自愿性失业,voluntary unemployment
1)voluntary unemployment自愿性失业
1.An economical analysis of graduates voluntary unemployment;大学生自愿性失业的经济学分析
2.It seems that the graduate’s voluntary unemployment more outstanding under the present situation.大学生自愿性失业在今天的就业形势下备显突出。

1.Involuntary unemplyment is pervasive.非自愿性失业普遍出现。
2.Voluntary Unemployment of College Graduates: An Analysis of the Cause and their Psychology;大学生自愿性失业的成因及心理分析
3.Analysis on Graduates Volunteer Unemployment: A Segregated Labor Market Perspective;从劳动力市场分割理论谈大学生自愿性失业
4.On the Formative Mechanism of the Model of the Long-term Involuntary Unemployment of the Total Number in China;中国总量性非自愿失业模型生成机制研究——基于凯恩斯就业理论的视角
5.I prize my independence too much to go and work for them.我决不愿意丧失自己的独立性去为他们效劳.
6.Reason and Governance of Demand Market Lack of Our Country s Voluntary Audit;我国自愿性审计需求市场缺失的原因及治理
7.willing to deprive yourself.心甘情愿丧失自我的。
8.Involuntary Unemployment of Migrant Workers in Electronic Manufacturing Industry under the Background of the World Financial Crisis全球金融危机背景下电子制造业农民工的非自愿失业
9.If again unemployed, but add does an individual freewill pay cost, fixed number of year of around pay expenses is amalgamative computation.若再次失业,可续办个人自愿缴费,前后缴费年限合并计算。
10.The trade union in a joint venture is a mass organization formed by the staff and workers.合营企业工会是职工自愿结合的群众性组织。
11.Enterprise Heterogeneity,Voluntary donation and the Essence of the Chamber of Commerce:a Hypothesis;企业异质性、自愿捐赠与商会的本质:一个假说
12.A Research on the Relationship between Voluntary Disclosures of Listed Companies and Surplus Achievement;上市公司自愿性信息披露和盈余业绩关系研究
13.Negating Limited Liability of Partnership and Protecting Involuntary Creditors合伙企业有限责任否认与非自愿性债权人保护
14.involuntary part-time employment非自愿的非全时就业
15.The principle of voluntariness shall be practised in agricultural insurance.农业保险实行自愿原则。
16.Charities rely on voluntary donations/contributions.慈善事业依靠自愿捐赠.
17.They will take any sort of job anywhere rather than be unemployed他们愿意到任何地方干任何事, 也不愿意失业
18.He went of his own accord-vanished in the night.他走是出于自愿--在夜里失踪了。

involuntary unemployment非自愿失业
1.Basing on the analysis of Prof s voluntary unemployment and frictional unemployment,John Maynard Keynes raised his theory of "involuntary unemployment" in general theory of employment interest and money,that there is serious economic crisis and unemployment in capitalist society.凯恩斯在《就业、利息和货币通论》中,在评析庇古的"自愿失业"和"摩擦失业"的基础上,提出了"非自愿失业"论,认为资本主义社会存在严重的经济危机和严重的失业。
3)university stundent's Voluntary Unemployment大学生自愿性失业
4)graduates voluntary unemployment大学生自愿失业
5)Forced churn非自愿性流失
6)long-term involuntary unemployment of the total number长期的总量性非自愿失业
