农村危机,Rural crisis
1)Rural crisis农村危机

1.Land Problem and Rural Crisis during the Period of New Gui Clique;新桂系时期广西土地问题与农村危机
2.Resolution of Countryside Public Crisis from the Perspective of the Socialism New Countryside;社会主义新农村视阈下的农村公共危机治理
3.Opportunity of Chinese Rural Economic Reform经济危机:中国农村经济变革的契机
4.Existence crisis and protection strategies for rural folklore culture;农村民俗文化的生存危机与保护策略
5.Unscrambling the Rural Middle-aged Teachers Crisis of "Highland Period";解读农村中年教师的“高原期”危机
6.Economic Research on the Rural Public Crisis and theConstruction of Management Mechanism;农村公共危机的经济学研究及管理机制建设
7.Strengthen the Power of Managing the Rural Public Crisis--The Way to Construct the New Country;提升农村公共危机管理能力——建设社会主义新农村的必经之路
8.On Emergent Events in Rural Areas and the Construction of Crisis Management System;试论农村的突发事件与危机管理体系构建
9.The Idea of Rural Construction Governed by Law is Hindered: Legal Crisis in Moral Convictions;农村法治建设之观念阻却:法律信仰危机
10.Effect of the 1929-1933 capitalist economic crisis on China s rural areas;1929-1933年世界经济危机对中国农村的影响
11.Crisis and The Way out: Comment on Study of Rural Social Problem;危机与出路:当前农村社会问题研究述评
12.Analysis of Xinjiang Rural Public Crisis and Its Solving Stragies新疆农村公共危机成因分析及解决对策
13.Research on Rural Labor Transfer under Crisis of International Finance in China金融危机下我国农村劳动力转移问题研究
14.The Modern Crisis of Supporting the Aged in Rural Areas--A Review from the Perspective of Culture and Social Structure农村养老的现代危机——文化和社会结构的视角
15.The New Strategy of Activating Rural Consumer Market under the World Economic Crisis经济危机背景下的农村消费市场开拓新策略
16.Thinkging of speed up countryside consuming market problem under finance crisis金融危机下加快启动农村消费市场问题的思考
17.Expanding the Depth of the Rural Consumer Market under the Background of Financial金融危机背景下农村消费市场拓展问题研究
18.Status and strategies of rural consumption market in the midst of financial crisis金融危机下农村消费市场的现状与对策

managing the rural public crisis农村公共危机管理
1.In order to get to this aim,we must find the crisis hiding in country and strengthen the power of managing the rural public crisis.2006年关于三农的“一号文件”提出了建设社会主义新农村的战略构想,为了建设社会主义新农村,我们必须认清我国农村潜伏的危机,并力图提升我国农村公共危机管理的能力。
3)poverty tendency乡村危机
1.During the period of the Republic of China,especially since the 1920-30 s,there was considerable poverty tendency of the landlord class.它是当时乡村危机的结果与表现,也进一步加深了这一危机。
4)Agricultural Crisis农业危机
1.Lin Yifu believed that the traditional explanation for the agricultural crisis between 1959 to 1961 was inconsistent with the empirical evidence.林毅夫认为,关于中国1959—1961年农业危机主因的传统解释与经验事实不符,而应该以博弈论的观点解释这次危机,并归因于"一次性博弈"。
2.The agricultural crisis during 1959—1961 resulted from the country s series of non-rational policy which the grass-roots people were forced to carry out under the politics pattern of extremely strong state and extremely weak rural society.1959—1961年的农业危机是在国家控制力极强、乡村社会自治性极弱的政治格局下,基层民众被迫执行国家一系列非理性政策的结果。
3.There occurred the agricultural crisis which lasted for twenty - thirty years while great achievements were obtained in the American agricultural modernization in the late 19th century.19世纪晚期在美国农业现代化取得巨大成就的过程中爆发了持续二三十年的农业危机。
5)agriculture crisis农业危机
1.contradiction between the population and the farmland and China s agriculture crisis in the earlier twentieth century;人地矛盾与二十世纪前期中国农业危机
6)agro-machinery safe village农机安全村
1.This paper summarized the practice of building agro-machinery safe village in the city of Hangzhou, considered how to deepen this activity.总结了杭州市创建“农机安全村”的实践,为更好地深化“农机安全村”创建活动作了进一步思考。

《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战的任务》《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战的任务》Present Crisis in the War of Resistance and Task of Persevering in the War of Resistance in North China  lchi妊esis-Zrof关于题的6日浅于第1司恩Muqian Kangzhan Weiii yu JiaHuQbei Kangzhan de Renwu《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战务》(P resent crisis inth‘wa:of,tanee and Task ofPersevering in rhe们Resistance in NOrth China)周,恩来抗日战争形势和如何坚持华北抗战值军事著作。是周恩来于1937年n月在山西临汾群众大会上的演讲。刊1937年12月出版的汉口《群众》周干卷第2期。收入1980年12月出版的<来选集》上卷。 1937年11月8日和12口,太厉海相继失守。为唤起人民坚持华北拍信心,周恩来做了这篇演讲。全文共3内容。第1部分,目前抗战形势及其)该文指出,在太原、上海失守后,抗品出现了妥协调停空气逐渐抬头的危机召要为克服这些危机而奋斗。第2部交持华北抗战的可能及其前途。强调指汁持抗战必须以坚持华北抗战为中心。事上,中央政府应增加生力军到华Jt侧后,改变专守防御的战略战术,动丘民众参战。八路军是推动和领导华北抗战的重要力量。坚持华北抗战将以战争为主体,华北游击战争有着胜和途。第3部分,坚持华北抗战中我{I’_务。第一是改造军队。改造旧军,成军,其组织必须适合山地运动战和战,采用三三制;建立政治工作制度;部队生活;部队指挥要给以独断专行力,使其能独立作战;改变战略战术,识现在是运动战,是游击战,争人不有要建立各部队的后方。第二是开放政杠行民主政治,地方自治自给。第三是月运。要宜传、发动、组织和武装民众。是肃清汉奸,坚决反对投降主义、失贴及特殊化的倾向。 《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战务》对于抗日战争初期华北游击战争献起了一定的指导作用。(胡哲上的分叭势号坚坚军人大久击前任新击善权认鱿实民四义二如邻湘歇,!宝玫卜夺狰自自苏奈奕白到地一浏翱七任展自父日