1.Developing Nandan Tourism of Baiku Yao Custom under Protection;在保护中开发广西南丹县白裤瑶风情旅游

1.The Analysis of Custom Banquet in Zhuang Village--Take Zhuang Village in Nandan County for Example;壮乡宴客习俗分析——以南丹县壮族村寨为例
2.Anthropological Observations of The “Duanjie” Festival of The Shui Nationality--Taking The Shui Nationality in Liu Zai township Nan Dan County As An Example;水族端节的人类学考察——以南丹县龙马屯为例
3.Developing Nandan Tourism of Baiku Yao Custom under Protection;在保护中开发广西南丹县白裤瑶风情旅游
4.Land Consolidation Designing in Rocky Regions of South China;南方岩溶石山区的土地整理规划设计——以广西南丹县瑶里村为例
5.A New Type of Arch Dam for Reinforcing and Extending-Construction of Iaxi Double Aeck Arch Aam in Nandan county of Guangxi拱坝加固扩建的新型式─—广西南丹县拉希拱坝的建设
6.See From Personal Names of Yao Dressed in White Trousers the Changes of Their Villages--Take Huaguo,Lihu Town,Nandan County as an Example;从人名看白裤瑶村寨的变迁——以南丹县里湖乡化果村为例
7.The Vocational Change and The Vicissitude of Shui-Domestic Function--Exemplifying Longma in Nandan County in Guangxi Province;职业转换与水族家庭功能变迁——以广西南丹县龙马屯为例
8.A Study of Peasants Occupational Diversification of Shui Nationality--Take Longma Village of Nandan County as an Example;水族农民职业分化的调查与研究——以南丹县龙马庄为例
9.On the biodiversity, cultural diversity and their relation to ecotourism: A case study in Nandan County, Guangxi;广西南丹县生物多样性和文化多样性与生态旅游的关系
10.Approach on adjusting of agricultural planting structure and developing of high yield and efficiency agriculture in Nandan county;南丹县农业种植结构调整与高产高效农业发展探讨
11.Interactive Development Research between the Physical Activity and New Rural Construction--A case study in Lihu town,Nandan体育活动与新农村建设互动发展研究——以广西南丹县里湖乡为例
12.The Transmission of Traditional Festival Culture of Zhuang and the Rural Social Development;壮族传统节日文化传承与乡村社会发展——以广西南丹县那地村壮族蛙婆节为例
13.The "Frog Festival"is still celebrated in rural areas of Tian'e and Nandan counties of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Region.现在广西的天峨、南丹等县农村仍有"蟆拐节"的习俗,
14.I suggested that Daniel (should) go to Yenshui Town in Tainan County to see the annual celebration of "feng pao" (beehive rockets).(我建议丹尼尔到台南县盐水镇看一年一度的蜂炮节庆。)
15.Influence of the Middle Route Project of South-North Water Transfer on the Economic Structure in the Danjiangkou;论南水北调中线工程对源头丹江口县域经济结构的影响
16.Study on the Ecological Safety under the Industrial Development in Danjiangkou Reservoir Areas--A Case Study of the Danjiangkou Reservoir Area in Xichuan County of Henan Province;丹江口库区产业发展条件下的生态安全研究——以河南省淅川县辖丹江口水库库区为例
17.The mountain is the peak of the Qionglai Mountains of the Hengduan Cordillera, which is in the east of The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.东起汶川卧龙大熊猫自然保护区,西至丹巴墨尔多神山,北含理县毕棚沟,南及宝兴蜂桶寨。
18.Thinking about Handicraft Development of Peasant Households in Qiandongnan Minority Region of Guizhou Province:Based on investigation results from two villages of Danzhai county in Guizhou province;黔东南民族地区农村家庭手工业发展问题思考:基于丹寨县两个村的调查

Guanxi Nandan广西南丹县
3)Nanxian County南县
1.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in a national surveillance site of Nanxian County,1990-20081990~2008年南县国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测
2.The temporal and spatial characteristics of land use change in Nanxian County of Hunan Province was analyzed according to the materials from 1983 to 2003.利用1983~2003年土地统计资料,运用数理统计分析方法,选取土地利用动态变化相关模型,对湖南南县20年土地利用变化的时空特征进行了分析。
3.The research on LUCC in Nanxian County is a typical regional case study.湖南南县地处洞庭湖平原西北部,作为南方水陆交错的典型代表,生态环境脆弱。
4)Danba county丹巴县
1.The anslysis on causative factors and stability of a huge landslide in Danba County,Sichuan Province;四川丹巴县特大型滑坡形成原因及稳定性分析
2.Development characteristic of geological hazard in Danba County and its cause discussion;丹巴县地质灾害发育特征及成因探讨
3.Inheritance of Folk Science and Technology in Sichuan-Tibet Region in the Perspective of Key Elements of Education——Taking Danba County as an Example;教育要素视野下的川藏地区民间科技传承——以丹巴县为例
5)Shandan county山丹县
6)Danzhai County丹寨县
1.Danzhai County is one of the typical agricultural counties in Guizhou Province.贵州省是典型的喀斯特经济欠发达地区,生态环境承受能力较差,水土流失较为严重,丹寨县是贵州省典型的喀斯特欠发达农业县。

南丹县  广西壮族自治区河池地区辖县,重要矿业县。位于自治区北部,与贵州省毗邻。面积3916平方公里,聚居有壮、汉、瑶、苗、毛南、水等多民族,人口26.53万。县府驻城关镇。南丹县原称南丹州,1917年降州为南丹县。县境崇山峻岭,海拔多在800~1200米,河谷深切,属云贵高原的一部分。因地处高原边缘,气候属亚热带山地气候,年均温16.5℃,年降水量1333毫米,3~5月常降冰雹,全年无霜期295天。农业生产以粮食为主。境内地质构造复杂,为丹(南丹)池(河池)矿带六大矿田之一,矿藏丰富,已发现的有色金属矿储量达1.8万亿吨以上。其中大厂一带,锡矿藏量约占全国的1/3,占世界的1/7。铅、锌、锑藏量亦丰。此外,还伴有铟、银、镍、镉等稀贵金属及大量硫和砷,是国内少见的以锡为主的多种有色金属矿带。南丹县将发展为中国南部重要有色金属工业基地。黔桂铁路和黔桂公路纵贯全县。县境有莲花山古城堡遗迹。