松滋市,Songzi City
1)Songzi City松滋市
1.Problems in Mining Exploitation in Songzi City and its Development Countermeasures;松滋市矿产开发利用存在的问题及发展对策

1.Investigative Method for Basic Farmland of the Second Land Investigation in Songzi松滋市第二次土地调查基本农田调查方法探讨
2.Network of African Mayors against HIV/AIDS非洲市长防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病网
3.I rather fancy a gin and tonic.我想来一杯杜松子滋补酒。
4.Although the disease continues to be most serious in cities,尽管(艾滋病)在城市中仍然是最严重的,
5.Analysis on High-risk Behaviors Related to AIDS of CSW in Nanchong City南充市城区暗娼艾滋病高危行为分析
6.It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly.这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。
7.Estimate of AIDS interference effect on rural residents of Zhuhai珠海市农村居民艾滋病干预效果评估
8.AIDS Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Among College and High School Students in Lanzhou;兰州市大中学生艾滋病知识·态度·行为
9.Analysis of AIDS Epidemic in Leshan City During 1997-20081997-2008年乐山市艾滋病的流行特征分析
11.Behavior analysis and HIV surveillance for drug users in Xiangfan City襄樊市吸毒人群艾滋病综合监测分析
12.AIDS Data Analysis in Taishan City from 1993 to 20081993~2008年台山市艾滋病资料分析
13.Analysis of Epidemic Situation of AIDS in Kashi City from 1997 to 20081997~2008年喀什市艾滋病疫情分析
14.Analysis of the Prevalence of AIDS in Yancheng City from 1999 to 20081999~2008年盐城市艾滋病疫情分析
15.HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Liuzhou2008年柳州市艾滋病监测结果分析
16.Results of detection of HIV/AIDS in Liuzhou City柳州市2007年艾滋病监测结果分析
17.The Analysis of the Conditions of Maternal-neonatal Transmission Blocking of AIDS in Yichang City宜昌市预防艾滋病母婴传播情况分析
18.Prevalence of AIDS from 1997 to 2007 in Jinhua city金华市1997-2007年艾滋病流行特征

Songzi Oilfield松滋油田
1.Aimed at the bad rockforming property of gravel beds in the fourth system of surface formation in Songzi Oilfield, through systematical analysis and laboratory experiments, the paper presents that shielding & plugging technique can be used to solve the wellbore stability in unconsolidated gravel beds and that positive charge colloid drilling fluid can be used to carry & suspend cuttings.针对松滋油田表层第四系厚砾石层成岩性差的特点,经过系统分析和室内实验研究,提出了用屏蔽封堵技术解决砾石层的井壁稳定问题,用正电胶钻井液解决携岩和静止时钻井液的悬浮稳定性问题。
3)the Songzi river松滋河
1.Water diversion evolution tendency of the Songzi river;松滋河分流演变发展趋势
4)Songzi bleeder松滋口
1.Study on effects of Songzi bleeder diversion on fluvial evolution of Lujia river;松滋口分流及其对芦家河河势影响研究
5)Songzi dialect松滋方言
1.The characteristics of the unstressed sounds in Songzi dialect are the shortening of the sound length and the change of the sound pitch.松滋方言轻声的特点是音长缩短和音高变化,其音高延续了前字声调的终点音高;松滋方言的轻声音节只有音高特征,但轻声前字曲拱特征仍然保留着;前字为阳平和上声的有变调现象产生。
6)Songzi field松滋油气田
1.The Songzi field is a newly-discovered oil and gas field in Hubei Province of China.湖北松滋油气田是一个新发现的油气田,尽快揭示其天然气的富集规律及勘探方向尤为重要。
