固定态铵,fixed ammonium
1)fixed ammonium固定态铵
1.The dynamics and availability of soil fixed ammonium in rice-duck complex ecosystems;稻鸭共作生态系统稻田土壤固定态铵含量及有效性
2.Profile distribution of fixed ammonium in some paddy soils in Hunan province;湖南省某些稻田土壤固定态铵的剖面分布
3.Relationship Between the Release of Fixed ammonium from Yellow Brown Soil and the Density of Ryegrass;黄棕壤矿物固定态铵的释放与黑麦草种植密度的关系

1.Studies on Fixed Ammonium of Chief Upland Cultivated Soils in Hunan Province;湖南省主要旱耕地土壤固定态铵的研究
2.Correlation between Fixed Ammonium and Illite in Paddy Soil, Nanjing Region南京地区水稻土中固定态铵与伊利石的相关性
3.Relationship Between the Release of Fixed ammonium from Yellow Brown Soil and the Density of Ryegrass黄棕壤矿物固定态铵的释放与黑麦草种植密度的关系
4.Study on Distribution of Fixed Ammonium and Its Influencing Factors in Paddy Soil Profile固定态铵在水稻土剖面中的分布特征及其影响因素研究
5.Solid waste--Determination of total chromium--Titrimetric methodGB/T15555.8-1995固体废物总铬的测定硫酸亚铁铵滴定法
6.A Study on the Characteristics of Ammonium Fixation and Adsorption of the Corn Belt Phaeozem in Songliao Plain;松辽平原玉米带黑土铵的固定和吸附特性研究
7.Synthesis and Properties of Silica-immobilized Quaternary Ammonium SO_3H Acidic Ionic Liquids硅胶固定化季铵SO_3H型离子液体的合成与性能
8.Solid waste--Determination of chromium(VI)--Titrimetric methodGB/T15555.7-1995固体废物六价铬的测定硫酸亚铁铵滴定法
9.Solid extraction method of researching the separation for rare earth element --rare earth NH 4SCN TBP system固态萃取法研究稀土元素的分离——稀土-硫氰酸铵-磷酸三丁酯体系
10.Effects of Rhizobia, NH_4~+-Fertilizer and Light Strength on Nitrogen Fixation and Photosynthesis of Soybean;根瘤菌、铵态氮、光照强度对大豆固氮和光合作用影响的研究
11.Water has no definite shape.水没有固定的形态。
12.Analysis of Dynamic and Thermal Characteristics of Fixed Joint in Machine Tool;机床固定结合面动态与热态特性分析
14.a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position.牢固地固定在一个垂直状态的木料或金属。
15.Ammonium chloride vaporizes on heating, and sublimes back to a solid on cooling.氯化铵受热蒸发,升华,冷却还原为固体。
16.Filtration and Sedimentation of MAP Suspension;磷铵(MAP)料浆固液分离特性研究
17.Determination of available phosphorus content for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphateGB/T10207-1988磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵中有效磷含量测定
18.Determination of total nitrogen content for MAP or DAP by elemental analyzer元素分析仪测定磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵中总氮含量

1.Paleoclimatic significance of fixed-NH_4~+-N in the Luochuan loess section during the last 130 ka;最近13万年以来洛川黄土剖面中固定铵态氮的古气候意义
3)release of fixed ammonium固定态铵的释放
1.The kinetics of release of fixed ammonium from several types of cultivated upland soils and paddy soils derived from chief parent materials in Hunan province, China, were studied with sampling on fields, and laboratory incubation and determination.结果表明,供试土壤固定态铵的释放非常缓慢。
4)Residual fixed ammonium残余固定态铵
5)Fixed ammonium in soil土壤固定态铵
1.This paper summarizes the data on the study of fixed ammonium in soils as follows:comparison and evaluation of determination method of fixed ammonium, origin and content of fixed ammonium and its distribution in soil profile, factors affecting fixation and release of ammonium in soil,availability of fixed ammonium to plant.综述了土壤固定态铵测定方法 ,土壤固定态铵的来源、含量及其在剖面中的分布 ,影响铵的矿物固定与释放的因素 ,固定态铵的有效性
6)fixed NH_4~+ capacity固定态铵容量
