1.Species and Medical Function of Medical Plant Resources in Xifeng County;息烽县药用植物资源的调查

1.An Empirical Analysis of the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor in Xifeng County;息烽县农村剩余劳动力转移实证分析
2.Change Law of Population Reproductive Characteristics in Rattus norvegicus息烽县褐家鼠种群繁殖特征变动规律
3.Impact Structure Characters and Genetic Interpretation of the Ring Structure in Xifeng撞击构造的特征及对贵州息烽县环形构造的成因解释
4.A Method of Determining Suitable Probability for Land Consolidation Plan and Design--Taking Xifeng County Project,Guizhou Province as an Example;土地整理中灌溉设计频率分析计算方法研究——以贵州省息烽县土地整理项目为例
5.An Analysis on the Water Volume Effect of the Yanglang Flood Prevention Project in Xifeng County of Guizhou Province贵州省息烽县阳朗排洪工程水量效应分析——以鱼简河水库至底寨为例
6." In old times, the message was flamed by signal fires from one village to another."古代消息用烽火从一个村子传送到另一个村子。
7.The message was flamed by signal fires from one village to another.消息用烽火从一个村子传送到另一个村子。
8.Research on Glass-Ceramic Preparing by Ni-Mo-V Slag from Xifeng District of Guizhou;利用贵州息烽镍钼钒矿渣制备微晶玻璃的研究
9.Comparison on Mining Projects of Guizhou Xifeng Phosphate Mine;贵州息烽磷矿矿山接替方案的比较及实施效果
10.Characteristics of Lithofacies Paleogeography During Datangian Age (Early Carboniferous) in Xifeng and Zunyi,Guizhou息烽—遵义早石炭世大塘期岩相古地理特征
11.In 1084 B.C., a chain of fires on mountaintops was used to relate the news of the fall of Troy to people in Greece.在公元前1084年,希腊山顶上点燃的一串烽火与特洛伊军队入侵的消息相关。
12.New Evidence about the Period of "Fengzi" in the Tang Dynasty;唐代烽子上烽铺番期新证——新出烽铺文书研究之三
13.The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down.谈判破裂,烽火再起。
14.Beacon Sites at the Yumen Pass and along the Great Wall玉门关及长城烽燧遗址
15.New Evidence for the Beacon Tower System in the Tang Dynasty:A Study on Newly Found Documents about Beacon Tower;唐代烽铺建制新证——新出烽铺文书研究之二
16.Baoshan Ancient Beacon Tower--The Oldest Lighthouse in China A New Discovery from Study of Royal Monument of Yongle Beacon Tower宝山烽堠,我国最古老的灯塔考《永乐烽堠御碑》的一个新发现
17.Study on the Alarm System--the Signal-fire System of the Tang Dynasty;浅谈唐代的军警预报制度——烽堠制度——兼谈唐代西域的烽堠分布
18.Interest has been generally reduced in Anhua, and there have been reductions in other counties, too.安化已普遍地减了息,他县亦有减息的事。

1.Impact Structure Characters and Genetic Interpretation of the Ring Structure in Xifeng撞击构造的特征及对贵州息烽县环形构造的成因解释
3)Xifeng in Guizhou Province贵州息烽
4)The Initial Exploration of Beacon Towers in Shixing County始兴县烽火台探索
1.The Research on the Problems of Vocational and Technical Education in Xixian County;息县职业教育发展问题研究
6)struggle in Xifeng concentration camp息烽集中营里的斗争
