行政征收,administrative collection
1)administrative collection行政征收
1.Recently the pulling and relocation of the original homes in cities is administrative collection.目前的城市房屋拆迁 ,本质上是一种对城市房屋所有人的房屋及其国有土地使用权的行政征收行为。

1.Study on the Levying System of Urban House Breaking and Moving;城市房屋拆迁中的行政征收制度研究
2.Studies in Problems Concerning Administrative Levy System and Countermeasures;我国行政征收制度存在的问题及对策探析
3.Modal Choice of and Sketch for Public Interests Acquirement:Administrative Expropriation as Example;公共利益正当实现的模式选择及其设想——以行政征收征用为例
4.The Legal Restriction of Real Estate Expropriation and State Administrative Power;不动产征收中国家行政权的法律制约
5.An Administrative Reconsideration Case Resulted from the Levy on Wastewater Discharge一起征收污水排污费引起的行政复议案
6.The Legality of Government Action in the Farmer s Land Expropriation;农地征收中政府行为的合理性分析及规制
7.Research on the Implementation Effect of the Policy Levying High-income Earners on Personal Tax Income;我国对高收入者征收个人所得税政策执行效果研究
8."The administration of collection of customs duty, shipping tax and taxes collected By the Customs on Behalf of the tax authorities shall Be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions stipulated in the law or the administrative regulations."关税、船舶吨税及海关代征税收的征收管理,依照法律、行政法规的有关规定执行。
9.Passive Administrative Publicity-The Dilemma of Justice in the Collection of Agricultural Taxes and Fees Faced by Grass-Roots Township Governments;被动的行政公开——农村基层政府税费征收公开的尴尬
10.Analyses on the reasons of local governments establishing their own taxation policy of returning taxpayers all or part of the tax collected;地方政府自行制定税收先征后返政策的动因分析
11.The lawful taking by a government of a fixed amount of the profits of a public-service corporation in excess of a stipulated rate of return.依法征收政府用超用规定的比率对公众服务企业的利润征收一定数量的钱的合法行为
12.Article58 The administration of collection of agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law.关税、舶吨税及海关代征税收的征收管理,依照法律、政法规的有关规定执行。
13.The government has put another tax on cigarettes.政府又征收香烟税。
14.someone who collects taxes for the government.为政府征收赋税的人。
15.Stockholm's road pricing plans are currently bogged down in political controversy斯德哥尔摩征收公路通行费的计划已在政治争论中搁浅。
16.Since 1980, the government has imposed no levies on farmers and herdsmen, with both agricultural and livestock taxes exempted.1980年开始,政府对农牧民实行免征免购,不收任何农牧业税。
17.Existing Land Acquisition Problems in the Compensation Policy Analysis and Countermeasures;现行土地征收补偿政策中存在问题分析及对策研究
18.The Assignable Operating Cost for Economic Policy: A Case with the Collection of Tax;不可轻视经济政策执行的操作成本——以税收征管为例

administrative levy行政征收
1.With reference to the "Regulations",this article argues for administrative levy on the basis of seeking the value of justice and of selecting methods to rule by law.以"条例"为实证,阐明行政征收应以正义之价值目标为追求和以法治的方法进行规制的观点。
2.Firstly this article defines what is administrative levy,then introduces the authorities attitudes towards the nature of administrative levy at present—administrative levy is gratuitous.文章首先界定了行政征收概念,介绍了目前学界关于行政征收性质的通说——行政征收是无偿的。
3)administrative levy system行政征收制度
1.With an attempt to promote the construction and perfection of this system , the author , from the angle of system construction , puts forward his viewpoints in connection with the problems cropping up in carrying out the administrative levy system.针对这一现状,应改革和完善我国现行的行政征收制度,包括建立纳税评估制度、完善税务代理制度、健全行政收费制度和改进行政收费救济制度等,实现行政征收制度的法制化。
4)On Administrative Expropriation略论行政征收
5)administrative law relations of tax collection税收征收行政法律关系
6)Land acquisition executive compensation system土地征收行政补偿制度

行政征收行政征收 行政征收是指行政机关根据国家和社会公共利益的需要,依法向行政管理相对人强制地、无偿地征缴一定数额金钱或者实物的单方具体行政行为,行政征收须以公民、法人或者其他组织负有行政法上的缴纳义务为前提,其实质是国家以强制方式无偿取得管理相对人一定财产所有权。 它主要有以下几种:1.税收征收。它是行政征收中最主要的方面。2.资源费征收。在我国,城市土地、矿藏、水流、山岭、草地、荒地、滩涂等自然资源属于国家所有。单位和个人在开采、使用国有资源时必须依法向国家缴纳资源费。如水资源费的征收、矿产资源补偿费的征收等。3.建设资金征收。这是为确保国家的重点建设,解决重点建设资金不足问题面向公民、法人或其他组织实施的征收。如,公路养路费的征收、港口建设费的征收、国家能源交通重点建设基金的征收等。4.排污费征收。5.滞纳金征收。6.其他法律、法规规定的征收内容。