野生果树,Wild Fruit Trees
1)Wild Fruit Trees野生果树
1.Study on the Wild Fruit Trees Species Resource in Gansu;甘肃野生果树物种资源研究
2.The germplasm resources of wild fruit trees in Ningxia;宁夏野生果树种质资源初报
3.Germplasm resource of wild fruit trees in main forestry regions and natured reserves of Gansu province were preliminarily investigated.通过对甘肃各主要林区、保护区野生果树种质资源的初步调查,研究表明:甘肃野生果树资源丰富,有312种和46变种(变型),隶属于32科、70属。

1.Construction of XinJiang Wild Fruit Trees Resources Database System新疆野生果树资源数据库系统的构建
2.Investigation on Habitat and Community of Wild Fruit Trees of Akebia in Guizhou贵州省木通属野生果树生境及其群落调查
3.Investigation and Exploration of Wild Fruits Germplasm Resources in Anhua County;安化县野生果树种质资源调查与开发利用
4.Investigation on Wild Fruit Germplasm Resource in Fujian Province and Study on the Utilization of Axillary Wildjujube, Choerospondias Axillaris Burtt.;福建野生果树资源调查和南酸枣利用的研究
5.Investigation on Wild Fruit Tree Resources of Xiaolongshan Forest Area in Gansu Province甘肃小陇山林区野生果树种质资源调查分析
6.Wild Fruit Tree Resources and Their Development in Jiufu Mountain,Fujian福建九阜山野生果树资源及其开发利用
7.Application of the Wild Fruit Trees Resource in Urban Landscape and Green Space in Zhejiang浙江野生果树资源在城市园林绿地中的应用
8.Wild Fruit Tree Germplasm Resources in Mengda Nature Reserve and Their Exploitation and Utilization孟达自然保护区野生果树种质资源及其开发利用
9.Investigation and Utilizational Countermeasure on Germplasm Resources of Wild Fruit Tree in Guiyang贵阳市野生果树种质资源调查研究及其开发利用对策
10.any of numerous wild apple trees usually with small acid fruit.任何野生苹果树,果实小且酸。
11.A plant that grows wild or has escaped from cultivation, especially a wild apple tree or its fruit.野生植物,野生苗野生的植物或非耕种的植物,尤指野苹果树和野苹果
12.Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength.田野的走兽啊,不要惧怕;因为,旷野的草发生,树木结果,无花果树、萄树也都效力。
13.Be not afraid, O wild animals, for the open pastures are becoming green. The trees are bearing their fruit; the fig tree and the vine yield their riches.田野的走兽阿,不要惧怕。因为旷野的草发生,树木结果,无花果树。葡萄树也都效力。
14.large North American wild cherry with round black sour edible fruit.北美大型野生樱桃树,果实酸但可食,圆形,黑色。
15.Eatable-fruit tree species of wild rosaceae and ulmaceae in Heilongjiang province黑龙江省野生蔷薇科、榆科可食果实树种资源
16.wild plum trees of eastern and central North America having red-orange fruit with yellow flesh.北美东部和中部的一种野生李子树,橙红色果实,黄色果肉。
17.wild plum of northeastern United States having dark purple fruits with yellow flesh.美国东北的一种野生李子树,黒紫色果实,黄色果肉。
18.Deciduous plantings, plants whose leaves drop off in winter, generally bear the most fruit, nuts, and seeds for wildlife.落叶树通常可以提供野生动物需要的常见籽粒和坚果。

wild fruit tree野生果树
1.The wild fruit tree resources in the Jigongshan Nature Reserve and its characteristic;河南省鸡公山自然保护区的野生果树资源及其特点
2.Germplasm resources of wild fruit tree in Guizhou province;贵州野生果树种质资源的调查研究
3.A total of 23 families,37 genera and 109 species of wild fruit trees are accounted for Wenling City of Zhejiang Province besed on past data and present investigation made in 2005.调查表明,温岭市共有野生果树109种,隶属于23科37属,包括可直接作果品食用、加工成各种果品食用和可作栽培果树育种材料等资源。
3)Wild fruit野生果树
1.Investigation of wild fruit resources in Xiaoxi National Reserve of Hunan;湖南小溪国家级自然保护区野生果树资源调查
2.There are 113 wild fruit species in Weibei loess gully region of Shaanxi.陕西渭北高原沟壑区有野生果树 113种 ,隶属 2 5科 4 8属 ,其中蔷薇科有 4 7种。
3.There are 33 wild fruits, 2 semicultivation fruits, and 15 species cultivation fruits in the Yan an Ecoagriculture Demonstration Area, and 5 cultivation fruits can be introduced into this area.延安生态农业建设示范区有野生果树33种,半栽培果树有2种,栽培果树有15种,可引入的果树有5种。
4)wild fruits野生果树
1.Hunan province has rich germplasm resources of wild fruits.作者根据多年来采集的标本和调查研究,初步查明湖南有野生果树植物162种,分属于21科,42属。
2.There are excellent natural conditions and abundant resources of wild fruits in the region .野生果树种质资源丰富。
5)wild tree species of ornamental fruit野生观果树种
1.There are 13 species,10 genera and 8 families of wild tree species of ornamental fruits distributed in Daxinganlin area;33 species,25 genera and 18 families in Xiaoxinganlin,and 43 species,29 genera and 20 families in Mt.据调查,大兴安岭地区的野生观果树种有8科10属13种,小兴安岭有18科25属33种,完达山及张广才岭有20科29属43种,其中应用广泛的有45种。
6)Wild fruit tree resources野生果树资源
