1.Take the Way of Agriculture Industrialization,Improvement the Management of Supply Chain:case of grape industry in ShanXi province,QingXu;走优势农业产业化之路 完善农产品供应链发展——以山西省清徐地区葡萄产业为例

1.Family Generation Inheritance of Xuzhou Coal Mines in Late Qing Dynasty晚清徐州煤矿的“家族代际传承”初探
2.It is necessary to clear all the obstacles off in order to finish the work in time.为了按时完成工作有必要清徐所有障碍。
3.Investigation on the Centralization of Rural Industry in the Qingxu County;清徐县乡镇企业调查及空间集聚对策研究
4.Preliminary design of water source heating pump in waste water treatment factory of Qingxu清徐县污水处理厂水源热泵系统初步设计
5.On the Treatment of Soft Foundation in the Construction of Qingxu Prefabricated Beam Yard软基处理在清徐预制梁场建设中的技术应用
6.a cool breeze blew gently, without starting a ripple.清风徐来,水波不兴。
7.Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?孰能浊以止, 静之徐清; 孰能安以久, 动之徐生。
8.If there was any light breeze, he enjoyed feeling it blowing against him如果清风徐来,他喜欢让自己迎风吹拂。
9.The total amount must be paid in full upon receipt of the documents.徐:全部款项在收到装船单后全额付清。
10.Xu Shi-lin and Social Administration of Ting and Zhang Prefectures in the Early Qing;徐士林与清初福建汀漳道的社会治理
11.Xu Shilin and Social Administration of Ting and Zhang Prefectures in the Early Qing Dynasty;徐士林与清初福建汀漳道的社会治理——徐《公巡漳谳词》解读
12."I think it is quite charming," she said, in her low, crystal tones.“我认为这样相当可爱。”她说,声调徐缓而清脆。
13.Analysis on the Approaches of Cleaning Production in Developing Circular Economy of Xuzhou Mining Area;徐州矿区发展循环经济的清洁生产途径分析
14.Lawsuits of the Ancestral Grave in the Qing Dynasty;清代的坟山争讼——以徐士林《守皖谳词》为中心
15.The View of Chinese Science in the Late Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty;明清之际中国人的科学观——以徐光启为例
16.Mr. Xu Xiake and Mount Jizu;徐霞客与鸡足山——关于此题的明清史背景片想
17.Research on the Space-time Distribution of Xuzhou Area's Natural Calamities in Qing Dynasty清代徐州地区自然灾害的时空分布分析
18.The natural breeze differed from the air conditioning. The coolness was soothing enough to send one to sweet dreams.自然凉风的舒爽惬意,不是人工冷气可以比拟,从徐徐而来的清风中,身心宽适,悠然入梦。

East Lake of Qingxu清徐东湖
3)Qingxu County清徐县
1.Considerations about Developing the Circular Economy in Qingxu County;清徐县发展循环经济的思考
2.Discussion on the Idea of Developing the Ecological Industry in Qingxu County;清徐县生态工业发展思路
3.The Idea of Developing the Ecological Agriculture in Qingxu County;清徐县生态农业发展思路
4)The soothing Breezes slowly Blow this way清风徐来
5)Xu Shɑoqing徐绍清(1907~1969)
1.The Thesis of Qunshu——Making Commentary on differences between Shu and Xu;群舒略论——兼论舒徐异源

清徐氏《净土圣贤录》【清徐氏《净土圣贤录》】  徐氏,松江人,归本郡杨拂斋。年三十二,茹素念佛,并虔持大悲神咒,期生安养。每晨兴,必盥洗焚香,念佛千声,持咒二十一遍,然后理家事,如是数十年。乾隆三十五年夏,微疾。至六月八日,课诵如常,持咒刻许,渐觉声出户外,视之,已含笑坐逝矣。时值酷暑,三日后,颜色如生。焚化衣衫,火焰皆成五色莲华,见者叹异。(染香集)