配套机制,supporting mechanism
1)supporting mechanism配套机制
1.According to the organization and resource characteristic of power supply enterprise,this paper discusses the guideline and method to build up resource-saving enterprises in respects of organization framework setup and supporting mechanism,presents the specific advice to construct the management system.建设资源节约型企业是供电企业发展的必然要求,基于供电企业的机构和资源特征,从组织设置及配套机制两个方面探讨了建设节约型供电企业的思路和方法,并提出了管理体系建设的具体实施建议。

1.On Perfecting System of the Supplemental System of Criminal Illegal Evidence Exclusionary Rules;刑事非法证据排除规则配套机制的完善
2.Study of Related Mechanism of Improving the Credit and Guarantee System of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;完善我国中小企业信用担保体系的配套机制
3.Form a Proper Mechanism to Suit the Open Education;建立与开放教育相适应的配套机制初探
4.procedural legislature should be impro ved and deposit insurance system should be in place soon as a complementary mech anism to perfect the system construction of market withdrawal in our country.并尽快建立存款保险制度作为配套机制,以完善我国市场退出的制度建设。
5.Study on the Supply Industry Group and Operating Mechanism of Deyang Equipment Manufacturing Industry;德阳市装备制造业配套产业集群运行机制研究
6.This equipment includes paste machine, pre-mix boiler, gluewater boiler, powder material hopper, colloid pump and operation platform.全套设备配有制膏机、混锅、水锅、料斗、体泵、作平台。
7.Study on matching potential & mechanism of supply and demand of high-tech in Guanzhong Zone;关中带高新技术供求的配套潜力与机制研究
8.Research on Pricing Mechanism of Bidding Price in Set With Energy Conservation Power Generation Dispatch节能发电调度配套上网电价定价机制研究
9.implements and accessories for two wheel tractor两轮拖拉机配套农具
10.The supplementary measures to put an end to arbitrary price hikes制止乱涨价的配套措施
11.Constructing a New Library Service Mechanism Based on Demand of Students;立足学生需求,构建与高职学制配套的图书馆服务新机制
12.Going hand-in-hand with this have been coordinated reforms of town and township administrative setups, rural education and the county-township financial system.同时,进行了乡镇机构、农村教育和县乡财政体制等配套改革。
13.At the same time, related reforms of township and town institutions, rural education, and county and township financial systems will be carried out.同时,要搞好乡镇机构、农村教育和县乡财政体制等配套改革。
14.Development and Application of Hydralulic Support and Three-Machine Equiped System;综采液压支架及“三机”配套选型系统软件的研制与应用
15.The Theory Basis,the Principle and the Corresponding Policy Suggestion to the Mechanism of Reparation for Rangeland Ecology Balance in China;建立中国草原生态补偿机制的依据、原则及配套政策研究
16.Exploring the Way for Long-Term Farmers' Incomes Increasing in Urban-Rural Synthetically Reform, the Thesis Illustrates with Jiu Long Po District of Chongqing统筹城乡综合配套改革中农民增收长效机制建立的途径研究
17.Connotation and Operating Mechanism Research on the National Urban-Rural Coordinated and Synthetically Reforming Testing District国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的内涵与运作机制研究
18.Development of oxygen turbocompressor for 60000m~3/h air separation units60000m~3/h等级空分设备配套氧气透平压缩机的研制

internal necessary mechanism内部配套机制
3)related mechanism of financing融资配套机制
4)Related Cooperation Mechanisms配套合作机制
5)the system going with the Chinese imperial examination科举制度"配套"机制
6)supporting system配套制度

磁耦合机制和沙兹曼机制  解释太阳系角动量特殊分布的两种理论。太阳质量占太阳系总质量的99.8%以上,但其角动量(动量矩)却只占太阳系总角动量的1%左右,而质量仅占0.2%的行星和卫星等天体,它们的角动量却占99%左右。太阳系角动量的这种特殊分布,是太阳系起源研究中的一个重要问题。1942年,阿尔文提出一种"磁耦合机制"。他认为,太阳通过它的磁场的作用,把角动量转移给周围的电离云,从而使由后者凝聚成的行星具有很大的角动量。他假定原始太阳有很强的偶极磁场,其磁力线延伸到电离云并随太阳转动。电离质点只能绕磁力线作螺旋运动,并且被磁力线带动着随太阳转动,因而从太阳获得角动量。太阳因把角动量转移给电离云,自转遂变慢了。    1962年,沙兹曼提出另一种通过磁场作用转移角动量的机制,称为沙兹曼机制。他认为,太阳(恒星)演化早期经历一个金牛座T型变星的时期,由于内部对流很强和自转较快,出现局部强磁场和比现今太阳耀斑强得多的磁活动,大规模地抛出带电粒子。这些粒子也随太阳磁场一起转动,直到抵达科里奥利力开始超过磁张力的临界距离处,它们一直从太阳获得角动量。由于临界距离达到恒星距离的量级,虽然抛出的物质只占太阳质量的很小一部分,但足以有效地把太阳的角动量转移走。沙兹曼也用此机制解释晚于F5型的恒星比早型星自转慢的观测事实。晚于F5型的恒星,都有很厚的对流区和很强的磁活动,通过抛出带电粒子转移掉角动量,自转因而变慢。然而早于F5型的恒星,没有很厚的对流区,没有损失角动量,因而自转较快。