北京丰台区,Fengtai district of Beijing
1)Fengtai district of Beijing北京丰台区

1.Study on Evaluation of Stability of High Slope in Dahuichang Quarry in Fengtai District in Beijing;北京丰台区大灰厂高边坡稳定性评价研究
2.An analysis on land use change and its economic driving force in Fengtai District of Beijing;北京丰台区土地利用变化及其经济驱动力分析
3.The Process and Forecasting of Spacial-temperal Change in the Urban Fringe--Taking Fengtai District as Example;城市边缘区土地利用时空变化过程及预测研究——以北京丰台区为例
4.The Matching Method of Human Factor Data and Land Use Units:A Study Case of Fengtai District in Beijing;人文要素数据与土地利用单元匹配方法——以北京丰台区为例
5.Rural Residential Land Use Change and Its Correlative Model with Population in Fengtai District of Beijing;北京丰台区农村居住用地变化及与人口相关模型
6.Existing Conditions Survey of Implementation of Basic Occupational Health Services in Medical Units under First-level in Fengtai District of Beijing北京丰台区一级以下医疗卫生机构开展基本职业卫生服务现有条件调查
7.A study on the BCG vaccination in temporary resident children in Fengtai district of Beijing北京市丰台区外来儿童卡介苗接种状况的研究
8.Current status of computerized information system for immunization programs in Fengtai district of Beijing北京市丰台区免疫规划信息化建设现状
9.Epidemic trends of sexually transmitted diseases in FengTai district of Beijing from 2002 to 2008北京市丰台区2002-2008年性传播疾病流行趋势分析
10.Investigation and analysis on the status of health care of floating children in Fengtai District,Beijing北京市丰台区流动儿童保健现状调查分析
11.Analysis of A Case of Food Poisoning in Touring Party in Fengtai District of Beijing City北京市丰台区一起旅行团食物中毒的案例分析
12.The multi-objective optimizing of land-use structure in Fengtai district in Beijing北京市丰台区土地利用结构多目标优化
13.On the Existing Problems of Administrative Divisions and Their Influences;试论当前行政区划格局存在的问题及其影响——以北京市丰台区为例
14.The Administrative Division of Urban and Rural Joint Areas--taking Fengtai District of Beijing as an example;论城乡结合部行政区划存在的问题——以北京市丰台区为例
15.Analysis of Land Use Change and Socioeconomic Driving Forces of Fengtai District in Beijing;北京市丰台区土地利用变化及社会经济驱动力分析
16.Analysis on epidemiological characteristics and trends of HIV/AIDS in Fengtai,Beijing,199-20081990-2008年北京市丰台区艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者感染疫情分析
17.Analysis on epidemic situation and health education strategy of hand-foot-mouth disease in Fengtai District,Beijing City北京市丰台区手足口病疫情与健康教育对策分析
18.Occupational Health Surveillance of Floating Population in 13 Employing Units in Fengtai District of Beijing北京市丰台区13家用人单位流动人口职业健康监护的现状

Fengtai District of Beijing北京市丰台区
1.The Administrative Division of Urban and Rural Joint Areas——taking Fengtai District of Beijing as an example;论城乡结合部行政区划存在的问题——以北京市丰台区为例
3)Beijing telemetered seismic network北京台网
4)Beijing stage北京舞台
5)Beijing urban area北京市区
1.One is in Beijing urban area and the other,as background region,is at Xinglong County of Hebei Province.在北京市区和背景区——河北兴隆县选点,对比两地大气污染物浓度变化及污染状况。
6)Beijing suburb北京郊区
1.Residence construction is the hotspot of the development of Beijing suburb recently.本文分析近10年来北京郊区小城镇住区空间分布和住宅类型的构成特征,指出其在土地资源、住宅价格、生态环境、交通网络等方面的优势,及土地利用、规划布局、配套设施等方面存在的不足,针对发展新型公交模式、完善公共服务设施、营造城镇住区特色、促进住宅类型建设多样化等方面提出建议。
2.According to the theory of district economics, sociology, ecology and architecture,it summarizes the history process and city structure of Beijing,introduces the development situation of little town in Beijing suburb,analyses the type and power .本研究根据《北京城市总体规划(2004年-2020年)》、北京市“十一五”规划,以区域经济学、社会学、生态学、建筑学等为理论依据,运用横向、纵向比较的方法总结了北京郊区小城镇的发展历史进程和城镇结构的发展过程,介绍了北京郊区小城镇的发展现状,分析了京郊小城镇发展类型及动力机制,得出影响京郊小城镇发展的正、负动力因素。

丰台区  北京市南郊交通枢纽。 面积304.2平方公里,人口76.7万。区府驻丰台镇。丰台汉、唐为蓟县地。辽以后属宛平、大兴县。1952年撤销宛平县设丰台区。1958年撤销良乡县时将其北部划入本区。同年南苑区大部和石景山区并入本区。1963年复设石景山区,形成今辖境。区内西部为低山丘陵、东部为平原,有永定河流贯。土质肥沃。农业粮菜并重。东部以种菜为主,卢沟桥乡供应的蔬菜占北京市1/7。 草桥一带有京郊"花乡"之称。卢沟桥农场以生产水果和牛奶为主。工业分布在长辛店、云冈、 大红门、 东铁匠营等地。有长辛店机车车辆厂、永定机械厂、 北京市灰石总厂、 北京木材厂、丰台桥梁厂、首都机械厂等大型企业。丰台镇是著名交通枢纽,京广、京沈、京原、丰沙(丰台─沙城)等铁路干线交会于此,有全国性铁路编组站。此外京保、京开公路穿过区内。长辛店是古老城镇,为中国现代史上著名的"二七"大罢工的北京策源地。区内文物古迹和革命遗址有卢沟桥、大葆台汉墓、宛平县城(又名拱极城)、长辛店工人劳动补习学校旧址与工人俱乐部旧址。区境有面积达160公顷的花乡森林公园。