村镇房屋,rural house
1)rural house村镇房屋
1.The measures to solve the problems in the rural house construction and to improve the seismic design for them are proposed.结合西部村镇房屋修建过程中出现的诸多问题 ,提出了加强房屋抗震设防的措
2.In this paper,the seismic damages of rural houses in Wenchuan earthquake are summarized on the basis of building emergency evaluation.在房屋应急评估的基础上,对村镇房屋的震害情况进行了归纳和总结,并提出了相应加强措施。

1.Safety Survey and Statistical Study of Country Houses in Southeast Coast of China东南沿海村镇房屋安全性现状调查及统计分析
2.Analysis of Change and Developing of House Pattern and Heating Way in Rural Residence of Changchun Region长春地区村镇房屋格局及采暖方式变化剖析
3.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Wind Pressure Distributed Law of Building in Village and Small Town of Zhejiang Province浙江省村镇房屋风压分布规律的数值模拟与分析
4.Seismic Behavior Research and Analysis on XIN JIANG Suitable Residence in Villages;新疆地区村镇适宜性房屋抗震性能研究
5.The Economic Analysis of the Seismic Resistant Measures of the Buildings with Wood Framework in Villages and Small Towns;村庄与集镇木结构房屋建筑抗震措施经济分析
6.Study on Typhoon Vulnerability for Low-Rise Buildings in Coastal Areas of Guangdong广东沿海地区村镇低矮房屋台风易损性研究
7.All around we find nice little towns, village and houses and among them many of good size ,随处可见精美别致的小城镇、村庄和房屋,其中不乏造型优美者。
8.Study on Numerical Simulation of Wind Pressure and Wind-Resistant Design of Low-Rise Rural Buildings in China;我国村镇低矮房屋风压数值模拟及抗风设计研究
9.The Research on Seismic Construction Method and Quality Control of Brick Masonry Buildings in Hunan Rural Area湖南省村镇砖砌体房屋抗震施工方法及质量控制研究
10.A Study on Destruction Mechanism of Earthquake Disasters for Houses in Rural Areas and Countermeasures for Earthquake Prevention汶川地震村镇民居房屋地震破坏机理及防治对策
11.Rural Public Housing Scheme乡村式公共房屋计划
12.So, following fire prevention works should have done when modern country builds a house: (1) optional location should take an active part in bourg program.所以,现代农村建造房屋时要做好如下防火工作:(1)选址要积极参与村镇规划。
13.The grounds belonging to a mansion or country house.房产属于大别墅或乡村房屋的土地
14.Research on Thermal Insulation System of Energy-saving Roof in the Dwelling House of Villages and Small Towns村镇住宅节能屋面保温隔热系统研究
15.Research on Replacement Effect of Village and Small Town Replacement Based on Rural Real Estate;基于农村房地产的村镇置换效应研究
16.A small, single-storied house, especially in the country.屋棚一种小的,单层的房子,尤指乡村中
17.The villagers hurled all possible effort into rebuilding the bombed houses.村民们竭尽全力修复被炸坏的房屋。
18.An Investigation into Legal Affairs Concerning the Demolition of Rural Housing under Collective Ownership;农村集体土地房屋拆迁法律问题探讨

rural buildings村镇房屋
1.Seismic fortification capability of rural buildings in China in view of Jiujiang earthquake;从九江地震看我国村镇房屋抗震设防
2.In recent years,the national department of construction pay attention to the capacity of the rural buildings.近年来,国家建设部门对村镇房屋建筑的抗震性能方面给予了高度的重视,一系列的关于村镇房屋建筑的建设法规和技术规程将陆续出台并实施。
3)country building construction村镇房屋建设
1.Base on the actuality and main problems of building construction existing in the village, the paper analyses the earthquake resistance of country building construction, and puts forward some constructive opinions.本文从村镇房屋建设的现状及存在的主要问题入手,对村镇房屋建设中的抗震问题加以分析,并提出建设性意见。
4)village house村庄房屋
1.Through analyzing mechanism and regularity of ground movement destroying village house in sublevel caving mining-induced,reducing houses destroyed and village moving,it has profound significance to sustained development of coal enterprise.通过综放采动下地表移动对村庄房屋的破坏机理及规律的研究分析 ,减少房屋破坏和减少村庄搬迁 ,对采用综放技术的煤炭企业可持续发展具有深远的意义。
5)Rural house农村房屋
1.Damage characteristic of rural houses due to blasting vibration in southern Fujian province闽南农村房屋爆破振动损伤特征及防灾建议
2.The property flow of the rural house is violently disputed and widely concerned in these processes.而农村房屋产权流转是当前建设社会主义新农村、推进城乡一体化进程中倍受社会各界关注、争议较大的一个问题。
3.During the building of rural houses in South Shangdong and North Jiangsu Province,there are some wrong practices that may endager structural safety of the houses.文章针对鲁南及苏北地区农村房屋建筑中普遍存在的影响结构安全的一些做法,结合实际工程经验,从建设程序管理和结构设计角度提出具体的防治措施。
6)Rural houses农村房屋
1.The relation between earthquake intensity and the average loss ratio of rural houses in earthquake damage is given.在多年来地震宏观震害资料整理、研究的基础上 ,对传统农村房屋的类型进行了划分 ,统计出农村房屋地震灾害的平均损失率与地震烈度之间的关系 ,以便在地震发生后能较快地初评估地震在农村地区所造成的经济损失 ,为快速判断震灾规模提供依

曹村镇曹村镇地处瑞安西部的中心,是104国道线与56省道线的交汇点南侧,东接瑞安市区,西能文成、泰顺县,南联阳和福建福鼎县,是二战时期革命老区,北处飞云江泮。距温州机场仅48公里,地理位置得天独厚,三面环山,山清水秀,资源丰富,环境优美,水陆交通便捷,因而被称为“浙南县通衢”,乡镇区划调整后,全镇区域面积39.7平方公里,下辖18个行政村,2个居民区,共2.6万人。2001年,全镇工农业总产值占农村经济总收入的30.8% 。被瑞安市人民政府确定为市域次中心。改革开放以来,曹村镇始终坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针,大胆改革,勇于拼搏,各行各业迅猛发展。工业经济快速发展,遵循“快、强、促、优、育、新”的原则,加强工业园区建设,工业结构、产品结构和企业组织调整,企业整体素质有了明显提高,食品机械、床上用品、机电三大优势产业,农业生产稳中有升,结合农业结构调整、大力发展效益农业,建立8521工程,搞好“菜篮子”基地,优质碗豆、杨梅、批杷销往全国各大城市,建立梅龙溪养鱼场、市兴富养殖有限公司等八大种养殖基地,“龙头”带基地、基地联农户和产加销一条龙、贸工农一体化、农科教相结合的农业生产方式开始由粗放型向效益转变,第三产业异常突起。积极完善和培育市场体系,形成商贸、农贸、木材、水果、水产、服装、小商品等八大专业市场。城镇建设日斟完善。配好自动化程控电话,开通了移动通讯、无线传呼及邮政特快专递业务。曹村镇中小学,硬软件设施配套齐全,是省市教育示范学校。新建一座公园花坦、梅龙溪旅游区、革命斗争文化馆(春雷亭)等屹立在全国的圣井山脚下,地理位置十分优美。水电供应充足、水源优良、全镇宾馆、酒店、医院、信用银行、娱乐中心设施齐全。近年来,先后荣获浙江省教育强镇、文明镇、卫生镇,并被确定为全国首批小城镇建设综合改革试点镇。