博弈分析法,game theory
1)game theory博弈分析法
1.From the perspective of economic management, this paper expounds the definition and characteristics of fame of colleges and universities,analyzing the formation mechanism of colleges and universities reputation based on game theory and putting forward some relevant strategies and suggestions.从经济管理学角度,阐述了高校声誉的涵义及特征,运用博弈分析法剖析了高校声誉机制生成的机理,提出构建高校声誉机制的相应对策建议。
2)game-theory analytical method博弈分析方法
3)The law's Game Theory Analysis法律博弈分析
4)game analysis博弈分析
1.Regional coordination and game analysis of Chengdemian economic circle;构建成德绵经济圈的区域协调与博弈分析
2.Whole life cycle management mode of the engineering project and its game analysis;建设项目全寿命期管理模式及其博弈分析

1.Market entry game in supply chain based on evolutionary game;基于进化博弈的供应链市场进入博弈分析
2.Game Analysis of the Central and Local Governments;中央与地方的博弈分析——基于地方出让土地的博弈分析
3.Game Analysis of Consideration Payment in Split-share Reform;股权分置改革中支付对价的博弈分析
4.A Game Analysis on Advertising Market--A Game Model of the Principal Part and Object of Advertising and Government Supervision;广告市场的博弈分析——广告主体、客体以及与监管者之间的博弈模型
5.Game Analysis of Safety Supervision in Local Coal Mine Based on the Game Theory of Incomplete Information;基于不完全信息博弈理论的地方煤矿安全监管的博弈分析
6.Reputation, Controling Power and Game Equilibrium--A Game Analytical Framework and its Application to State-Owned Enterprises;声誉、控制权与博弈均衡——一个关于国有企业经营绩效的博弈分析
7.The theoretical game analysis of exchange arbitrage, interest arbitrage and illegal capital flows versus capital account control套汇、逃汇、套利与资本管制的博弈分析
8.Game Analysis on Institutional Shareholder Activism and Suggestion机构投资者参与公司治理的博弈分析
9.Non-Cooperative Game Analysis of Internet Backbone Interconnection互联网骨干网互联的非合作博弈分析
10.A Game Theoretical Analysis on Unhealthy Loans by Banks under East Asian System东亚模式下银行不良贷款的博弈分析
11.The Analyses of Product Differentiating, Discriminating and Gaming between Monoplistic Manufacturers;垄断厂商产品差异化与歧视博弈分析
12.The Game Theory Analysis on Exploiting FDI Strategy of the Local Governments;地方政府利用外商投资中的博弈分析
13.The Game Theory Analysis of Chinese Commercial Banks' Governance Mechanism;中国商业银行治理机制问题博弈分析
14.The Analysis of Game Interests in the Change of the System of Medical Treatment Charges;医疗收费制度变迁中的利益博弈分析
15.Game Analysis of Power Plants in Regional Power Market;区域电力市场中发电厂商的博弈分析
16.The Analysis of the Local Government Game in Inviting Investmensts from Overseas;招商引资过程中地方政府间博弈分析
17.Game Analyses of Malpractice of Independent Audit and Studies of Counterplan;独立审计舞弊的博弈分析与对策研究
18.Analysis of Horizontal Merger Based on Stackelberg Competition;Stackelberg横向兼并博弈的分析

game-theory analytical method博弈分析方法
3)The law's Game Theory Analysis法律博弈分析
4)game analysis博弈分析
1.Regional coordination and game analysis of Chengdemian economic circle;构建成德绵经济圈的区域协调与博弈分析
2.Whole life cycle management mode of the engineering project and its game analysis;建设项目全寿命期管理模式及其博弈分析
5)game theory博弈分析
1.Analysis of three-parties game theory in mining safety supervision in China;我国煤矿安全生产与监管中的三方博弈分析
2.Algorithm of urban road congestion pricing with game theory城市道路交通拥挤收费的博弈分析
6)game theory analysis博弈分析
1.A game theory analysis on incentives and behaviors of "green responsibility" among enterprises;企业“绿色责任”动因与行为的博弈分析
2.The Game Theory Analysis of Chinese Commercial Banks' Governance Mechanism;中国商业银行治理机制问题博弈分析
3.The Game Theory Analysis and Countermeasure Study on Price War of Mobile Communication Market in China;我国移动通信市场“价格战”的博弈分析及对策研究

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