湘乡市,Xiangxiang city
1)Xiangxiang city湘乡市
1.Study on the spatial pattern of land use in Xiangxiang City湘乡市土地利用空间格局分析
2.Take Xiangxiang city as a case, on the base of analysis the land use status and problems, the paper collect and collat以湘乡市为实证研究,在深入分析市域土地利用现状及存在问题的基础上,收集整理研究时段的各评价指标原始数据,运用层次分析法确定各评价指标权重,制定各评价指标的稳定区间,然后运用前述建立的评价模型进行土地利用系统协调发展度计算。

1.Study on the Land Resource Sustainable Use Synthetic Evaluating of Xiangxiang City;湘乡市土地资源可持续利用综合评价研究
2.The Analysis and Suggestion on the Professional Development of Junior Chinese Teacher in Xiangxiang;湘乡市初中语文教师专业发展的现状调查分析与建议
3.The Xiangxiang stone material limited company is engaged in the marble plate specially, the stone material handicraft and the mosaic production and the exportation enterprise.湘乡市石材有限公司是专门从事大理石板材,石材工艺品和马赛克的生产及出口企业。
4.The HuaXing casts the industry park that the limited company locates the Xiang country City,320 National Freeways, top the Rui superhighway, the railroad of XiangQian pierces through the in the interval, the transportation is extremely convenient.华星铸造有限公司位于湘乡市工业园,320国道、瑞高速公路、黔铁路贯穿其间,交通极为便利。
5.Zhang Tianyi (1906 -1985) was from Xiangxiang, Hunan.张天翼(1906-1985)湖南湘乡人。
6.The Dialect in the Eastern Boundary of Ninxiang and Xiangxiang County in Hunan;湖南宁乡与湘乡边界东段的方言状况
7.At present the political situation in such counties as Hsianghsiang, Hsiangtan, Liling and Hengshan is as follows:现在像湘乡、湘潭、醴陵、衡山等县的县政治状况是:
8.In Hsianghsiang County the raising of chickens and ducks is prohibited, but the women object.湘乡禁喂鸡鸭,但妇女们反对。
9.At Kushui in Hsianghsiang County, there is a prohibition even on smoking water-pipes.湘乡的谷水地方水烟也禁了。
10.In many counties, especially Hsianghsiang, there have been cases of smashing sedan-chairs.许多县有打轿子的事,湘乡特甚。
11.In Hsianghsiang County, there is a ban on all "egg-cake feasts", which are by no means sumptuous.湘乡禁止“蛋糕席”——一种并不丰盛的席面。
12.The Study of the Structure of the "隻+noun" in Xiangxiang (Hutian) Dialect;湘乡(壶天)话中“隻+名”结构研究
13.The Ancient Initial Feng (奉) as Aspirated [k‘] in Fanjiangzhen Dialect,Xiangxiang County,Hunan Province;湘乡翻江镇方言奉母字今读[k‘]声母
14.Study on the Syllabled Vowels of Xianghua in Yuanling and Tuhua in South Hunan;沅陵乡话、湘南几个土话的韵母研究
15.On the First Native Textbook Immersed in the Culture of Huxiang浸润在湖湘文化中的第一乡土教科书
16.During my recent visit to Hunan I made a first-hand investigation of conditions in the five counties of Hsiangtan, Hsianghsiang, Hengshan, Liling and Changsha.我这回到湖南,实地考察了湘潭、湘乡、衡山、醴陵、长沙五县的情况。
17.The Construction on the Country tour of Great Xiangxi Interacting with New Village Construction--Take the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture as an Example;大湘西乡村旅游与新农村建设良性互动的构建——以湘西自治州为例
18.The Unchangeable Local Accent and the Perpetual Love of the Middle Part Hunan -On Amorous Feelings to the Middle Part of Hunan in the Creative Works of Jiang Muliang;不变的乡音 永恒的湘中——论蒋牧良小说创作中的湘中风情

1.The Dialect in the Eastern Boundary of Ninxiang and Xiangxiang County in Hunan;湖南宁乡与湘乡边界东段的方言状况
3)Xiang Xiang School湘乡派
1.On Xue Fucheng, One of the Prose Giants of Xiang Xiang School;六经之内所未讲 桐城文家所不为——评湘乡派散文家薛福成
4)Xiangxiang dialect湘乡方言
1.A Bibliographic Analysis about the Pronunciation of the Initial Consonant of Fei-group Characters in Xiangxiang Dialect;从相关文献记录看湘乡方言非组字读音
2.It also introduces the present studies on the Xiangxiang dialect, the emphasis and the main purpose of our research.第三章对以壕塘口方言为代表方言的湘乡方言的若干语音特点进行了描述,并分析了这些特点形成的原因。
3.For the above reasons,this dissertation tries to have a comprehensive analysis on the phonetic phenomenon of Xiangxiang dialect.针对这一现状,我们选定了一种具有较强代表性的湘方言—湘乡方言,对之进行了较为全面的语音研究,文中有共时描写,还有历时分析,更有与其他湘方言以及其他汉语方言的比较,由此我们得以较为深入地了解现代湘语的语音特征。
5)The Xiangxiang School of Literature湘乡文派
6)Xianghua Dialect in West Hunan湘西乡话
1.The Deference of the Xianghua Dialect in West Hunan湘西乡话语音的内部差异
