农村土地流转,rural land circulation
1)rural land circulation农村土地流转
1.Rural land circulation problem research summary;农村土地流转问题综合研究
2.It is the trends to study the rural land circulation based on GIS which can combines the spatial data and attribute data organically, reflects the trend and rules the regional rural land circulation intuitively.应用GIS进行农村土地流转问题的研究是今后农村土地利用管理与研究的方向,可以实现空间数据与属性数据的有机结合,直观反应区域农地流转的规律性和趋势。
3.The paper first analyses the problems and the characteristic of land circulation, explores the thinking and channel of advancing rural land circulation according to market economy law.文章首先分析了当前农村土地流转的特点和存在的问题 ,探索按市场经济规律推进农村土地流转的思路和途径 ;其次分析了农村土地流转问题的成因 ;最后提出了推进农村土地流转的对策与建议。

1.Rural Land Transfer:Material Transfer or Value Transfer;农村土地流转:实物流转还是价值流转
2.Speed up Rural Land Circulation for Promoting Economy Development加快农村土地流转 促进农村经济发展
3.Land-Lost Peasants' Rights and Interests Maintenance in the Rural Land Circulation农村土地流转中失地农民的权益维护
4.Analysis of the Contribution of the Rural land Transfer to the Farmers Income-increasing;农村土地流转对农民增收的贡献分析
5.The Analysis of Agricultural Economic Relations Under the Circulation System of the Country Land;农村土地流转制下农业经济关系分析
6.The Survey on the Necessity of Rural Land Transfer Marketization--Based on Empirical Analysis of Rural Land Transfer in Zhongxian County农村土地流转市场化需求调查——基于忠县农村土地流转实证分析
7.Research on the Strata Confliction in the Course of Rural Land Circulation;农村土地流转过程中的阶层冲突研究
8.The Institutional Economics Analysis on Land Circulation of Chinese Western Rural Regions;我国农村土地流转的制度经济学分析
9.Research on Rural Land Circulation Based on GIS;基于GIS的农村土地流转问题研究
10.Brief Analysis On Problem Of The Trasfer of Agricultural Land In China;当前农村土地流转的问题与对策思考
11.Farmland Transfer:Present Situation,Problem and Countermeasure;农村土地流转的现状、问题及对策分析
13.Results of Rural Land Circulation and the Countermeasures;农村土地流转的效益分析与对策思考
14.Our Country Countryside Land Circulation Marketability Institutional Innovations我国农村土地流转市场化的制度创新
15.Discussion on Problems about Abandoned Farmlands and Circulation of Right of Using Farmlands;论农村土地抛荒与农村土地使用权流转问题
16.Study on the Market Circulation of Rural Land Contract and Management Rights;农村土地承包经营权流转市场化研究
17.A Study on the Price for Transferring the Right to Use Rural Land of Chongqing;重庆市农村土地使用权流转价格研究
18.Study on the Question of Rural Land Use Right Transfer;农村集体土地使用权流转的问题研究

rural land transfer农村土地流转
1.Construction of legal environment in rural land transfer system农村土地流转制度的法治生态环境建构
2.The method of physical dynamics was used to analyse the driving force of rural land transfer from the perspectives of several stakeholders.运用物理动力学的分析方法,从农村土地流转的几个利益攸关方角度分析土地流转的驱动力。
3.The great significance of rural land transfer on promoting the "three agricultural problems" was discussed.论述了我国农村土地流转对于促进"三农"问题解决的重要意义,分析了农村土地流转面临的困境,如农民小农经济意识的束缚、农村土地法律存在缺陷、土地流转中介组织不完善、农村保险业务不配套、农民进城工作和子女教育保障少等。
3)countryside flow of ground shift农村土地流转
1.The standard and promotes the countryside flow of ground shift is one of current new rural reconstruction important contents.规范和促进农村土地流转是当前新农村建设的重要内容之一。
2.The perfect strict standard countryside land management system, the perfect land contracting right of management power, promotes with the standard countryside flow of ground shift is positively one of current new rural reconstruction important contents.健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度,完善土地承包经营权权能,积极促进和规范农村土地流转是当前新农村建设的重要内容之一。
3.The standard countryside flow of ground shift is one of rural work important questions.针对当前农村土地使用权市场初步形成,但发育缓慢、不正式的农村土地流转较多、农村土地流转市场的区域差异显著现状,提出政府应积极采取加强农村剩余劳动力转移相关制度建设、建立稳定的农村杜会保障体系、增加农村人力资本投资,提高农村劳动力素质、创造良好的土地流转运作环境等对策。
4)circulation of rural land农村土地流转
1.The circulation of rural land is an important part in the process of urban-rural integration in China.农村土地流转是关系我国城乡一体化建设的重要部分。
5)the system of farming land transaction农村土地流转制度
1.Perfecting the system of farming land transaction benefits the "issues concerning agriculture, countryside, and farmers", promotes peasants division and flow, enlarges the ratio of medium-sized income stratum.完善土地流转制度有利于解决“三农”问题,促进农民的分化与流动,扩大农村中等收入阶层比重,因此,完善农村土地流转制度是建设和谐社会的重要条件。
6)circulation of rural land right to use农村土地使用权流转
1.The circulation of rural land right to use is the effective way of solving the problems of fragmentation, barren and idling in utilizing Chinese rural land currently.农村土地使用权流转是解决当前我国农村土地利用细碎化及摞荒、闲置的有效途径,对于优化土地资源配置、提高土地利用效率、促进农业结构调整、促进农民增收和农村经济发展具有重要作用。

法国土地整治和农村安置公司法国土地整治和农村安置公司  【法国土地整治和农村安置公司】法国以实施农业结构调整,建立最佳农场规模,加速土地集中为目的,根据农业法建立的一种受国家严格控制的非盈利性股份有限公司。公司董事会由政府官员和农业行业代表组成。政府通过农业部、经济和财政部派出两名特派员对该公司实行监督。公司股东主要是各省的农业行业组织。资金来源于政府资助、地区农业信贷银行的低息贷款和土地购买提成。公司利用它拥有的优先购买权,买进大量土地,能够起到稳定地价的作用。