专业合作社,Specialized cooperatives
1)Specialized cooperatives专业合作社
1.The construction and characteristic of farmer’s specialized cooperatives were studied in this paper.论文对合作社及农民专业合作社建设问题及特征进行了探讨。
2.Based on the informationabout Beihai farmer specialized cooperatives in recent years, the article analyzed the primary factors whichhave influenced the development of local farmer specialized cooperatives, and put forward some strategiesand suggestions for developing farmer cooperatives in Beihai and promoting agricultural industrializationaround Northern Gulf.北海近年来积极推动农民专业合作社的发展,逐步建立起风险共担、利益共享的联结机制。
3.This research utilizes the materials and open statistics,depend on the current development situation of agricultural machinery specialized cooperatives,discuss the typical mode and existing problem of regional non-government services within agricultural machinery.本研究利用本人工作掌握的资料和公开的统计数据,根据目前我国农机专业合作社发展现状,探讨各地农机社会化服务的典型模式和存在的主要问题,按照发展农民专业合作社的基本要求,提出农机专业合作社建设思路和政策建议。

1.Study on the Farmers' Professional Cooperatives on the Basis of Cooperative Benefit基于合作收益的农民专业合作社研究
2.Study on the Stimulation Mechanism of Farmer-specialized Cooperation Based in the Scope of Enterprise;基于企业框架的专业合作社激励机制
3.Exploring for the Model of Agricultural Machinery Service Cooperation in Wenzhou;温州市农业机械专业合作社建设探索
4.The Research of Operation and Management of Farmers Professional Cooperation;农民专业合作社运行及管理问题研究
5.The Research of Financing Issue for Shandong Farmer s Specialized Cooperation;山东省农民专业合作社融资问题研究
6.The Study on the Inner Institution of Chinese Farmer Specialized Cooperatives;我国农民专业合作社的内部制度研究
7.On the Agriculture Cooperative Governance on the Legal Mechanism;农民专业合作社治理的法律机制研究
8.The Dissimilation of Rural Professional Cooperatives and the Determinants;农村专业合作社的“异化”及其成因研究
9.The Theory and Practice on Specialty Cooperative of Peasants in Taizhou;台州市农民专业合作社的实践与思考
10.Preliminary Research of the Development of New-type Professional Farmer s Cooperatives;发展新型农民专业合作社的初步思考
11.On the Foundation and Conditions of the Formation of Farmers Specialized Cooperative Organization;论农民专业合作社产生的基础和条件
12.On Attribute of Economic Law of the Law of Peasantry Special Cooperative;略论农民专业合作社法的经济法属性
13.Analysis of positive and negative effects of Farmers Cooperatives Law;《农民专业合作社法》的正负效应分析
14.Farmer Specialized Cooperative Society System Evolution and Its Enlightenment;农民专业合作社制度的演进及其启示
15.Research on the Corporate Governance Structure of the Farmers Specialized Cooperatives;农民专业合作社的法人治理结构研究
16.Mechanism of FSC and Changes in Their Functions;农村专业合作社机制与职能转型初探
17.Basic Theoretical Problems of Rural Specicality Cooperatives;农村专业合作社的几个基本理论问题
18.The Farmer Specialized Cooperatives: Achievements and Improvement of Relevant System and Environment农民专业合作社:绩效及组织、环境改进

Professional cooperative专业合作社
1.Founding professional cooperative is a feasible way to realize the reform of grass-roots supply-scale consortium.兴办专业合作社是实现基层供销社改革的可行之路,河北省供销社在这方面走在了全国的前列。
2.The farmers\' professional cooperative organization is a kind of economic organization which is operated by mutual help of farmers themselves.农民专业合作社是带有互助性质的经济组织,已成为我国农村的新型市场主体,在建设现代农业、促进农民增收、实现农村稳定等方面发挥着重要作用。
1.The professional cooperative is a new life in China, although it has many problems need to solve, such as law, management and marketing, it was proved that it is good for the development of national agriculture and it is also a good way to shorten the gap between rich and poor.专业合作社在中国作为一种新兴的企业组织形式,无论在政策法规、内部管理还是在市场竞争方面都不够完善,但是在国外,专业合作社却被事实证明了是引领国家的农业产业化以及消除贫富差距的重要解决方式。
4)forestry specialty co-operative organization林业专业合作社
5)farmer professional cooperative农民专业合作社
1.Based on the analysis of Yuedong chicken Association,this article has discussed the plight of farmer professional cooperative.文章通过对安徽省蒙城县岳东养鸡协会的个案分析,探讨了农民专业合作社发展困境的成因,认为组织体制不完善、资金短缺、市场不稳定是发展困境的现实原因,"文化堕距"是发展困境的深层次原因。
2.Jimo farmer professional cooperative has been founded for recent years of development,now it.即墨市农民专业合作社经过近些年的发展虽已形成管理民主化,农民组织程度高;经营专业化,产品竞争力强;服务标准化,农民收入多的特点,但进一步发展还面临许多困难和问题。
6)Farmer professional cooperatives农民专业合作社
1.Farmer professional cooperatives have been developed gradually to different levels of the rural economy in Kaifeng City,which has promoted the rapid and healthful development of local economy.为了进一步掌握开封市农民专业合作社的发展状况,对该市24家农民合作社进行了问卷调查,提出了农民专业合作社发展中存在的一些问题,探讨了农民合作社的运营状况,并针对性地提出了相关政策建议。
2.In order to promote the development of farmer professional cooperatives in our country, China\'s government departments at all levels have taken a variety of support, including direct government support model, indirect government support model and "direct + indirect" government support mode.为推动中国农民专业合作社的发展,中国各级政府部门采取了各种各样的扶持方式,这些具体的扶持方式可以概括为三种模式:政府直接扶持模式、政府间接扶持模式、政府"直接+间接"扶持模式。

高级农业合作社、供销合作社、信用社“三合一”高级农业合作社、供销合作社、信用社“三合一” [高级农业合作社、供销合作社、信用社“三合一”】把供销合作社和信用合作社都合并到高级农业合作社的称谓。其优点是精简了机构,统一了领导,节省了一些费用开支。缺点是和高级农业合作社里附设信用部一样,高级农业合作社随意挪用信贷资金,破坏了信用组织的生命力,影响信用部组织与调剂农村资金余缺功能的发挥。