滨海盐渍土,coastal saline soil
1)coastal saline soil滨海盐渍土
1.Research and Practice on Amelioration Technologies of Coastal Saline Soil in Shanghai;上海市滨海盐渍土改良技术的研究与实践
2.Durability of stabilized coastal saline soils:water stability and freeze-thaw resistance;固化滨海盐渍土耐久性试验研究
3.Influences on unconfined compressive strength of stabilized coastal saline soils;滨海盐渍土作公路路基填料试验研究

1.Tree Selection and Planting Technology Coping with Coastal Saline Soil滨海盐渍土绿化树种选择和栽植技术
2.Dynamical Rules of Water and Salt Movement in Seashore Salinized Soil Area of Shandong Province山东省滨海盐渍土水盐运动动态规律研究
3.Research and Practice on Land Consolidation in the Coastal Saline Soil Region of the Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土区土地整理研究与实践
4.Amelioration of Heavy Metal Contaminated Coastal Saline Soils by Leaching;重金属污染滨海盐渍土壤淋洗改良研究
5.Analysis on properties of vertical stress-stain of six solidified saline soils inshore六种固化滨海盐渍土的轴向应力应变特征
6.Soiled Modification and Application of Tamarix Chinensis on the Saline Soil柽柳对滨海盐渍土的改良作用及其应用
7.Analysis on engineering geological problems of inshore saline soil and treatment measures滨海盐渍土的工程地质问题与防护固化方法
8.Appreciation of strength and suitability of five solidified saline soils in inshore五种固化滨海盐渍土强度与工程适用性评价
9.Evaluation of anticorrosive measures for wheat straw and strengthening mechanism of reinforced saline soil in littoral area麦秸秆防腐评价及加筋滨海盐渍土的补强机制
10.Salt Tolerance Capacity of Halophytes and Their Effects on Coastal Saline Soil Improvement;盐生植物的耐盐能力及其对滨海盐渍土的改良效果研究
11.The Salt and Water Movements & Biology Fertility Changes under Seawater Irrigation in Seashore Saline Soil海水灌溉条件下滨海盐渍土水盐运动及生物肥力特征的研究
12.Ameliorative Effects of Saline-alkali Soil Amendments on Coastal Saline Soil and Application Techniques;土壤盐碱改良剂对滨海盐渍土的治理效果及配套技术研究
13.Effects of inorganic and organic amendments on desalting and preventing alkalization in coastal salinized soils有机-无机土壤改良剂对滨海盐渍土降盐防碱的效果
14.Effect of salt content on microstructure indices of solidified inshore saline soil with lime含盐量对石灰固化滨海盐渍土微结构参数的影响
15.Experimental Study on the Properties and Mechanism of Solidified Saline Soil in Inshore with SH Agent and Lime for Construction of Road Embankment;SH固土剂与石灰改性固化滨海盐渍土的路用性能及机理试验研究
16.Horizontal migration of ammonium nitrogen in seashore saline soil on the coast of Laizhou Bay莱州湾滨海盐渍土中铵态氮水平运移室内模拟试验
17.Study on Anti-corrosion and Mechanical Characteristics of Wheat Straw Using for Reinforced Saline Soil in Inshore;麦秸秆加筋固化滨海盐渍土的筋材防腐与力学特性研究
18.Growth Adaptability of Garden Trees in Saline-alkali Soil of Chongming Agriculture Orchard;崇明农业园区滨海盐渍土上园林树木的生长适应性研究

seashore saline soil滨海盐渍土
1.Horizontal migration of ammonium nitrogen in seashore saline soil on the coast of Laizhou Bay;莱州湾滨海盐渍土中铵态氮水平运移室内模拟试验
2.Simulation on water and salt movement in seashore saline soil under different rainfall intensities;不同降雨强度下滨海盐渍土水盐运动规律模拟实验研究
3.Adsorption and influence factors of quick-acting phosphorus in seashore saline soil of Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土中速效磷的吸附及影响因素研究
3)saline soil in inshore滨海盐渍土
1.Different salt contents effect on consistency and compactness of saline soil in inshore with lime;含盐量对石灰固化滨海盐渍土稠度和击实性能的影响
2.Experimental research on effect of salt content on strength of solidified saline soil in inshore with lime;含盐量对石灰固化滨海盐渍土力学强度影响试验研究
4)solidified saline soil in inshore固化滨海盐渍土
1.Research on strength and microstructure feature of solidified saline soil in inshore with polymer;高分子材料固化滨海盐渍土的强度与微结构研究
5)coastal meadow-saline soil滨海草甸盐渍土
1.ascendens grows well in the coastal meadow-saline soil which pH is 8.5 15 %的海岸带滨海草甸盐渍土中生长良好 ,5年生林带平均树高达 5 。
6)chlorine saline soil in Binhai area滨海氯盐渍土
1.This topic first test and analyze the chlorine saline soil\'s geotechnical properties in the Binhai area, and then on the basis of the obtained geotechnical properties, lime and fly ash was used to consolidate chlorine saline soil in Binhai area singly or mixed.课题首先测试分析了滨海氯盐渍土的土工性质,针对滨海新区土性,利用石灰、粉煤灰等无机结合料单一或组合加固滨海氯盐渍土,在试验研究各种加固土压实的基础上,对加固滨海氯盐渍土的力学性能和路用性能进行系统研究,包括不同龄期无侧限抗压强度、加州承载比、界限含盐量、抗冻性能、温缩性能、水稳定性、抗压模量等。

盐渍土地基勘察盐渍土地基勘察salty soil foundation investigation yanzitud一l一kaneha盐溃土地基勘察(salty 5011 foundat沁n in--vestigation)为盐渍土地基上建筑的设计和施工所进行的工程地质勘察。盐溃土是指土中易溶盐含量高于0.5%,具有吸湿、松胀等特性的土。盐渍土按分布区域分为滨海盐渍土、内陆盐溃土和冲积平原盐溃土;按含盐性质分为氯盐类、硫酸盐类和碳酸盐类盐渍土;按含盐量分为弱盐渍土、中等盐溃土和强盐渍土。 土中所含易溶盐的性质和含量对盐渍土的工程性能影响较大。氯盐类具有较强的吸湿性,使土软化。硫酸盐类具有吸水膨胀失水收缩的特性,使土变松。碳酸盐类盐渍土主要为含Na厂03、NaHC03的土,其溶液具有碱性反应,阳离子吸附性强,粘土颗粒结合水膜增厚,不仅颗粒间的粘聚力减小,而且引起土体膨胀。 勘察工作内容包括:查明盐渍土的分布范围、厚度、形成条件、含盐类型、含盐程度、湿陷性和膨胀性、溶蚀洞穴及其分布;确定场地有害毛细水上升高度;判定土、水对建筑材料的腐蚀性等。勘探点的布置应满足查明盐渍土分布的要求。土试样数量应按不同勘察阶段和不同深度区别对待,即详细勘察比初步勘察、浅部比深部取土间隔要缩小一些。地基承载力的确定应以静力载荷试验为主,辅以其他土的原位试验。土的试验室试验除作一般试验项目和易溶盐分析外,还要进行一定数量的化学分析和有机质含量测定,必要时对土的结构进行电子显微镜鉴定。根据勘察结果,对盐渍土地基进行评价。 (傅世法)