耕地非农化,farmland conversion
1)farmland conversion耕地非农化
1.In order to find out the law of farmland changes,the relative indexes(rate of farmland reduction,rate of farmland conversion) and the absolute indexes(total area of farmland oc.通过分析我国经济成熟区、经济成长区和经济欠发达区经济差异特征的基础上,以1999年~2002年耕地面积统计数据为基础,采用相对指标(耕地减少率、耕地非农化率)和绝对指标(耕地建设占用总量和人均占用量)考察耕地减少状况,然后将各经济区域与耕地减少状况进行空间相关分析,结果表明,耕地减少率与区域经济发展水平相关性不显著,而耕地非农化率与经济发展之间存在着良好的相关关系,经济成熟区的耕地非农化率最高;耕地建设占用总量和人均占用量也表现出经济成熟区>经济成长区>经济欠发达区的特点。
2.Making a rational judgment of degrees of farmland conversion in provincial level will bring farmland protection policies into action efficiently in China.对我国省级耕地非农化的适度性做出评判,将有助于耕地保护政策的有效实施。
3.The disparity of farmland conversion to regional economic growth exists in China.现阶段中国耕地非农化对经济增长贡献存在地区差异,掌握差异的主要来源和变化趋势有利于耕地非农化指标的高效调配,促进地区经济增长的协调发展。

1.Study on Farme40r Household Cultivated Land Use and Cultivated Land Non-agriculture in Huaihua City;怀化市农户耕地利用与耕地非农化研究
2.Primary Research on the Evaluation of the Rates of Farmland Conversion at the Provincial Level in China;我国省级耕地非农化适度性评判研究
3.A Positive Study on China s Farmland Conversion and Land Degradation in Transition;转型期中国耕地非农化与土地退化的实证分析
4.Cultivated Land Protection and Analysis of the Driving Forces of Land Non-agriculture in Wuhan Suburb;武汉市郊区耕地保护与耕地非农化驱动因素分析
5.Opportunity Cost Analysis of Non agricultural Farmland in the Process of Urbanization;城市化过程中耕地非农化的机会成本分析
6.On the Space-time Change and the Control methods of Cultivated Land Non-agriculturalization in Chongqing Municipality重庆市耕地非农化时空变化与调控途径研究
7.A Preliminary Study on Cultivated Land Conversion in the Process of Economic Development;我国经济发展过程中耕地非农化问题初步研究
8.Comparative Study on Cultivated Land Conversion in Different Economic Areas of Chongqing;重庆市不同经济类型区耕地非农化比较研究
9.Study on Interaction between Economic Growth and Farmland Conversion;经济增长与耕地非农化的互动关系研究
10.Study on the Convergence of Cultivated Land Conversion in Economic Growth;基于经济增长的耕地非农化收敛性研究
11.Study on the Relationship between Conversion of Cultivated Land and Income Disparity;耕地非农化与收入差距关系的实证研究
12.Study on Relationship between Grain Production and Cultivated Land Conversion in Hubei Province;湖北省粮食产量与耕地非农化关系研究
13.An Analysis of Non-Agricultural Motive Mechanism of Cultivated Land and Restrictive Mechanism;耕地非农化动力机制和约束机制的分析
14.A comparative analysis on non-agriculturalization of cultivated land and relevant factors between Fujian and Taiwan Provinces;闽台耕地非农化及关联因子的比较研究
15.Macro-Analysis of Cultivated Land Non-Agriculturalization in Zhejiang;20世纪90年代浙江省耕地非农化过程分析
16.Study on Non-agricultural Scale and Spatial-temporal Collocation of Cultivated Land in Henan Province河南省耕地非农化规模及时空配置研究
17.Regional Difference and Regional Convergence of Cultivated Land Conversion in China中国耕地非农化的区域差异及其收敛性
18.Research on the Change of Land Use and Conversion of Arable Land in the Yangtze River Delta;长江三角洲地区土地利用变化与耕地非农化分析

cultivated land conversion耕地非农化
1.The purpose of the paper is to harmonize the cultivated land conversion with the economic development now and future by analyzing the inherent reason of the process of cultivated land conversion in Heilongjiang Province.研究目的:分析黑龙江省耕地非农化过程的内在原因,以助于协调黑龙江省耕地非农化进程与经济发展的关系,使耕地保护工作与未来经济运行相一致。
2.Based on the statistical data from 1988 to 2005 in Sichuan Province and using the method of granger causality test,this paper analyzes the relation of GDP,urbanization and cultivated land conversion.利用四川省1988-2005年的统计数据,采用Granger因果关系分析法分析四川省GDP、城市化水平与耕地非农化之间的因果关系。
3)conversion of cultivated land耕地非农化
1.The results indicate the income disparity can speed up the conversion of cultivated land and can have impacts on economic growth and increase the demand of the non-agriculture land.研究目的:分析中国收入差距与耕地非农化之间的关系。
2.The results indicated that the conversion of cultivated land was an impact factor of the changes of grain production,but it was not main.利用计量经济分析方法,分析了湖北省粮食产量与耕地非农化之间的关系。
3.The results show that its externality is the most crucial reason of cultivated land conversion,and the compensation mechanism can restrain effectively the conversion of cultivated land.基于耕地功能的多样性以及在社会经济整体发展中的地位和作用,重构了耕地利用的效益体系,并在此基础上分析了耕地利用生态社会效益外部性下的耕地非农化机制。
4)Non-agriculturalization of cultivated land耕地非农化
1.A comparative analysis on non-agriculturalization of cultivated land and relevant factors between Fujian and Taiwan Provinces;闽台耕地非农化及关联因子的比较研究
5)cultivated land non-agriculture耕地非农化
1.Based on the questionnaire investigation (result of farmer household and statistical data of Huaihua City, through 227 farmer household investigations of cultivated land use condition in Huaihua City, with the use of regression model method, this paper gives a comprehensive study and analysis of rural cultivated land use and cultivated land non-agriculture condition and causes.本论文以怀化市227户农户问卷调查结果和统计资料为基础,采用回归建模的方法,就当前我国农村耕地利用及耕地非农化的现状和原因,从农户的角度,进行了广泛深入的研究和探讨。
6)cultivated land non-agriculturalization耕地非农化利用

非农数据即非农业就业人数  就业报告(TheEmploymentReport),包括与就业相关的信息,分别由两个独立的调查得出,即企业调查和家庭调查。  其中,企业调查提供有关非农业部门的就业情况,平均每小时工作和总小时指数;家庭调查提供有关劳动力、家庭就业和失业率的情况。非农业就业衡量在所有非农工业中有收入人员的数字,如制造业和服务业。  就业报告通常被誉为外汇市场能够做出反应的所有经济指标中的%26ldquo;皇冠上的宝石%26rdquo;,它是市场最为敏感的月度经济指标,投资者通常能从中看到众多市场敏感的信息,其中外汇市场特别重视的是随季节性调整的每月就业人数的变化情况。比如,强劲的非农就业情况表明了一个健康的经济状况,并可能预示着更高的利率,而潜在的高利率促使外汇市场更多地推动该国货币价值,反之亦然。