水泥厂,Cement plant
1)Cement plant水泥厂
1.Design of three elements supervising system of cement plant in view of intranet;基于Intranet的水泥厂三元监控系统设计
2.Application of film type deaerator in waste heat power station of cement plant;旋膜式除氧器在水泥厂余热电站中的应用

1.Study on Cement Clinker s Production in Shaft Kiln Cement Plant by Use of Wastewater from Local Chemistry Plants;颜料化工厂废水用于立窑水泥厂成球生产熟料
2.small and medium complete production line for manufacturing cement中小型水泥厂成套生产线
3.The plant has a capacity of2,600 tons of clinker a day.该水泥厂的生产量为每天2600吨的渣块。
4.Also, the plant was the core of the local economy.同时,水泥厂又是这地区经济的核心。
5.In the other rooms, he operates a primitive factory making jelly.这家水泥厂破产前,他曾在这里工作。
6.Study and Development of Supervisory and Management System in Cement Plant;水泥厂监视与管理系统的开发与研究
7.thickened waterworks sludge经浓缩的滤水厂污泥
8.This factory manufactures shoes/cement.这家工厂生产鞋子(水泥)。
9.This factory manufactures cement.这家工厂生产水泥。
10.Technology research on waterworks sludge and sewage sludge for ceramsite给水厂与污水厂污泥制陶粒技术研究
11.Analysis of sludge disposal wastewater saving potential in Nanjing water plant南京城市给水厂排泥水节水潜力分析
12.Experimental Research on Thickening Property of Sludge in Water Treatment Plants of Zhongyin in Daqing City;大庆市中引水厂排泥水污泥浓缩性能试验研究
13.guidance on sampling of sludges from sewage and water-treatment works污水中淤泥和水处理厂的取样指南
14.Treatment of Reject Water from Wastewater Treatment Plant Using SBR;SBR法处理城市污水厂污泥水试验研究
15.Affecting Factors of Sludge-thickening and Dewatering in Water-Supply Plant;自来水厂污泥浓缩脱水性能影响因素
16.Application of Sludge Dewatering Equipment in Wastewater Treatment Plant污泥脱水设备在污水处理厂中的应用
17.Characteristics of Sludge Water in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant城镇污水处理厂污泥水特性研究进展
18.Pipeline Delivery of Dewatered Sludge in Xiangfu Waterworks祥符水厂脱水污泥实现泵—管道输送

cement factory水泥厂
1.The water preadding and ball forming system of cement factory based on nuclear scale;基于核子秤的水泥厂预加水成球系统
2.Describes the history of power generation by surplus heat from cement factory in China, Composition and parametric features of several surplus heat power generation system, their applications and future development trend in China.阐述了我国水泥厂余热发电技术的发展历史 ,分析了几代余热发电系统的特点及在我国的应用和今后我国余热利用的发展方
3.This paper takes one cement factory in Liaoning province as example,according to the characteristic of water and soil lose,the factor designs prevention measure for water and soil lose by area.以辽宁省某水泥厂为例,根据水土流失特点,分区设计了水泥厂项目区内各项水土流失防治措施。
3)cement mill水泥厂
1.Structural design research of long span spatial latticed shell in cement mill;水泥厂大跨度空间网壳结构设计方案研究
2.A new dedusting technique for cement mill the dust separator combined with wet dedusting, high-voltage and electrostatic equipments was presented, including its structure, principles and application, and also including its main advantages and requirement.介绍一种水泥厂除尘的有效技术——湿法高压静电组合式除尘器,包括其构造、原理与应用实践,也包括该方法的优点和要求,以供同类企业的应用参考,对解决水泥厂粉尘污染问题有现实意义。
4)waterworks sludge水厂污泥
5)Small cement plant小水泥厂
6)leave factory cement出厂水泥

年产25万t的钢渣水泥厂年产25万t的钢渣水泥厂  笼 井瘾 年产25万t的钢渣水泥厂