
1.Research on the Status of Agricuttural Industrialization and Its Development Comtermeasures in Tanluo Town;坛洛镇农业产业化的现状及发展对策研究
2.Morocco Forum: Water Resources Management in the Next Century摩洛哥论坛:下世纪的水资源管理
3.the intricate detail of a rococo altarpiece.洛可可式圣坛背壁装饰画的复杂细节.
4.Shunde Xintan Darong Stainless Steel Technology Factroy顺德市杏坛镇大荣不锈钢工艺厂
5.A Study on the Effect of the Regionalization Adjustment of Towns and Townships on Land Use: a Case Study of Xuebu Town of Jiangsu Province;乡镇行政区划调整对土地利用影响研究——以江苏金坛市薛埠镇为例
6.Developing Financial Resources for Small Cities and Towns;小城镇发展与乡镇财源建设——洛阳市乡镇财源建设调查
7.He went through the little market town of Lockerbie.他穿过一个名叫洛克比的小集镇。
8.Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto (South-eastern Sicily)诺托谷的晚期巴洛克风格城镇
9.The Characteristics of the Liu Zhen (六镇, Six-towns) Regional Society after the Capital Relocation to Luoyang by the Northern Wei Dynasty;迁都洛阳后北魏六镇的地域社会特征
10.Effect of flurbiprofen axetil combined fentanyl on postoperative patient-controlled intravenous analgesia for limb surgery氟比洛芬酯用于四肢手术的镇痛效应
11.Problems Existed in Development of the Small Towns in Luoyang and its Countermeasures洛阳市小城镇发展存在的问题与对策
12.The Bishop had just picked up the basket in a flower-bed,he presented it to Madame Magloire.主教刚在花坛脚下拾起了那篮子,把它交给马格洛大娘。
13.The Aesthetic Value of Freud s"Psychoanalytic Criticism";弗洛伊德精神分析学说对中国现当代文坛的审美折射
14.Sailors from several ships stormed through the town fighting with kelolo's inadequate policemen.几条船上的水手冲进小镇同基洛洛人手不多的警察打了起来。
15.The first annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia has opened in the coastal town of Boao on South China's Hainan Island.博鳌亚洲论坛首届年会在中国海南岛的沿海小镇博鳌开幕。
16.Study on Intensive Use Potential of Township Industrial Land乡镇工业用地集约利用潜力研究——以江苏省金坛市为例
17.A Comparison between Daozhen's Chong Nuo and Yang Drama:A Case Study of the Performance Troupe of Jielong Village,Sanqiao Township道真冲傩与阳戏之比较——以三桥镇接龙村坛班为例
18.the waiters were unflurried and good natured; with contented mind and unruffled spirit- Anthony Trollope.服务员都很镇定、脾气好;思想上满足、精神上镇定——安东尼·特罗洛普。

The Luozhong literature circle洛中文坛
3)Luodai ancient town洛带古镇
1.This thesis takes Luodai Ancient Town as a case study of destination residents perceptions and attitudes toward tourism impacts.本文是以成都洛带古镇为案例地,对旅游地居民的旅游影响态度进行探讨和实证研究。
2.Using quantitative research method,a sustainable tourism attitude scale was developed to measure Luodai ancient town\'s residents\' attitude toward sustainable tourism and an empirical research was made on the ancient town.利用定量研究方法建立社区居民对洛带古镇可持续旅游发展态度尺度并对古镇进行实证调查研究。
4)Luohe District洛河镇
5)Daluo Town打洛镇
1."Abolished" Tourism Town:Phenomenon and Preventive Treatment——Based on An Empirical Study of Daluo Town National-Grade Port in Yunnan Province旅游“废都”:现象与防治——基于云南国家级口岸打洛镇的实证研究
6)Lu Ji and the Luozhong Literature Circle陆机与洛中文坛
