标准厂房,Standard workshop
1)Standard workshop标准厂房
1.Standard workshop region design within terra saving conception and its problems discussion;标准厂房工业区节地设计及其开发中尚存问题的探讨
2.Design strategy of whole life period energy-saving standard workshop;全生命周期节能标准厂房设计策略

1.On the Utilization and Construction of Standard Workshop标准厂房建设使用问题初探——以河南省安阳市为例
2.It has a planned area of6 km2, which is divided into the industrial business area the leasing area for30,000 m2, of standard factory buidings.规划总面积6平方公里,分设工业企业安置区和30万平方米的标准厂房租售区。
3.Standard for reliability evaluation of industrial factory buildings工业厂房可靠性鉴定标准
4.Standard for design of daylighting using glass fiber reinforced plastics daylighting shade in plant工业厂房玻璃钢采光罩采光设计标准
5.Research on Structural State Control Criterion of Monolayer Steel Structural Workshop;单层钢结构工业厂房结构状态控制标准研究
6.On the Influence of Regulating the Standards Designs of Factory Workshop on Fire Rescuing谈规范标准工业厂房消防设计对灭火救援的影响及意义
7.Statistics analysis and control standards of column foundation relative horizontal displacement of monolayer industrial workshops in soft area软土地区单层厂房柱基平移统计分析与控制标准
8.Introduction to National Standard "Design Code of Cleaning Workshop Used in Pharmaceutical Industry"-A New Starting Point新的起点——国家标准《医药工业洁净厂房设计规范》简介
9.Standard for design of railway building铁路房屋建筑设计标准
10.Standard for functions of kitchen fixtures in residences住宅厨房设施功能标准
11.Standard for dimensions of kitchen fixtures in residences住宅厨房设施尺度标准
12.The Design-Source of GMP Implementation-Briefing on New State Standard Design Code of Cleaning Workshop Used in Pharmaceutical Industry工程设计:实施GMP的源头——新编国家标准《医药工业洁净厂房设计规范》简介
13.We are prepared to contribute 57%, including cash, factory buildings and premises.我们准备投资57%,包括现金、厂房和其他房产。
14.Housing Needs and Housing Subsidy Standard for Civil Servants in China;公务员住房需要与住房补贴标准研究
15.This Standard applies to all Company Pharma Sites, Affiliates, and External Manufacturers.这个标准适用于公司药厂、部以及外部生产厂商。
16.Stable prices! Standards to measure housing market prices?稳定房价!衡量住房市场房价的标准到底是什么?
17.Eliminate work standards( quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute leadership.消除工厂里的工作标准(额)以领导代之。
18.Standard for design of electrical laboratory of thermal power plant火力发电厂电气实验室设计标准

Constraction of standard workshop标准厂房建设
3)industry stadards厂家标准
4)company standard工厂标准
5)Standard Component Factory标准件厂
6)standard room标准房间
1.Experimental research on fire flashover characteristics in standard room;标准房间火灾轰燃特性的实验研究

德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of Germany  Oeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。