森林社会效益,forest social benefit
1)forest social benefit森林社会效益
1.On the basis of reviewing the quantitative research results of forest s social benefit,this paper clarifies the definition,puts forward the contents and discusses the accounting method of forest social benefit.森林社会效益和森林生态效益的核算是森林价值核算的两大难题。

1.Study on the Connotation and Main Index Measurement Method of Forest Social Benefit森林社会效益内涵及主要指标的计量方法
2.Evaluation on social benefits of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Hunan Province湖南省张家界森林公园社会效益评价
3.Advances in forest resource and the ecological and social benefits research;森林资源及其生态与社会效益研究进展
4.Superficial Discuss on the Ecological, Economic and Social Benefits of Forest Classification Management;谈森林分类经营的生态、经济和社会效益
5.Study on the Speciality in Accounting the Ecological Benefits of Forest Value;森林生态效益价值的会计特殊性研究
6.Putting Forest Ecological Benefits into Forest Accounting System;将森林生态效益纳入林业会计核算体系的探讨
7.Variation of Forest Resources in Forest Region of Changbai Mountains and Its Social Effects;长白山林区森林资源变化及其社会效应
8.International Coordination on Ecological Benefits of Forest Value Accounting;森林生态效益价值会计核算的国际协调
9.Research on Theory and Methodology of Accounting for Forest Eco-efficiency Externalities森林生态效益外部性的会计理论与方法研究
10.Social & Economic Study on the Implementation of Forest Ecological Compensation Program--A Case Study in Hunan Province, China;森林生态效益补助项目实施中的社会经济问题研究——湖南省试点情况个案调查
11.Forest ecological benefit evaluation of Jingyuetan National Forest Park;净月潭国家森林公园森林生态效益评价
12.Estimating Recreation Benefit of Forest Landscape of Fuzhou National Forest Park;福州国家森林公园森林景观游憩效益评价
13.Second, shifting from free use to non-gratuitous use of forest ecological value.二是由无偿使用森林生态效益向有偿使用森林生态效益的转变。
14.Measurement and implementation of the compensation fee of ecological benefits of Guangzhou forests;广州市森林生态效益计量及生态公益林补偿
15.The Study on the Evaluation of the Social, Economical, and Ecological Benefits of the Grain for Green Program in the Testing Stage;退耕还林试点阶段社会、经济、生态效益评价研究
16.Investigation on Social and Economic Benefits of Returning Arable Land to Forestry in Luoyang City;洛阳市退耕还林社会经济效益调查研究
17.Assessment on social benefit of returning farm lands to forest and grassland in Guyuan of Ningxia;宁夏固原市退耕还林还草社会效益评价
18.Surveying and monitoring of social and the economic benefits arise from returning the cultivated land to forest by 50 peasant households in Lushui;泸水县50农户退耕还林社会经济效益调查监测

Social Benefit Accounting of Forest森林社会效益核算
3)social benefits of forest林业社会效益
4)forest benefit森林效益
5)annual benefit of forest森林年效益
6)society benefit社会效益
1.The paper introduces applications of down-hole TV in checking structure of water source well and pipe fault, inducting to fish dropped material, checking and accepting water source well, checking formation structure and formation stress analysis of water source well and its obtained economic and society benefit.简要介绍了井下电视在大港油田水源井水井结构检测、井管故障检测、指导落物打捞、水源井验收、地层结构检测及水源井地层受力分析等方面的应用情况,及应用井下电视检测所取得的经济效益和社会效益。
2.The quality of engineering,economy benefit,society benefit of the Long-dong Great Bridge construction are discussed,and the personal experience is presented.评价了“龙洞特大桥”的工程质量、经济和社会效益,也提到一些值得工程技术人员关注的工作方法。

环境保护社会效益和社会成本环境保护社会效益和社会成本 环境保护社会效益和社会成本环境保护活动对全社会造成的有益影响和社会收益的总和以及相应付出的代价的总和。环境保护活动往往由一部分人进行而使全社会受益。例如,河流上游的人进行水土保持工作而使全流域的人受益;营造防风林带或绿化荒山,不仅使局部地区的人受益,而且其造氧功能、吸收二氧化碳等作用甚至可使全人类受益。相反,许多对环境有害的活动也造成广泛的社会成本。因此,环境领域既存在着外部不经济性,也存在着外部经济性。当一项活动的社会效益大于当事人的经济收益时,则为外部经济性,或谓有益于环境;当一项活动的社会成本大于当事人的生产成本时,则为外部不经济性,或谓此活动有害于环境。评价环境保护的社会效益和社会成本时,常用效益费用分析方法。中国建设项目环境影响评价中常要求进行环保对策措施的效益费用分析,目的是优选费用最小、效益最高的环保措施方案,或通过选择必需的环保措施以确定环保投资。