兴安县,Xingan County
1)Xingan County兴安县
1.A Study of Environment-Friendly Land Use Pattern——A Case Study of Xingan County;环境友好型土地利用模式初探——以广西兴安县为例
2.Xingan County has implemented agriculture comprehensive development for many years and explored a development way of "relying on resources advantages, utilizing good opportunities for agriculture development, vigorously adjusting structure of agriculture industry, creating new mechanism to promote development".兴安县在多年实施农业综合开发工作中 ,探索出了一条“依托资源优势 ,利用农发契机 ,大力调整农业产业结构 ,创新机制促进发展”的开发路子 ,推动了全县农业和农村经济的持续高效发展 ,实现了农民增收目的 ,加快了兴安农村小康社会建设进程。

1.A Discussion on Human Driving Force in Cultivated Land Change--A Case Study of Xingan County;耕地变化的人文驱动力研究——以兴安县为例
2.A Study of Environment-Friendly Land Use Pattern--A Case Study of Xingan County;环境友好型土地利用模式初探——以广西兴安县为例
3.Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Red Tourism Resources Based on AHP--Taking Xingan County as a Case;基于层次分析法的红色旅游资源模糊综合评价研究——以兴安县为例
4.Practice and Thinking of New Rural Cooperative Medical Service--Based on the Large Convex Xing'an County,Guangxi Village Research新型农村合作医疗的实践与思考——基于对广西兴安县大凸村的调研
5.The Way That Increase Income and Efficiency of Characteristic Agriculture;特色农业的增效增收之路——兴安县实施“新三个农业”战略的回顾与展望
6.Successful Practice of the National Unity--Model of Harmonious Development of Huajiang Yao National Township民族团结进步事业的成功实践——桂林兴安县华江瑶族乡和谐发展模式探析
7.Evaluation of highway's safety in Shejiang stage from Xingcheng to Mei county兴城—梅县畲江段高速公路路线安全性评价
8.Hengxing screen plant located in prestigious" Chinese silk screen of the township"-- Hebei Anpingxian.恒兴丝网厂,位于久负盛名的"中国丝网之乡"——河北省安平县。
9.Optimized eco-productive paradigm of hilly landscapes in the southern piedmont region of Daxing’anling Mountain--A case study of Linxi County,Inner Mongolia大兴安岭南麓山地丘陵区生态?生产范式研究——以内蒙古林西县为例
10.Quickening the Steps of Strengthening the County and Enriching the People through Implementing the Strategy of Developing the County by Science & Education;实施科教兴县战略 加快强县富民步伐
11.In southern Kiangsi the prospects are still brighter, as the 2nd and 4th Regiments of the Red Army are steadily growing in strength in the counties of Kian, Yungfeng and Hsingkuo;赣南的希望更大,吉安、永丰、兴国等县的红军第二第四团有日益发展之势;
12.Local Trade's Development and Clan's Rejuvenation地方贸易发展与宗族复兴——以清至民国时期江西乐安县流坑董氏为例
13.At that time the local Party organizations and the masses of the people in the counties of Kian, Hsingkuo and Yungfeng were all opposed to the Red Army's withdrawal.当时吉安、兴国、永丰等县的地方党组织和人民群众无不反对红军的退却。
14.STUDIES ON COUNTY TERRITORY AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT MODE IN DROUGHT HILLY REGION OF DAXINGANLIN--Taking Arong Banner of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as an Example大兴安岭旱作丘陵区县域农业发展模式探究——以内蒙古自治区阿荣旗为例
15.The periphery area includes Anyi county, Yongxiu county, Fengcheng city, Dean county and Jingan county;外围区城市包括安义县、永修县、丰城市、德安县和靖安县;
16.Research on Forest Health Evaluation of Larix Gmelini in the Great Xing'an Mountains大兴安岭兴安落叶松林健康评价研究
17.The Municipality of Jinzhou, and Jinxi City, Xingcheng City, Jinxian County, Suizhong County under its jurisdiction;锦州市及所辖的锦西、兴城市、锦县、绥中县;
18.The Dialect Dividing Line in the about Zone between Anhua County and Xupu County;安化县与溆浦县毗邻地带的方言分界

Qin Ren Streer in Xing an County兴安县秦人街
3)Xingxian county兴县
1.Taking Xingxian county as the typical area with geologic disaster in northwest of Shanxi,on the basis of data gathered in field investigation of geologic disasters,a space database of geologic disasters of Xingxian county was established.以山西省西北部地质灾害较为典型的地区兴县为例,应用野外地质灾害调查所收集的资料,建立山西兴县地质灾害空间数据库系统,并在GIS软件平台上将调查结果数字化,得到兴县现状地质灾害分布图,再利用对已矢量化的图层以及灾害点文件的叠加得到兴县地质灾害易发分区图。
4)Changxing County长兴县
1.Influence of urbanization of small city on water environment: a case study of Changxing County in Zhejiang Province;小城市城市化对水环境的影响——以浙江省长兴县为例
2.Henan Phonetic System in Changxing County of the Wu Dialect Area in the North of Zhejiang Province;浙北吴语区长兴县的河南话音系
3.Based on the long-term agricultural data of Changxing County in the south of Taihu Lake,the estimation of nutrient surpluses from 1949 to 2002 has been made.根据太湖南部长兴县农业统计资料,对该地区1949~2002年农业用地上N、P的剩余量作出评估。
5)Xinxing county新兴县
6)ShaoXing County绍兴县
1.Monitoring Landuse and Mapping in Shaoxing County Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques;利用遥感和GIS技术监测绍兴县土地利用现状及其制图研究
2.Monitoring analysis of malaria in Shaoxing County from 2000 to 2007;2000~2007年绍兴县疟疾监测情况分析
3.The contemporary Chamber of Commerce of Shaoxing County came into being as a result of the joint action of political, economic and cultural factors during the particular historical period of Shaoxing from the end of the 19~(th) century to the early 20~(th) century.近代绍兴县商会是19世纪末20世纪初绍兴特定的经济、政治和思想文化等因素共同作用的产物。

兴安县  广西壮族自治区桂林地区辖县,自治区木材重要产区。位于自治区东北部,湘江和漓江上游。面积2348平方公里,人口36.1万。县府驻兴安镇,兴安古属百越之地。春秋、战国为楚国疆土,秦始皇戍五岭时曾驻军于此。汉元鼎六年(公元前111)属始安县。 唐武德四年(621)设临源县,唐大历四年(769)赐名全义。后晋开运三年(946)改名德昌,宋乾德三年(965)复名全义,宋太平兴国二年(977)改名兴安。 境内灵渠为中国古代著名水利工程之一,凿于秦始皇三十三年(公元前214),是用以沟通湘江和漓江的人工运河,又名兴安运河或湘桂运河,长34公里,历史上为沟通长江和珠江水系的重要通道。县境地处湘桂走廊。西北为越城岭,海拔1500~2000米。最高峰猫儿山2142米,为广西第1高峰,亦为南岭第1高峰。 东南为1000~1500米的海洋山。湘江、漓江和兴安运河沿岸为冲积平原。境内河流分属长江和珠江水系。漓江上游为大溶江,发源于猫儿山,向南流经灵川、桂林、阳朔。湘江上游为海洋河,发源于灵川县东南的海洋山,向东北经全州入湖南。兴安资源丰富,特产白果,年产900吨左右。柑橘年产2.5万吨,是广西水果基地之一。又为广西木材和楠竹的重要产地,森林覆盖率58%.。矿产有铁、煤、铀、铅、锌、钨、铜、金、重晶石和大理石等。名胜古迹除灵渠外,还有秦城遗址(秦屯兵处)、古严关(秦汉所建)、万板桥及黄巢城(唐遗址)、严关古窑(宋古窑遗址)、接龙桥(建于宋)。此外有元四贤祠、明粟家桥和三将军墓,并有红军长征突破第四道封锁线指挥部遗址──三官堂等。县城南7公里的乳洞为游览胜地。