基因资源,gene resources
1)gene resources基因资源
1.Strategies for study and utilization of gene resources of marine organisms;专家论海洋生物基因资源的研究与利用
2.The protection and utilization of the gene resources in china minority areas;少数民族地区基因资源保护和利用
3.Exploitation of gene resources and legal protection;基因资源的利用及其法律保护

1.The Relationship between Property Right Form and Efficiency of Genetic Resource Deploy基因资源产权安排与资源配置效率的关系
2.Application and Research Development of Gene Resource in Anti-disease Gene Engineering抗病转基因育种中基因资源的应用与研究进展
3.On the Legislation of Human Beings Gene Resources Abroad and its Policy;人类基因资源的国外立法和政策实践
4.A Study on Chinese White Poplar Gene Resource Collecting and Using in Gansu Province甘肃省毛白杨基因资源收集与利用的研究
5.Screening and Identification of Marine Microbial Type Ⅰ PKS Gene Resources;海洋微生物Ⅰ型PKS基因资源的筛选与鉴定
6.Study on the Drought-resistance and Genetic Variation of Genetic Resources of Populus Nigra;欧洲黑杨基因资源的抗旱性及遗传变异研究
7.A Resource-based Analysis on the Motivation of Enterprise Outsourcing Strategy;基于资源观的企业外包战略动因分析
8.Genotype Differences in Main Characters among Sun-cured Tobacco Germplasm Resources晒烟种质资源主要性状的基因型差异
9.Adaptive Resource Allocation based on Resource Factor for Power-line Communication Systems基于资源因子的电力线通信系统自适应资源分配
10.The Research of Multi-state Multi-resource Leveling Optimization Based on Genetic Optimization基于基因算法的多工况多资源均衡优化研究
11.Analysis of Diversification's Inner Reason Based on RBT基于资源基础理论的多角化战略内部动因分析
12.Grid Resource Allocation Algorithm Based on Parallel Gene Expression Programming基于并行基因表达式编程的网格资源分配算法
13.Computer Simulation of Gene Drift in Genetic Resources during the Generation Alternations种质资源世代更替中基因漂变的计算机模拟
14.Screening for Genotype of Big Grain and High Protein Content in the Variety Sources of Adzuki Bean小豆种质资源大粒、高蛋白优质基因型的筛选
15.On the Basic Methods to Quickly Acquire and Use Information of Physical Education获取并利用因特网体育信息资源的基本方法
16.Formation and Evolution of Business Network: A Resource-based View;商务网络成因与演化——基于资源观理论的分析
17.Transformation of Physalis Linn. with iaaM Gene Using Agrobaterium and Creation of Genetic Diversity of Parthenocarpy;农杆菌介导iaaM基因创造单性结实酸浆种质资源
18.Study on Physiological Mechanism and RAPD Markers Linked to Waterlogging Tolerance Gene of Flax;亚麻耐渍资源的生理研究及耐渍基因的RAPD标记

gene resource基因资源
1.These gene resources include super genotype,geography type, super provenance type and hybridization type.结合龙山林场杉木良种繁育基地的建设,广东省在该场建成了遗传基础比较丰富的杉木基因资源收集库,共收集省内外基因材料709份,包括杉木优良基因材料、杉木地方类型材料、杉木种源材料和杉木杂交材料。
2.Comporison of Genetic Variations of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) Gene Resource by Microsatellite Markers;本研究利用13对SSR引物对120份(105份国外引进、15份我国新疆)欧洲黑杨基因资源进行了遗传多态性分析,共检测出171个等位基因,每个多态性位点检测到7~19个等位基因,平均为13。
3.The findings show:①The Western Sichuan Plateau is abundant in poplar gene resources.研究表明 :①川西高原地区杨树基因资源丰富 ,有青杨派杨树 1 1种、 8个变种和 1 0个天然杂交类型 ,占中国特有青杨 2 4种的 45 8% ,是我国杨树自然分布中心和变异中心之一。
3)genetic resources基因资源
1.With the advantages of modern technology,the great amount of benefits gained from the research of genetic resources,led to the more and more hit competing of the genetic resources.随着现代科技的日趋发达,对基因资源的研究所能带来的巨额利润,引导着一场日趋激烈的基因争夺赛。
2.With the development of biotechnology, it is urgent to protect the genetic resources and prevent "biopiracy" in developing countries which have made an effort in WTO through the revision of article 27.文章提出了由于国际社会对基因资源缺乏强有力的保护而出现的“生物海盗”问题,阐述了世界贸易组织(WTO)历届部长会议对基因资源的讨论,然后论述了在世贸组织新一轮多边贸易谈判中如何修改《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(TRIPs)第27条,将基因资源保护纳入到 TRIPs框架之内。
4)genetic resource基因资源
1.There are abundant genetic resources of poplars in southwest China,which is believed as a centre of Sect.中国西南地区乡土杨树基因资源丰富,被认为是青杨组的现代自然分布和演化中心之一。
2.Using property right theory and principal-agent theory in economics,this paper studies the issue of property right deployment and benefit allotment of genetic resources.利用经济学中的产权理论和委托-代理理论研究基因资源的产权配置与利益分享问题。
3.The paper mainly studies the relationship between property right form of genetic resource and efficiency of its deploy.主要研究了基因资源产权安排与资源配置效率之间的关系。
5)new gene resource新基因资源
6)the resources of human gene人类基因资源

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。