1.Genesis and clue for prospecting of Sishanlinchang gold-silver deposit in Jidong of Heilongjiang;黑龙江鸡东四山林场金银矿矿床成因及找矿标志

1.Land Use/Cover Change--A Case Study of Jidong County土地利用/覆被变化分析——以鸡东县为例
2.Research of the Application and the Development for the Water-Save Irrigation Technology of the Paddy Rice in Jidong County;鸡东县水稻节水控制灌溉技术应用研究
3.Ore controlling conditions and prospecting direction for Jinchanggou copper-molybdenum-gold mineralization area in Jidong鸡东金场沟铜钼、金矿化区控矿条件与找矿方向
4.any of several short-billed Old World rails.几种短嘴的东半球秧鸡。
5.large black Old World grouse.东半球大型黑色松鸡。
6.Contrastive Analysis of Egg Quality Parameters Betweer Haidong Chicken and Roman Chicken海东鸡与罗曼鸡蛋品质指标的对比分析
7.large brilliantly patterned East Indian pheasant.印度东部的大型颜色鲜艳的雉鸡。
8.Corn is an outgrowth on a toe.鸡眼是脚趾上长出的东西。
9.Something suggesting a fowl's comb in appearance or position.在外形或位置上使人想到鸡冠的东西.
10.a Cantonese dish of chicken and sauted vegetables.由鸡肉和嫩煎蔬菜做成的广东菜。
11.and fried chicken are good I'd like to try something new.和炸鸡都不错。我想试试这些新东西,
12.SE Asian jungle fowl considered ancestral to domestic fowl.东南亚原鸡,被认为是家禽的祖先。
13.The chickens scratched some food out of the earth.小鸡从泥土里扒出了一些吃的东西。
14.Efficiency Evaluation of Caragana opulens Kom.in Arid Region of Eastern Qinghai青海东部干旱区甘蒙锦鸡儿效益评价
15.Fractal Analysis of Jilongding Fault Systems in Southeastern Guangxi桂东南鸡笼顶矿田断裂系统分形研究
16.An East Indian soup having a meat or chicken base and curry seasoning.咖喱鸡(或肉)汤东印度地区的一种有肉或鸡肉加咖喱调味炖的汤
17.Growth Curve and Metabolizable Energy Require Model of Locate Poultry in ShanDong Province (JiNing Chick and LaiWu Chick);山东地方品种鸡(济宁鸡、莱芜鸡)生长模型的拟合及代谢能需求模型的研究
18.The baby chick had not eaten today and was very hungry.小鸡今天都还没有吃任何东西而且非常的饥饿.

Jidong split鸡东拗陷
3)Jidong County鸡东县
1.Water Resources Assessment and Planning for Jidong County;鸡东县水资源评价与规划
2.The study on the utilization of water resources in Jidong County;鸡东县水资源开发与利用分析
3.The engineering to resolve the problem of short water for the residents and domestic animal in the rural area of Jidong County;浅谈鸡东县农村人畜饮水解困工程
4)Guangdong hemp chicken广东麻鸡
1.To study the effect of xylooligosaccharides probiotics and probiotics on slaughter performance and meat quality in Guangdong hemp chicken,120 one-day-old Guangdong hemp chickens were randomly divided into 3 groups and the experiment period was 8 weeks.120羽广东麻鸡,随机分成A、B、C 3组,每组40羽。
5)New Pudong chicken新浦东鸡
1.The 3 polymorphism primers selected from 12 random primers were used in the population genetic analysis of New Pudong chicken.利用随机扩增多态DNA指纹分析技术,由12个随机引物中筛选出3个具有多型的引物对28只新浦东鸡的基因组DNA指纹进行研究。
6)Jidong irrigation area鸡东灌区
1.Jidong irrigation area is located in the southeast of Heilongjiang province.鸡东灌区地处黑龙江省东南部,冬季气温寒冷,以桥涵为主的各类建筑物经常发生冻胀现象。

鸡嗉子【通用名称】鸡嗉子【其他名称】鸡嗉子 (《昆明民间常用草药》) 【异名】野荔枝(《中国高等植物图鉴》),山覆盆(《昆明民间常用草药》)。 【来源】为山茱萸科植物头状四照花的叶及果实。 【植物形态】头状四照花 常绿小乔木,高3~10米。嫩枝密被白色柔毛。单叶对生,革质或薄革质,矩圆形或矩圆状披针形,长5.5~10厘米,宽2~3厘米,先端锐尖,基部楔形,全缘,上面深绿色,下面灰绿色,两面均被贴生白色柔毛,侧脉4~5对,在叶下面隆起,与中脉交汇处有明显的腋窝。头状花序近球形,直径约1.2厘米,具4黄白色花瓣状总苞片。总苞片倒卵形,先端尖,长3~4厘米,宽2~3厘米;花萼筒状,4裂,裂片圆而钝;花瓣4,黄色;雄蕊4;花盘杯状;子房下位,2室。果序扁球形,紫红色;总果柄粗壮,长4~7厘米。 生于山坡、沟边、灌木丛中。分布云南、四川、西藏等地。 【采集】秋季采收。 【性味】苦,平。 ①《昆明民间常用草药》:"性平,味苦。" ②《云南中草药》:"苦涩,凉。" 【功用主治】清热解毒,利水,杀虫。治肝炎,腹水,蛔虫病,烧烫伤。 ①《昆明民间常用草药》:"消积打虫。" ②《云南中草药选》:"行水,消炎,利胆,杀虫。" ③《云南中草药》:"清热解毒。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,3~5钱;或研末。外用:叶:研末撒或煎水洗。 【选方】①治肝炎,腹水:㈠鸡嗉子果三至五钱,水煎服。(《昆明民间常用草药》)㈡鸡嗉子叶三至五钱,煎服。(《云南中草药选》) ②治蛔虫症:鸡嗉子果或叶三钱,煎服。(《云南中草药选》) ③治小儿疳积,虫积:鸡嗉子叶研末内服,或蒸鸡蛋吃。(《昆明民间常用草药》) ④治胎盘不下:鸡嗦子叶三钱,水煎服。(《云南中草药》) ⑤治烧烫伤:鸡嗉子干叶适量,研粉外撒伤处。(《云南中草药选》) ⑥治外伤出血:鸡嗉子叶研末外撒。(《云南中草药》) ⑦治麻风:鸡嗉子叶配方外洗。(《云南中草药选》)