2)entrepreneurial self-efficacy创业自我效能
1.This paper discusses the role of cognitive bias,risk propensity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in the process of entrepreneurial decision-making by using risk perception as the main line.以风险感知为主线,讨论了认知偏差、风险倾向、创业自我效能等因素在创业决策中的作用。
2.(1998) developed the construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and there is an increasing emphasis on the role of ESE in the study of entrepreneurship, many studies have found that ESE was an important variable to explain entrepreneurial career preferences, entrepreneurial intentionality and entrepreneurial performance.创业研究的学者也开始关注自我效能的研究,并发展了创业自我效能的构念,成为预测创业意图和解释创业活动的重要变量。

1.Research on the relations between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneur s cognition and behavior;创业自我效能与企业家认知及创业行为关系研究
2.Analysis to Current Condition of Self-Efficacy of Business Students in Their Business Start and Ways of Cultivation大学生创业自我效能感现状分析与培养途径
3.Entrepreneurial Decision on Risk Perception: Entrepreneurrial Self-Efficacy as Moderator Variables基于创业自我效能感的风险感知对创业决策的影响
4.On the Relationship between Enterpreneurial Self-Efficay Devisionand Enterprising创业自我效能感的维度划分及其与创业之关系探究
5.The Significance of Self-efficacy Theory on Cultivating Entrepreneurial Motivation of Higher Vocational Students;自我效能感理论对高职生创业动机培养的意义
6.The Career Choice of Nascent Entrepreneurs:An Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy Perspective;初生型创业者职业选择研究:基于自我效能的观点
7.Research on the Relationships Between Work Motivation,Perceived Self-efficacy and Employees' Individual Innovation Behavior in Chinese Service Industry服务企业员工个人创新行为与工作动机、自我效能感关系研究
8.Research on Evaluation Industrial Enterprises Self-innovation Capability in China;我国工业企业自主创新能力评价研究
9.The Relationship between Creative Self-efficacy and Creativity under Stress Context压力情境下创意自我效能感与创造力的关系
10.Research on the Innovation Ability System of Independent Brands about the Enterprises in China;我国企业自主品牌创新能力系统研究
11.The Evaluation on Self-innovation Capability of Chinese Automobile Industry我国汽车产业自主创新能力评价研究
12.A Study on the Career Self-Efficacy of Enterprise Technicians;企业科技人员职业自我效能感的研究
13.The Impact of an Intervention on Career Decision-making Self-efficacy;职业决策自我效能团体训练对大学生职业决策自我效能的影响
14.The Relationship among Postgraduates' Creative Motivation, Creative Self-Efficacy and Creative Performances硕士研究生创造性动机、创造性自我效能与创造性表现的关系
15.Effectively Sharpens the Enterprise Technology Independent Innovation Ability Using the Formalization Benefit;实现企业经济规模效益 提高技术自主创新能力
16.Research on the Lock-in Effect and the Independent Innovation Strategy of Chinese Enterprises;锁定效应与我国企业自主创新应对策略研究
17.Discussion of Setting Up the Independent long effect creative Mechanism of traditional Industry of China;试论我国传统产业长效自主创新机制的构建
18.Research on the Creative Self-efficacy of College Students;大学生创新自我效能感现状的调查分析

entrepreneurial self-efficacy创业自我效能
1.This paper discusses the role of cognitive bias,risk propensity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in the process of entrepreneurial decision-making by using risk perception as the main line.以风险感知为主线,讨论了认知偏差、风险倾向、创业自我效能等因素在创业决策中的作用。
2.(1998) developed the construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and there is an increasing emphasis on the role of ESE in the study of entrepreneurship, many studies have found that ESE was an important variable to explain entrepreneurial career preferences, entrepreneurial intentionality and entrepreneurial performance.创业研究的学者也开始关注自我效能的研究,并发展了创业自我效能的构念,成为预测创业意图和解释创业活动的重要变量。
3)Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy创业自我效能感
1.Relationships among Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy,External Environmental Support and Performance of Newly-established High-Tech Venture:An Empirical Study Based on Tenant Companies of Business Incubators;创业自我效能感、外部环境支持与初创科技企业绩效的关系——基于孵化器在孵企业的实证研究
2.In this paper,enterprising and entrepreneurial psychological qualities are firstly introduced,and then focusing on the concept of self-efficacy,entrepreneurial self-efficacy is defined theoretically,while brief comments are made on it.创业自我效能感是自我效能感在创业领域的具体体现,即个体对自己能否进行和创业相关的任务或活动所具有的信念。
3.In this paper,self-efficacy,entrepreneurial self-efficacy are firstly introduced,and then exploring the structure of entrepreneurial self-efficacy.文章首先对自我效能感和创业自我效能感做了简要阐述,随后对创业自我效能感的维度划分进行了剖析,并对创业自我效能感与创业意向、创业绩效关系做了探讨,最后指出创业自我效能感研究存在的不足以及进一步研究的方向。
1.What′s more, it can be elucidated as self-introspection, self-creation and self-transcendence.然而在历史发展中 ,这种告诫逐渐被人遗忘 ,现在 ,人类在因失去它而带来的沉痛教训面前 ,应重识“认识你自己”,并把它诠释为 :自我反省、自我创造、自我超越。
6)The Creation of Self创造自我
