
1.That novel is not worth reading.那部小说不值得一读
2.This novel is worth reading.这部小说值得一读
3.We agree that this article is worth reading.我们认为这篇文章值得一读
4.I agree that the book is well worth reading.我同意这本书很值得一读
5.They thought the novel worth reading.他们认为这本小说值得一读
6.It is really nice to meet you!小丫头图文并茂,真是值得一读的好书.
7.This book is so well worth reading that it should be begged, stolen or borrowed rather than missed.这本书真是值得一读, 无论如何也要得到一本。
8.If that novel is an instructive one, it will be worth while reading it.假如那是一本有教育意义的小说,那就值得一读
9.We agree with them that this article is worth reading.我们同意他们所说的这篇文章值得一读的意见。
10.This report about the effect of modernization on human nature is well worth reading.这份关于现代化对于人性影响的报告很值得一读
11.Tansley's essay on this problem is still worth reading today.坦斯利关于这个问题的短论在今天仍然值得一读
12.The book is worth reading a second time.这本书值得再读一遍.
13.Reading is the only hobby I can speak of.读书是我唯一值得一提的爱好。
14.The foregoing sentence is worth reading a second time, and a third, and a fourth.上述语句值得你一读再读,反复深思体会。
15.It will Day to read that book.读读那本书是值得的。
16.Of all the books published recently, only a few are worth reading所有书最近出版了,仅仅一些是值得的读
17.This book is scarcely worth reading .这本书简直不值得阅读。
18.It is worth while to read the book.读这本书是值得的。

The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。
3)The book is worth reading/It's worth reading the book.这本书值得一读.
4)These books are worth reading.这些书值得一读。
5)bear watching值得一看

这些1.指示较近的两个以上的事物或人。 2.指代比较近的处所。 3.犹言这么一点点大。