农村社会保障体系,rural social security system
1)rural social security system农村社会保障体系
1.A Research on Establishing and Perfecting Jiangxi Rural Social Security System;建立和完善江西农村社会保障体系研究
2.Both the construction of the rural social security system and the integration of the rural social security system with its urban counterpart are urgent for today s China in its rural development,industrialization and social structure transition.推进农村社会保障体系建设,实现社会保障体系的城乡整合,是我国加快农村发展、推进工业化、实现社会结构转型的现实要求。

1.Rural social security system and the construction of new socialist countryside;农村社会保障体系与社会主义新农村建设
2.Study on the Countermeasures of the Rural Social Security System in Jilin Province;吉林省农村社会保障体系的对策研究
3.Construction and Improvement of China s Rural Social Security System;我国农村社会保障体系的构建与完善
4.Present situation, problem and countermeasure for rural social insurance system construction;农村社会保障体系:现状·问题·对策
5.On Bettering the Social Security System in Changshu Countryside;完善常熟市农村社会保障体系的思考
6.Problems and Countermeasures in Setting up Rural Social Insurance System;建立农村社会保障体系的问题与对策
7.Research of Rural Social Security System in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省农村社会保障体系建设研究
8.Establishing the Country Social Security System and Promoting New Country Construction;构建农村社会保障体系 促进新农村建设
9.A Research on Coordinated Development of Commercial Insurance and the Rural Social Security System;商业保险与农村社会保障体系协同发展研究
10.Informal Insurance Institution in our Rural Community Social Security System;我国农村社会保障体系中的非正式保险制度
11.The Necessity of a Sound Social Security System in Rural Areas in Building Socialist New Countryside;建设社会主义新农村需要健全的农村社会保障体系
12.Study on the Rural Social Security System of China in the Integration of Urban and Rural;用城乡一体化思路构建我国农村社会保障体系
13.On Thought of Establishing the Chinese Rural Social Security System;略论构建我国农村社会保障体系的总体思路
14.Be Based on the Fair Principle of Rural Social Security Construction;基于公平原则的农村社会保障体系的构建研究
15.On Government Functions in Social Security System Construction of Rural;论农村社会保障体系建设中的政府职能
16.A Research on Establishing and Perfecting Jiangxi Rural Social Security System;建立和完善江西农村社会保障体系研究
17.Improving the Social Security System,Enhancing Basic Social Provision in Rural Areas;健全社会保障体系 加强农村基本保障
18.On the Establishment of a New System of Rural Social Security;新农村新保障:构建农村社会保障新体系

endowment-security-systemin the rural society农村社会养老保障体系
3)social welfare system in rural areas农村基本社会保障体系
4)agricultural community social security农村社社会保障
5)rural social security system农村社会保障体制
6)multi-supports for social security system of rural areas多支柱农村社会保障体系
1.Basing on the analysis this paper gives some suggestions for establishing and perfecting "multi-supports for social security system of rural areas本文详细分析了社会主义新农村建设中农民面临的五大新风险因素,提出了建立和完善“多支柱农村社会保障体系”的建议。

农村社会保障制度农村社会保障制度  农村社会保障制度为了保证农村人口在社会劳动和社会生活中维持正常的身心状态,促进整个社会经济正常发展,国家通过法律、公约、政令等手段所规定的一种基本权利。通常包括四个方面的内容:社会救济、社会保险、社会福利、社会优抚具体内容包括:①为家庭生活提供保障。对贫困地区和生活在贫困线以下的农民提供起码的生活条件,对受灾地区的农民及时予以救济,对中等以上发展水平的地区开展家庭财产、人身意外伤害等保险业务。②为农业生产提供保障。采取自办、代办、联办、互助合作等保险形式,以减少自然风险的损害。③为农村市场经济发展提供保障。大宗农产品建立专项储备和风险保障基金。④为农民提供医疗和养老保险。农村社会保障根据不同的内容,分别由国家、地方政府有关部门,乡村社区集体经济组织,乡村企业,社会团体以及保险企业承担。