实现程度,Realization degree
1)Realization degree实现程度
1.On the basis of in-depth understanding of the socialism new countryside connotation, this paper discusses the index system of the socialism new countryside construcion for appraising the effectiveness, and analyses the realization degree and constraint factors of the new countryside construction, which takes Guangdong as an example.在对社会主义新农村内涵深刻理解的基础上,探讨评价社会主义新农村建设成效的指标体系,并以广东省新农村建设为例,分析和评判其新农村建设实现程度和存在的制约因素。

1.A Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Method on the Realization Degree of Agricultural Modernization;农业现代化实现程度的灰色综合评价
2.The Appraisal Research for Hebei Province New Rural Construction Realization Degree;河北省新农村建设实现程度评价研究
3.An Evaluation on the Degree of Realization of Heibei Provinces Modernization and the Developing Method;河北省现代化实现程度的评价及其发展思路
4.Analysis on the Process of the Comprehensive Well-off Society in Shaanxi Province;陕西省全面建设小康社会实现程度分析
5.Evaluation and Comparison of Realization Degree on the a Well-being Society on Full Scale in the Six Provinces of the Central China;中部六省全面小康实现程度的评价与比较
6.achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative.达到或实现最小的程度通常是否定的。
7.The rights of workers have been realized to the full.劳动者的权利得到了最大程度的实现。
8.Research and Implementation of Ship Remote Scheduling Platform;船舶远程调度指挥平台的研究与实现
9.The Improvement and Implement of Process Scheduling Algorithm Based on Linux;基于Linux的进程调度算法的改进与实现
10.Research and Realization of High Precision Gyro Temperature Control System;高精度陀螺温控系统的工程实现研究
11.Improving the Level of Peasant Organizing and Completes the Agricultural Product Increasing Value;提高农民组织化程度实现农产品增值
12.Attribute Hierarchy-based Model of Course Assessment and its Realization;论课程评价的属性测度模型及其实现
13.Practical Difficulties in Development of Project Management Systemand It s Way Out;工程监理制度发展的现实困境与出路
14.The Institutional Design of the Principle of Justice Concerning the Administrative Procedural Law;实现行政程序法公正原则的制度设计
15.Design and implementation of a remote temperature monitoring system on coal pile煤堆温度远程监控系统的设计与实现
16.Design of the Calculation Program of Structural Reliability Index Based on JC Method Using MATLAB用MATLAB实现JC法计算结构可靠度程序
17.We have benefited from competition and realized the benefits in terms of higher standards.我们从竞争中获益,实现了更高程度上的利益。
18.The students show various degrees of skill in doing the experiments.学生们做实验时,表现出各种不同程度的技巧。

degree of the well-off life realization小康实现程度
3)degree of ecologization生态化实现程度
4)interest requirement and their realization extent利益要求实现程度
5)the Degree of the Meet of Transportation Demand运输需求实现程度
6)programming realization编程实现

保险保障程度保险保障程度  【保险保障程度】企业在风险管理决策,选择保险方式时必须评估的企业的实际财务状况及最大可能损失额。它便于对保险实行不同程度、不同范围的选择。一般可分为必须保险保障、必要保险保障和一般保险保障。 必须保险保障主要是对需要强制保险的项目和预期损失非常严重的标的进行保险。 必要保险保障是对那些可能严重损害企业经营、造成严重的损失后果,但不致于使企业破产或倒闭的损失提供保障。 一般保险保障是为上述两类没有提供的所有种类的可保风险提供保险保障。这类损失不致于给企业带来严重影响,但在一定的程度上给企业生产经营带来不利。