2)Ribes menyuanense门源茶
3)Menyuan horse门源马
1.Menyuan horses were used to examine and determine the indexes of bone nutritional condition.结果发现 :门源马的血清钙浓度为 2 。
4)Menyuan region门源地区

1.Study on Growth and Development Models of F1 Cow of Holstein and Local Yellow Cattle in Qinghai Plateau青海门源地区杂种荷斯坦牛与本地黄牛生长发育模型研究
2.Geological tourism resources in the Mamba region,Xizang西藏门巴地区地质旅游资源和开发建议
3.Natural Emissions of Acid Forming Compounds into Atmosphere in Xiamen Area厦门地区大气中致酸物质的天然源排放研究
4.The Neotectonics Movement and Its Effect on Environment and Resources in Menba Area, Tibet;西藏门巴地区新构造运动及其资源环境效应
5.A Study on the Resources of Geographical Tourism and Its Development in Jimei;厦门市集美区地学旅游资源的类型及开发设想
6.Study on the Drug-resistant Gene bla_(CMY-2) of Escherichia Coli Isolates of Chicken Origin and Salmonella Isolates of Pig Origin in Shandong Province;山东地区鸡源大肠杆菌和猪源沙门氏菌耐药基因bla_(CMY-2)的研究
7.A Research on Sustainable Utilization of Cultivated Land Resource in Urban Mountainous Areas--With Mentougou District as an Example;都市山区耕地资源可持续利用途径探索——以北京市门头沟区为例
8.The Study of the Numerical Simulation Method about the Partition of Tumen Waterhead Site in Linfen;临汾市土门水源地保护区划分的数值模拟方法研究
9.Danxia Landform Analysis and Tourism Resources Evaluation in Jianmenguan Tourism Area;四川广元剑门关景区丹霞地貌成因分析及旅游资源评价
10.The Resource of Geological Remains and Sustainable Development of Jianmenguan Tourism Area;四川广元剑门关景区地质遗迹资源及其可持续发展
11.The characteristic and developing advice on Mountain Huping;湖南石门县壶瓶山旅游区旅游地质资源特点及开发建议
13.The analysis on the pattern of eco-water use of vegetation and the availability of green water in Sanmenxia area of Yellow River植被生态用水结构及绿水资源消耗效用——以黄河三门峡地区为例
14.An administrative office or district.行政管理部门或地区
15.The local library, a portal of knowledge.地区图书馆,知识之门
16.Regional and departmental protectionism地区和部门保持主义
17.Article113 The Macao Special Administrative Region may issue its own certificates of origin for products in accordance with prevailing rules of origin.第一百一十三条澳门特别行政区根据当时的产地规则,可对产品签发产地来源证。
18.The Origin and Development of Mentougou District Culture;门头沟区文化的历史渊源与发展探讨

Ribes menyuanense门源茶
3)Menyuan horse门源马
1.Menyuan horses were used to examine and determine the indexes of bone nutritional condition.结果发现 :门源马的血清钙浓度为 2 。
4)Menyuan region门源地区
5)energy department能源部门
6)Menyuan basin门源盆地
1.Menyuan basin is located in the north Qilian mountain interior region in the northeast of Qinghai-Xizang plateau,it is a narrow-long slipping,pull-apart intermountain Breadth-valley basin of Cenozoic Era.门源盆地位于青藏高原东北缘北祁连山腹地,为狭长的新生代走滑拉分山间宽谷盆地。
2.The Menyuan Basin is an intermontane basin in the central segment of the Qilian Mountains,bounded by boundary faults on the north and south.门源盆地是祁连山中段的山间盆地,南北边缘均为断裂控制,发育古近系白杨河组、第四纪冰碛物和冰水堆积物。

门源回族自治县门源回族自治县 位于中国青海省东北部,北负祁连山脉,南依达坂山。面积6902平方千米。1990年末人口13.70万,少数民族占51.82%。有回、汉、藏、土、蒙古、撒拉等民族,1929年设门源县,1953年成立门源回族自治区,1955年改门源回族自治县。地形复杂,平均海拔2866米,山、、台、丘、沟、谷、川、滩兼有。属高原亚寒带气候,1月均温-13.4℃,7月均温11.9℃,年均降水量520毫米。有水资源21.43亿立方米。有煤、铜、金、铁、铅、锌及稀有金属等16种矿产资源。尤以煤分布广,探明储量5500余万吨。农牧产品有油菜籽、青稞、小麦、马铃薯、浩门马、牦牛。