1.Ideas for Solving the Problem of Poverty-returning of Rural Population of Hebei Province;河北省农村贫困人口返贫问题的解决思路

1.The Current Situation of Poverty-return in Hebei Province and Analysis of Factors for Poverty-return;河北省贫困地区返贫现状及返贫因素分析
2.The way of containment on the returning to pauperism at the antipoverty work in the mountain area of southern Ningxia;宁南山区扶贫工作中遏制返贫的对策
3.Systematic Analyses and Countermeasures for Poverty Relief andReturned Poverty in the Impoverished Wanxi Region;皖西地区扶贫与返贫问题系统分析及对策研究
4.Ideas for Solving the Problem of Poverty-returning of Rural Population of Hebei Province;河北省农村贫困人口返贫问题的解决思路
5.Countermeasures of Guarding Anti-returning Poverty About Chengde Poverty Area in Future Years;未来几年承德贫困地区返贫现象主要防范对策
6.The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Return-to-poor Population in Shanxi Province and the Ideas of the Countermeasure;陕西省返贫人口特征分析与对策思考
7.Rational Ponder the Question of Undeveloped Local Countryside Return to Poor欠发达地区农村返贫问题的理性思考
8.Paying Great Attention to the Poor Farmer;对中国4977万农村准绝对贫困人口返贫的忧虑及其对策
9.The system rootstock and marketability innovation direction of poverty backtracking in west rural region;西部农村返贫的制度根源及市场化创新方向
10.Social security system can be set up gradually in regions with good conditions so as to reduce the rate of falling back to poverty again.有条件的地方,逐步建立社会保障制度,降低返贫率。
11.Because their production and living conditions have not basically changed and they are not strong enough to fight natural calamities by themselves, these people will easily sink back into poverty once struck by natural disasters.由于生产生活条件尚未根本改变,抗御自然灾害的能力不强,一遇自然灾害,这部分人极易返贫
12.Spring Bud Project__ helped_ poor young girls__ reback_ to_ school.春蕾计划是帮助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的。
13.On the Mentality and Writing of Du Fu In the Period when he Returned to the Capital after An-Shi Armed Rebellion had Broken out;“才大今诗伯,家贫苦宦卑”——乱中返京时期杜甫的心态与创作
14.Governments at all levels have incorporated help for children from poor families to enter school in their help-the-poor programs and, at the same time, have taken various measures to help them return to school.各级政府把帮助贫困家庭儿童就学纳入各类扶贫计划,采取各种措施帮助这些儿童重返校园。
15."The diplomacy of the People's Republic got started with a Brand-new look, proclaiming to the whole world that the days were gone forever when a poor and weak China suffered all kinds of humiliation and had no dignity to speak of for its diplomacy"以崭新的面貌向全世界宣布旧中国积贫积弱、受尽屈辱、没有外交尊严的时代一去不复返了。
16."The United States is notorious with its recurrent and incurable racial and gender discrimination, the ever widening divide between the rich and the poor, police brutality, gun abuse and judicial injustice."种族、性别歧视、贫富分化、警察暴力、枪支泛滥及司法不公等问题积重难返、臭名昭著。
17.The mission of MEF is helping poor children to return to school and improve the local condition of teaching.摩梭教育基金的使命是帮助贫穷孩子重返学校,改善当地的教学条件。
18.Repatriation and Return Operation 1997 [UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina]1997年遣返和回返行动

poverty-returning phenomenon返贫现象
1.This paper introduces the main characteristics of the poverty-returning phenomenon in Yunnan Province,analyzes on the reasons of the poverty-returning phenomenon,and advances some countermeasures and suggestions on resolving the poverty-returning phenomenon in Yunnan Province.介绍了云南省返贫现象的主要特征,分析了返贫现象的原因,提出了解决云南省返贫现象的对策和建议。
3)contain the returning to pauperism遏制返贫
4)fighting the returned poverty反返贫困
5)the return of poverty in rural areas农村返贫
1.However, with the continuous deepening of poverty alleviation entering a crucial stage, the phenomenon of the return of poverty in rural areas become more and more crucial.然而,随着我国扶贫开发工作的不断深入,我国扶贫开发已经进入了攻坚阶段,特别是农村返贫问题,已经成为我国扶贫开发中一个重要难题之一。
6)returning to poverty返贫困
1.There is still poverty in the countryside,and returning to poverty is worsening at the same time.我国政府致力于消除贫困,取得了举世瞩目的成就,但农村贫困仍然存在,返贫困现象还相当严重。
