卢龙县,Lulong county
1)Lulong county卢龙县
1.Research on Protection Grade Evaluation Method of Cultivated Land Resources Based on Production Capacity——A Case Study on Lulong County of Hebei Province基于产能的耕地资源保护级别评定方法研究——以河北省卢龙县为例

1.Talk about Wine Grape Industry in Lulong County of Hebei Province;浅谈河北省卢龙县地区酿酒葡萄产业
2.Study on Land-using Division of County Area县区土地利用分区研究——以河北省卢龙县为例
3.Analysis of Census Results of 2106 Cases of Gynecological Diseases in Lulong County of Hebei Province in 2008河北省卢龙县2008年2106例妇科病普查结果分析
4.Epidemiological Analysis of Smear-positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lulong County of Hebei Province during 2004-20072004—2007年河北省卢龙县涂阳肺结核流行病学分析
5.Study on the Land Supporting for Population Based on Agricultural Land Classification -A Case Study on Lulong County of HeBei Province;基于农用地分等的土地人口承载力研究——以河北卢龙县为例
6.Application of Grey Theory in Land Use Planning;灰色理论在土地利用规划中的应用——以河北卢龙县为例
7.Research on Protection Grade Evaluation Method of Cultivated Land Resources Based on Production Capacity--A Case Study on Lulong County of Hebei Province基于产能的耕地资源保护级别评定方法研究——以河北省卢龙县为例
8.Epidemiology on caliciviruses diarrhea of children in Lulong county of Hebei province in 1999~2005.河北省卢龙县1999~2005年婴幼儿杯状病毒腹泻的监测研究
9.Study on the Enrollment of Farmland Classification and Gradation in Basal Farmland;基于农用地分等定级的耕地入选基本农田定量方法研究——以河北省卢龙县为例
10.An Examination on the counties of Yangdu,Dong'an and Lu in Chengyang During the West Han Dynasty西汉城阳国所辖阳都、东安、虑(卢)县考
11.Status and Protection Countermeasures of Mine Environment in Lushi County卢氏县矿山环境现状及保护治理对策
12.The Research of Railway Ballast Produce System of Lulong Quarry;卢龙采石场铁路道碴生产系统优化研究
13.The Study on Colour Causing Mechanism and Ameliorate Conditions of Lulong Red Corundum;卢龙红刚玉的颜色成因及优化条件的研究
14.The Soil of Xiwan and Shiqiao Production Brigade of Lushi County and Its Use and Improvement卢氏县西湾石桥大队的土壤及其利用改良
15."The Town of Long" and "the Lulong" in the Tang Poetry;唐诗中的“龙城”与“卢龙”——从王昌龄《出塞二首》之一说起
16.Guangxi Longzhou Jinlong the Phu Thays Multi-dimensional Approval and Vicissitude;广西龙州县金龙布傣人的多元认同及变迁
17.On the Culture and Living Environment of the Yao Nationality--Case Study of Dazai Village,Longji,Longsheng County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region瑶族文化与生境——以广西龙胜县龙脊大寨村为例
18.The Research on the Vocational Education Development of Longsheng Minority Autonomous County, the State-supported Poverty-stricken County;国定贫困县龙胜各族自治县职业教育发展探索

1."The Town of Long" and "the Lulong" in the Tang Poetry;唐诗中的“龙城”与“卢龙”——从王昌龄《出塞二首》之一说起
2.The present paper restudies the conodonts of Cambrian Ordovician boundary from Tangshan Lulong area, Hebei province.本文对唐山和卢龙地区寒武-奥陶系界线地层中的牙形刺再次进行研究,厘定了过去报道的一些重要属种,并对最具地层意义的Cordylodus的几个种的演化进行了分析。
3)Lushi County卢氏县
1.This paper discusses some problems such as the reason of poverty, the superiority in development, the way to get faimers rich, the project and policy and so on for relieving poverty and getting rich in Lushi county of Henan Province.卢氏县是河南省28个国家级贫困县之一。
5)lulong area卢龙地区
6)Lulong basin卢龙盆地
1.We found that the principal compressive stress axis in Lulong basin is nearly in the east-west direction with an azimuth of N74°E.1地震的余震序列的震源机制求解,认为卢龙盆地的主压应力轴方位角为N74°E,近东西向;而盆地的北边变为N43°E;在盆地中心有些部位主压应力轴转为北西方向,与盆地周边的主压应力轴方位几乎垂直。
