新闻价值,news value
1)news value新闻价值
1.Reflection on recessiveness and dominance of news value;关于新闻价值的隐性和显性的思考
2.Though our predecessors achieved substantial research results,more scientific methods can be used to construct a new theory of news value——the Three-tier Theory of News Value.“新闻价值”是新闻学的一个核心概念。
3.The ultimate purpose of news spreading lies in the reality of news value, which ,in another way, depends on standards of evaluation on news value.新闻价值的实现是新闻传播的最终目的,而新闻价值的实现是由新闻价值评价标准来决定的。

1.The Standards of Evaluation on News Value and the Reality of News Value;新闻价值评价标准与新闻价值的实现
2.the news value of a royal romance皇室春情的新闻价值.
3.Celebrities make good copy.名人的新闻价值很高
4.News-value Is the Unity of Fact-value and Recognition-value--Discussion with Mr Zhu about His Article:"News-value Is Recognition-value";新闻价值是事实价值与认识价值的统一——与《新闻价值是一种认识价值》一文商榷
5.Realizing the Maximum of News Value in Carrying Out “Three Closenesses”;在“三贴近”中实现新闻价值的最大化
6.The Building of Evaluation Index System on Net-News Value;网络新闻价值评价指标体系的建立研究
7.A Functional Interpretation on Linguistic Features and News Value in the Lead of Disaster News;从功能语法的视角论灾难英语新闻导语语言特点与新闻价值
8.Selection of sports news value in the innovation of propagating technology;对传播技术革新中体育新闻价值选择的思考
9.Study on the Trend of News Value of China Daily in International Communication;《中国日报》对外传播新闻价值变化趋势研究
10.On the People s Daily News Values of Natural Disasters Since the Beginning of Reform and Opening up;论改革开放以来《人民日报》自然灾害新闻价值
11.On the Functions of News Value Standand in Layout of Organ;论新闻价值标准在党报版面编排中的作用
12.The news was not worth the paper it was written on.那条新闻毫无价值。
13.The Change of Professional Ethics and the Role of Magazine in Journalism;新闻行业价值观的变化和新闻专业期刊的作用
14.What an excellent piece of news, the very best kind, since not only could everyone talk about Ruan Ming but in a while they could all see him too!有价值的新闻,理想的新闻,不但口中说着阮明,待一会儿还可看见他。
15.News and Values in the "Known Science"--Concurrently on the Generality of Value and its Basis;从所知学的角度看新闻与价值——兼论价值的普遍性及其根据
16.The Society Value and Tendency of Entertainment News in Our Country;论我国娱乐新闻的社会价值和未来走向
17.Comparative Journalism between China and West about the Value and the Expressing Skills;中西新闻写作价值取向及表现技巧比较
18.Research on China s Image and Values under the Mode of News Selection;新闻选择模式下的中国国家形象和价值观研究

News values新闻价值
1.This article makes a deep case study on the special academic picture caused by different terms of "news values" and "values of news" in science of journalism and communication, which shows from a special angle the influence of the normative degree of term translation on the healthy degree of academic picture.对新闻传播学中“新闻价值”和“新闻的(之/底)价值”造成的学术面貌进行了深入的个案分析,从一个侧面说明了术语翻译的规范对于学术面貌的健康状况所产生的影响。
2.Starting from the news values, the research reflects and criticizes the traditional theoretical research method which is experiential and rational oriented.本文将以马克思主义哲学为认识论指导,针对新闻理论研究脱离于新闻实践要求的现实,以新闻价值问题为突破口,通过对传统的,以经验、理性为主的理论研究方法的反思与批判,在以实践的观点对现象学方法论进行扬弃的基础上,创造性提出实践的现象学方法论。
3)news values新闻价值观
1.Furthermore, the news practice of network dissemination has also shed light on the traditional news values.而网络传播的新闻实践也给原有的新闻价值观带来了新的变
2.This essay, based on content analysis of the People s Daily news of natural disasters from 1980 to 2006 , combined with an analysis of some cases to study how the mainstream media for natural disasters in China , so as to find out their news values.本文在对《人民日报》1980-2006年自然灾害报道进行内容分析的基础上,结合典型个案,考察中国主流媒体如何呈现自然灾害,进而探讨其新闻价值观。
4)differences in value news新闻价值差异
5)News Value Framework新闻价值框架
1.The Factors of Constructing the News Value Framework;影响新闻工作者新闻价值框架形成的因素
6)value of news dissemination新闻传播价值
