菜籽饼粕,rapeseed meal
1)rapeseed meal菜籽饼粕
1.Study on technology about shower detoxification of rapeseed meal;菜籽饼粕淋洗脱毒工艺探讨
2.In this paper,current global production of rapeseed was analyzed,detoxification of rapeseed meal was discussed and 5 ways of rapeseed protein's extraction were reviewed.菜籽饼粕是一个潜在营养价值很高的巨大植物蛋白资源,科学合理利用廉价的菜籽蛋白具有重要的社会和经济意义。
3.Phytic acid was extracted directly from rapeseed meal by means of deposit solvent.本文研究了沉淀剂法直接从菜籽饼粕中提取植酸。

1.New method for producing phytic acid from removed shell rapeseed cake脱壳菜籽饼粕生产植酸新工艺的研究
2.Studies on the Extraction and Antioxidant Activities of Phytic Acid from Rapeseed Cake;菜籽饼粕中植酸的提取及其抗氧化活性的研究
3.Preparation of Rapeseed Protein Isolate from Rapeseed Meal and the Study on Its Hydrolysis Condition;菜籽饼粕中分离蛋白的制备及其酶解条件研究
4.Synchronize Extraction、Isolation and Purification Polyphenol and Phytic Acid of Rapeseed Cake;同步提取、分离及纯化菜籽饼粕中的多酚和植酸
5.The Study of Screening and Mixing the Strains Improving Feeding Quality of Rapeseed Meal菜籽饼粕饲用品质改良菌株的筛选与混合发酵
6.Effects of rapeseed cake on soil organic matter and activities of soil enzyme菜籽饼粕对土壤有机质和土壤酶活性的影响
7.Samples of rapeseed/ canola meal obtained from China and a sample of commercial canola meal obtained from a local supplier in Canada were evaluated in biological trials with poultry to determine their feeding value for monogastricanimals.来自中国和加拿大当地加工厂的油菜籽饼粕和卡诺拉饼粕,用于饲喂家禽,测定饲料价值。
8.Screening and Fermentation Condition Optimization of L-Lactic Acid Fermentation by Lactic Acid Bacteria with Rape Cake Hydrolyzate as Nitrogen Source;菜籽饼粕水解液为氮源细菌产L-乳酸的菌种选育及发酵条件优化
9.Studies on the Extraction and Isolation of Proteins from Rapeseed Meal and Application in Baked Food;菜籽饼粕蛋白提取分离技术及其在烘焙食品中的应用
10.The Research of Extracting Protein from Meal with Membrane-separation Technology;膜分离技术在分离菜籽饼粕中蛋白质的应用研究
11.Effect of Enzyme Supplementation on Metabolite of Nutriments and Energy in Double-low Rapeseed Meal;添加酶制剂对改善“双低”菜籽饼粕营养物质及能量代谢的研究
12.Study on Effection to Rapeseed Meal Nutritive Value by Different Oil-refining Technique and Microorganism Detoxifying不同制油工艺对菜籽饼粕营养价值的影响及其微生物脱毒的研究
13.A New Method for Detoxification and Application of Hulling Rapeseed Meal脱壳菜籽饼粕的脱毒方法及替代鱼粉饲养鼠试验
14.Advance in quantitative detection of degradationproducts of glucosinolate in rapeseed meal(cake)菜籽饼粕中硫甙降解产物定量检测方法研究进展
15.Effects of Anti-nutritional Factors in Rapeseed Meal on Dairy Production菜籽饼(粕)的抗营养因子及其对奶牛生产的影响
16.A Quantitative Analysis Method of Glucosinolates in Rapeseed Meal油菜籽(饼粕)中硫代葡萄糖甙总量速测方法-氯化钯法
17.Solid-state Fermentation of Cottonseed Meal with Mixed Culture of Microorganisms复合微生物固态发酵棉籽饼粕的研究
18.Determination of free gossypol in cottonseed cake feed by HPLCHPLC法测定棉籽饼粕饲料中的游离棉酚

rapeseed cake菜籽饼粕
1.Effects of rapeseed cake on soil organic matter and activities of soil enzyme菜籽饼粕对土壤有机质和土壤酶活性的影响
2.The technics of phytic acid extraction from protein-extracted rapeseed cake wasstudied and the extraction conditions of aci.本文以去除蛋白的菜籽饼粕为原料,进行提取植酸的工艺研究,试验优化了酸液浸提植酸的因素条件,选取得到较好的704~#阴离子交换树脂,采用静态法和动态法探索了离子交换的最适参数,同时对植酸的抗氧化活性进行了研究。
3)rape Cake菜籽饼粕
1.The protein feed was produced from the mixture of rape cake and soy sauce residue through solid-state fermentation by excellent strains.筛选优良菌株 ,采用菜籽饼粕与酱油渣混合发酵生产蛋白饲料 ,克服了酱油渣单独发酵水分和食盐含量过大以及营养不全面的问题 ,有利于基质营养互补和发酵菌的生长繁殖 ,提高了菜籽饼粕脱毒率和饼粕、糟渣发酵饲料的粗蛋白增加率。
2.Study on High Efficient Crude Protein Degrading of Rape Cake Special Purpose Fertilizing in Tobacco;立题对以菜籽饼粕为基质的烟草专用复合(混合)菌肥进行开发利用研究。
4)rapeseed meal(cake)菜籽粕(饼)
5)rapeseed meal polysaccharides菜籽饼粕多糖
6)defatted rapeseed meal脱脂菜籽饼粕

香油酥饼香油酥饼是上海城隍庙湖滨点心店的特色小吃之一。深受群众欢迎。原料配方面粉2.75千克 老肥120克 芝麻200克 葱花250克 椒盐100克 饴糖150克 猪油325克 花生油65克 生猪板油1.15千克制作方法1.先用面粉1.4千克放入面钵内,加猪油混和揉成光滑不粘手的面团,用布盖好,以免风吹结皮,即成油酥;另将剩余的全部面粉,加入适量温水和花生油、老肥拌匀后,再揉成光滑不粘的面团,并将它放在抹有油的面板上,搓成粗条,摘成面剂(约可摘50个),一个个揿扁,随后将油酥搓成50个小圆块,也一块块按扁,又逐个擀成椭圆形后,用手把它先卷成长条,再横放在揿扁的面剂上按成扁的饼皮。2.将生板油去衣切成黄豆大的颗粒,加入花椒盐拌成板油馅心。然后用每块皮裹上板油馅约10克和适量葱花包起来捏拢,再擀成椭圆形饼。同时用适量清水加饴糖拌和后,用排笔刷在饼面上,翻个面再撒满芝麻,即成生油酥饼。3.将烘饼炉烘热(不要太热,过热用湿布拭抹降温),随后将包好的生油酥饼末撒芝麻的一面抹上一些冷水,贴在炉壁上烘到饼发胖、芝麻呈黄色时,用右手拿火钳,右手拿铁笊篱将饼钳出放在笊篱内即成。此饼质松易破。用火钳时必须轻钳轻放。烘第二炉时,须先用温布把炉壁抹一遍,以降到原来的温度再烘饼。否则,炉壁过热,饼不易粘住。产品特点 焦黄色,香松味美,油香不腻,入口即化,现做现吃更佳。