1.The Humanism: banner of medical science;人文精神是医学科学的旗帜
2.A glorious banner of journalist——about the reporter’s experience and brilliant contribution of MU Qing;社会主义新闻工作者的一面旗帜——略论穆青对中国新闻事业的杰出贡献
3.Socialism with Chinese characteristic:the unity of banner,path and theory;中国特色社会主义:旗帜、道路、理论的统一

1.unfurl a flag, banner, sail, etc展开旗子、 旗帜、 风帆等.
2.The flag was riding up the mast.旗帜飘荡着升上旗杆。
3.Flags were flying on every mast.旗帜在每根旗杆上飘扬。
4.The standard of the United States is the Star Spangled Banner.合众国的旗帜是星条旗。
5.He tore down the enemy's flag.他扯下敌人的旗帜
6.send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code.挥舞旗帜作为一种信号。
7.The main-sail hung drooped like a banner.主帆耷拉着,像一面旗帜
8.Banners fluttered in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。
9.The flag was flying aloft.旗帜在高高地飘扬。
10.The flags streamed in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬着。
11.The flag whipped in the strong wind.旗帜在大风中飘扬。
12.The Banner streamed in the Breeze.旗帜在微风中迎风飘扬
13.Flags waved above our heads.旗帜在我们头上飘扬。
14.The flag was fluttering in the sunshine.旗帜在阳光中飘扬着。
15.Law on the Use of Flags of the National Minorities [Republic of Macedonia]少数民族旗帜使用法
16.A flag was hoisted on top of the building.大楼顶上升起一面旗帜
17.The banner of mankind's just war is the banner of mankind's salvation. The banner of China's just war is the banner of China's salvation.人类正义战争的旗帜是拯救人类的旗帜,中国正义战争的旗帜是拯救中国的旗帜
18.The streets are decked with flags.街道上挂满了旗帜

1.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics:the flag leading the development of China;中国特色社会主义:引领中国发展进步的旗帜
2.Rational consideration on the necessity of upholding socialistic flag that has Chinese characteristics;对高举中国特色社会主义旗帜必然性的理性思考
3)An ensign;a flag.军旗;旗帜
4)the banner of旗帜性
5)the flag of CPC党的旗帜
6)great banner伟大旗帜
