土地整理测绘,Land consolidation and mapping
1)Land consolidation and mapping土地整理测绘
1.On the basis of outlining land consolidation and mapping,this paper briefly introduces the operational principle of GPS-RTK technology,and takes the project area as an example to try and discuss the application of GPS-RTK technology in land consolidation and mapping.在概述土地整理测绘的基础上,简单介绍了GPS-RTK技术的工作原理,以江西省大余县土地整理项目为例,对GPS-RTK技术在土地整理测绘中的应用进行了尝试和探讨,得出GPS-RTK技术完全可以应用于土地整理测绘

1.Discussion on the Application of GPS-RTK Technology in Land Consolidation and Mapping;GPS-RTK技术在土地整理测绘中的应用探讨
2.Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre捷克测绘和土地清册局
3.Discussion on the Application of Informationization Surveying and Mapping on the Work of Land Use and Management浅谈信息化测绘在土地利用与管理中的应用
4.The optimization of evaluation system of land consolidation planning based on ecological thought--Taking land consolidation projects in Hubei Province as an example基于生态思考的土地整理测度与评价——以湖北省土地整理项目为例
5.Design and Development of Land Consolidation Remote Sensing Monitoring System土地整理遥感监测系统的设计与实现
6.A Study of the Method for Newly-Increased Cultivated Land Measurement of Land Consolidation Projects in Hilly Areas;丘陵地区土地整理项目新增耕地测算方法研究
7.The explorer mapped the new territory .那位探测者绘制那块新土地的地图。
8.The Research on the Computing Method of New Land Area in the Project of Land Exploitation and Arrangement;土地开发整理项目新增耕地面积测算方法研究
9.Calculation on the Quanlity Comprehension Index of Renovating-Reclamating-Exploitating Cultivated Land in Henan Province;河南省土地开发整理耕地质量综合指数测算
10.Application of Survey Technology to the Development and Sorting out of Land;浅析测量技术在土地开发整理中的应用
11.Research on Mapping Engineering Standards for Present Situation Maps of Land Development and Arrangement土地开发整理现状图测制工程标准研究
12.The Management and Sustainable Development about the Land Both Put in Order and Utilize;土地整理管理与土地利用可持续发展
13.I prepared the ground for the seeds.我整理好土地准备播种。
15.Development of Land Consolidation in the Netherlands and Its Implications for China;荷兰土地整理对我国土地整理发展的启示
16.A Probing on Making the Management Information System of the Surveying and Mapping of Real Estate;建立房地产测绘信息管理系统的探讨
17.Construction of Teaching Reform System for Physical Geography in Surveying and Mapping Profession测绘专业《自然地理学》教改体系的构建
18.Designing and Applications of Surveying and Mapping Management System for Real Estate Removal and Relocation房地产拆迁测绘管理系统设计和应用

A Discussion on Land Consolidation Survey and Mapping试论土地整理测绘
3)land surveying土地测绘
4)geography mapping地理测绘
1.In this paper,the application of interpolation in geography mapping was given through an example.通过实例,给出插值方法在地理测绘中的应用,从几何直观角度观察几种插值方法的特点和效果,进一步理解方法的应用背景和适用范围。
5)Geographical Survey Institute地理测绘所
6)Land arrangement土地整理
1.The application of 3S technology in land arrangement;浅谈3S测绘技术在土地整理中的应用
2.Study on land arrangement and sustainable use in low mountain and hilly areas—Taking Guangan as case;低山丘陵区土地整理与土地持续利用——以广安区为例
3.Several problems to be solved with emphasis in the land arrangement of Bashang district of Hebei province;河北坝上地区土地整理工作中应着重解决的几个问题

土地抵押债务整理土地抵押债务整理 【土地抵押债务整理】系指公营、合作组织或私营组织,以公益为目的的农业金融机构,以低利、长期、摊还的新贷款,使农民用来偿还高利,随时通知索回的旧债务,而不致使土地丧失。土地抵押债务整理是防止土地所有权丧失的重要手段之一,其主要措施如下:1.不能偿还旧债的农家,集合起来组织合作社,提供其土地及其他不动产的抵押权,由合作社发行债券交付,使其换取现金,偿还旧债。2.农村信用合作社保持有高额储蓄存款的时候,拨出一部分作为长期低利资金,贷给社员,让其偿还旧债。同时以社员的土地及其他不动产为担保。如果遇到储蓄存款的提取或其他急需的时候,可以临时向中央合作金库或其他金融机构暂时借人,以应其所需。3.农民为清理高利债务而投保寿险,其保额正好与债额相等。然后以所领的保险金凭单,交付给债权人,来清偿其债务。农民如果死亡,保险金由债权人领取,债务即自行消亡。4.国家或其他公共机关,拨出特别低利资金,用以农家偿还旧债。5.国家设立一种特殊的土地信用机构,发行抵押债券,贷给农家以偿还旧债,郎农家将重利盘剥的旧债务,换为地租银行长期低利摊还的新债务,以减轻负担。6.国家为了协助农家解除高利剥削,指定已设立的土地信用机构,办理偿还旧债贷款。这种方法的实施,需要国家所拨的专款,用来协助此机构,才能行之有效。