农地资源,agricultural land resource
1)agricultural land resource农地资源
1.Value evaluation of agricultural land resources in Wuhan;武汉市农地资源价值估算
2.Management of sustainable use of agricultural land resource;农地资源可持续利用管理初探
3.The study of management of using agricultural land resource should start with the current status,looking with historical,realistic and developmental view,considering it with multi-level and multi-direction to hold the nature.研究农地资源利用管理要从现状切入,用历史的、现实的、发展的眼光看待问题,以多层面、全方位的视角仔细揣度,把握实质。

1.Intergenerational Allocation of Farmland Conversion and Farmland Resource Loss;农地非农化代际配置与农地资源损失
2.Analysis of Peasants' Conduct in the Cultivable Land Resource Transfer Process;农地资源流转过程中的农户行为分析
3.A Further Research on Land System Innovation and Sustainable Utilization of Land Resources;再论农地制度创新与农地资源的可持续利用
4.Analysis on the Rational Allocation of Rural Land from the View of Economics of Institution;农地资源合理配置的制度经济学分析
5.Spatio-temporal Analysis of Labor Carrying Capacity of Agricultural Land Resources in Ningxia;宁夏农地资源劳动力承载力时空分析
6.The Exploration on the Regionalization of Agriculture Ecological Climatic Resources in LiaoYuan Quarter辽源地区农业生态气候资源区划探索
7.Water resources cannot be separeated from land resources in irrigated agriculture.在灌溉农业中,水资源是不能和土地资源分开的。
9.A Research on The Utilization of Rural Land Resources In Nanyang;南阳地区农村土地资源开发利用研究
10.Research on the Continuous Exploita tion of Land Resources in the Central Shaanxi Pla in;关中地区农业土地资源持续利用研究
12.Research on Rural Women Human Resource in Ethnic Area in West China;西部民族地区农村女性人力资源研究
13.Analysis on Utilization Efficiency of Agricultural Water Resource in China s Central and Western Regions;中西部地区农业水资源利用效率分析
14.Rural Geography Curriculum Resources Development and Using Research;农村地理课程资源的开发与利用研究
15.Optimize the Land Resource Disposition and Speed up the New Rural Construction;优化土地资源配置 加快新农村建设
16.Preliminary Analysis of Groundwater Resource Developing Potential of No.291 Farm;291农场地下水资源开发潜力初步分析
17.Study on the Matching Patterns of Land and Water Resoures in Shangluo;商洛地区农业水土资源时空匹配研究
18.Analysis on Productive Potential of Agricultural Natural Resource in Hami Region;哈密地区农业自然资源生产潜力分析

agricultural land resources农地资源
1.The author discussed the main existing problems on agricultural land utilization based on the analysis of characteristics of agricultural land utilization in Nanchong City,the main principles,countermeasures and measures of the sustainable utilization of agricultural land resources were put forward.农地资源的可持续利用是实现农业可持续发展的基础。
2.The security of theagricultural land resources refers to a situation in which a country or a prefecture can get theresources in a sustainable, stable, timely, sufficient and economical way, and an ability to ensurehuman health, efficient .农地资源是指用于从事农业生产的土地,是土地资源的重要组成部分,包括耕地、园地、林地、草地、农田水利用地和养殖水面等。
3.To protect and make rational use of agricultural land resources are necessary for achieving the purpose.农地资源是重要的生产资料,农地资源的可持续利用是实现农业可持续发展的基础。
3)farmland resources农地资源
1.Large quantities of farmland resources,which are the pith of land,are submersed by water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering.水利水电工程淹没了大量农地资源,农地资源是土地的精华,对其价值进行科学合理的评估十分重要,不仅有利于核算水利水电工程的投资概算,更重要的是从农地资源征收补偿的角度来保障水库移民合法的财产权益。
2.has some problems of limited farmland resources and negative ecological circumstance of agriculture.在其发展过程中出现了农地资源紧缺和农业生态环境恶化的问题。
4)rural land resource农村土地资源
1.The rural land resource protection trust is to make rural micro-economic subject to become the direct beneficiary of rural land resource protection,by designing the mode of rural land resource protection trust.农村土地资源保护信托是通过农村土地资源保护信托模式的设计,使农村微观经济主体成为农村土地资源保护的直接受益主体,引导农村微观经济主体出于对自身效用最大化的目的而实现土地资源保护的理性决策,从而形成政府政策强制性土地资源保护和农村微观经济主体自觉保护两者结合、互为补充的多元化农村土地资源保护体系。
2.Based on these, development potentialities of Fujian rural land resources were analyzed further and promoting the increase of rural-land economic supplies (mainly including the quantities of high-production rural lands and the output in certain area) was suggested.本文对福建农村土地资源利用的基本情况作了较为详尽的阐述,指出其存在的主要问题,并以此为基础,对福建农村土地资源的潜力作了进一步的分析,提出要促进福建农村土地经济供给(本文中主要体现在利用效益高的农村土地的数量以及一定面积的士地产出)的增加。
5)agricultural land resources农业土地资源
1.Study on the sustainable use of agricultural land resources of Hebei Province;河北省农业土地资源持续利用研究
2.This paper analyzed the characteristics and exploiting status and main problems of agricultural land resources in Shanxi province, and presented main measures of sustainable agricultural land use in Shanxi province.农业土地资源的可持续利用是实现农业可持续发展的基础和保证。
3.The overall aim of this thesis is to analyze the exploitation and cultivation of the agricultural land resources inChangchun City, to solve the principal problems herein exist.本文在系统、客观地分析长春市农业土地资源利用的背景、土地资源的利用现状及存在主要问题的基础上,从可持续发展角度出发,针对长春市的实际情况,提出了在“确保耕地总量动态平衡”的前提下农业土地资源可持续利用的对策。
6)agricultural land resources security农用地资源安全
1.Monitoring-assessing-prewarning system for agricultural land resources security;农用地资源安全的监测-评价-预警系统

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。