1.By analysising large number of weather events, grib data of relevant p hysics, doplar radar echo, the physical cause of torrential rain at Funing on 15 May was discoursed.利用MICAPS系统提供的大量天气实况和有关物理量格点资料,多普勒雷达回波,分析了2004年5月15日富宁特大洪灾的物理成因,揭示了其产生的环流场特征。
2.By analysising large number of weather events, grib data of relevant physics, doplar radar echo, the physical cause of torrential rain at Funing on 15 May was discoursed.利用MICAPS系统提供的大量天气实况和有关物理量格点资料,多普勒雷达回波,分析了2004年5月15 日富宁特大洪灾的物理成因,揭示了其产生的环流场特征。

1.Major Kinds of Diseases and Insect Pests of Illicium verum and Corresponding Control in Funing County富宁县八角主要病虫害种类及其治理
2.The Conceiving and Developing of the Earliest Funing Local Drama of Yunnan Zhuang Drama;论云南壮剧最早一支富宁土戏的孕育及形成
3.A clear fast is better than a dirty Breakfast宁为清贫,不为浊富
4.A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast.宁为清贫,不为浊富。
5.Full-bodied, with chewy tannins and lots of fruit.酒体浓郁,厚实的单宁和丰富的果香。
6."A rich house, all its members at peace, is ruined at last and scattered;""家富人宁,终有个家亡人散各奔腾."
7.Ningbo Fuda Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd.宁波富达电器股份有限公司
8.Better slip with foot than with tongue. --Benjamin Franklin宁可失足,也不失言。——富兰克林
9.Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery.宁可空而有志,不可富而失节
10.The Financial Situation Analysis of Ningbo Fuda Company Limited;宁波富达股份有限公司财务状况分析
11.They said that it was better to be poor under socialism than to be rich under capitalism.宁肯要穷的社会主义,不要富的资本主义。
12.Lenin s Enrichment and Development of "One Country s Victory" after the October Revolution;十月革命后列宁对“一国胜利”学说的丰富和发展
13.On the Principle of Bearing Little and Getting Rich quickly and the Transition of Bearing Concept of Ningxia Hui People;“少生快富”与宁夏回族群众生育观念的转变
14.Wealth Strategy Based on the Survey of Economic Situation of Mountainous Aarea in Mid-China--Sample Investigation Made in Ning an Village, Ningxiang County,Hunan Province;中部山区农村经济现状调查及致富途径初探——对湖南省宁乡县宁安村的典型调查
15.In some instances, the children started fighting over the inheritance as soon as the head of the household died.有些富人逝世后尸骨未寒,子女就为了争遗产而闹到死人不得安宁。
16.Joan: I'd rather have good table manners than all the riches in the world!琼:我宁愿要有好的饭桌礼仪,而不要世界上的所有财富!
17.The finish is remarkable well-balanced with rich, assertive tannins.丰富稳定的单宁赋予此酒平衡而令人难忘的回味。
18.It is used as a general blood tonic and contains vitamins E, A and B12 and rich in tannins.它作为一种普通的血液含有维他命补品、电子、一宁、B12及丰富.

C. funingensis富宁苔草
3)M. funingensis sp. nov富宁林檎
4)Funing local drama富宁土戏
1.His description was actually the embryo of AiYiYa in Funing local dram他所记述的情景,已经是富宁土戏〔哎依呀〕腔调形成的雏形了。
2.Funing local drama is born against old,profound,historical and cultural background.富宁土戏的诞生,有古老深厚的历史文化背景。
5)Funing County富宁县
1.Lan Dian Yao People s "Du Jie" and Its Social Significance——Take Lan Dian Yao People of Funing County in Yunnan Province as Examples;蓝靛瑶的“度戒”及其社会意义——以云南省富宁县蓝靛瑶为例
2.Current Situation of Camellia oleifera Industry and Developmental Strategies of Funing County富宁县油茶产业现状及发展对策
3.Major Kinds of Diseases and Insect Pests of Illicium verum and Corresponding Control in Funing County富宁县八角主要病虫害种类及其治理
6)funing hirsute paphiopedilum (paphippedilum hirsutissimum var chimuanum)富宁石槲

富宁藤富宁藤介绍 富宁藤 (Parepigynum funingense Tsiang et P.T.Li)科属: 夹竹桃科 富宁藤属别名: 形态特征: 粗壮木质藤本,具乳汁。花色黄色花期4-9月果期11月至翌年3月分布与习性:产云南富宁、马关、麻栗坡、西畴等县,贵州也有。海拔下限1000海拔上限1800产地属南亚热带山地常绿阔叶林区,气候温和,雨量充沛,常年多雾,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,土壤湿润、肥沃。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:国家二级保护植物图片: