶区的圆梁山隧道工程,通过理论计算和分析,得到了注浆圈参数变化对隧道涌水量和衬砌外水压力的影响规律;提出了隧道排水率的概念,分析了隧道排水率与衬砌外水压力之间的关系。
2.In this paper, a simple model is established to study tunnel discharge and external water pressure on lining in high water level mountain area, and equations that can calculate tunnel discharge, external water pressure on lining and grouting reinforcement are deduced.针对山区高水位隧道建立了研究隧道排水量及衬砌外水压力的简化模型,经过理论推导得出隧道排水量以及衬砌、注浆加固圈外水压力的解析公式,并将其应用于圆梁山隧道涌水量预测及排水量与衬砌水压关系研究。
6)external water pressure外水压力荷载

外水压力外水压力external water pressure wai弓}:ui yali外水压力(external water pressure)作用在地下结构或建筑物外壁的水压力。外水压力是水工隧洞或其它地下建筑物的基本荷载之一。对有压隧洞,它对内水压力有抵消作用,但在检修期则成为主要荷载;对无压隧洞,可采取引沐方法减小外水压力。 外水压力的大小与洞外水的埋藏、补给及排水条件、隔水层的位置、周围岩石节理裂隙的分布情况、衬砌本身和周围岩石的透水性能,以及二者的结合情况有关。对较长的隧洞和地下管道,地下水位沿程变化较大,工程地质及水文地质条件复杂,沿线的岩体与建筑物外壁又有一定的嵌固作用,故确切地计算外水压力的数值比较困难。常用的方法是:先根据水文地质条件和工程布置,并考虑水库投入运行后可能引起的地下水位变化等因素,分析确定地下水位线,再将地下水位线以下的水柱高乘以折减系数准,作为估算衬砌外缘的外水压力值。 方值的确定,要结合当地的工程地质、水文地质及防渗、排水等情况,并辅以必要的观测资料,进行全面分析确定。初定时,也可根据工程类比,参照地下水活动情况以及可能采取的工程措施,按最不利的情况选取。当地下水活动很微弱,洞壁有渗水或滴水时,口取为O一0.4;随着地下水活动的加剧,洞内严重流水时,刀值可高达0.65一1.0。当围岩采取防渗、排水措施时,方值可适当降低,但如在确定地下水位时,已经考虑了这个因素,则不宜再降低。当有内水荷载组合时,口值取小值。 实际上,衬砌与围岩可视为一个整体,水荷载是以渗流体积力的方式作用于地下水位线以下的整个岩体,渗流体积力按内外水所形成的渗流场决定。故外水压力是场力而不是边界力。根据这一概念计算隧洞衬砌的应力较为合理,这是目前发展的趋势。 (杨文祥)