胡集镇,Huji town
1)Huji town胡集镇
1.STUDY ON TECHNOLOGY MODE OF RURAL RESIDENTIAL LAND CONSOILDATION——Taking Huji town of Huimin county as an example农村居民点用地整理技术模式研究——以惠民县胡集镇为例

1.STUDY ON TECHNOLOGY MODE OF RURAL RESIDENTIAL LAND CONSOILDATION--Taking Huji town of Huimin county as an example农村居民点用地整理技术模式研究——以惠民县胡集镇为例
2.Archean metamorphic complex in Datong-Jining region is composed of Gehuyao graygneiss suite and Fengzhen Group khondalite suite.大同-集宁地区太古代变质杂岩由葛胡窑灰色片麻岩系和丰镇群孔兹岩系两部分组成。
3.Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Different Kinds of Corydalis yanhusuo延胡索不同炮制品镇痛抗炎作用研究
4.Comparative Study between Rhizoma Corydalis processing with vinegar and Cleansing Rhizoma Corydalis in anti-inflammatory effect and analgesic effect醋制延胡索与净制延胡索抗炎、镇痛作用的对比研究
5.Twin-towns: Discussion on the Planning of Towns in a County;“双镇连体”──县域内集镇规划的若干探讨
6.collective economy in cities and towns城镇集体所有制经济
7.On the Relations between Granting to Change Surname Hu back and the Uprising of 6 Towns and its Significance试论赐复胡姓与六镇起义的关系及其意义
8.The Study of L-tetrahydropalmatine on Peripheral Analgesic in Rats延胡索乙素对大鼠外周镇痛作用的实验研究
9.men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah..戴稻草帽,留胡子的人群集阳台。
10.Unremitting Exploration--Comments on Hu Zhongda′s Essays on History不懈的探索——《胡钟达史学论文集》评价
11.Could you please come down to earth and concentrate?拜托你别胡思乱想,注意力集中点儿吗?
12.Reduction of foraging activity by A.cerana colonies attacked by Vespa Velutina胡蜂对蜜蜂采集行为影响的实验研究
13.The Differences and Similarities Between the Jidu Poetry and the Hujiaqu of Wen Tianxiang;文天祥《集杜诗》与《胡茄曲》异同论
14.A Study of the Relationship between HU Qi-heng s Life and The Hanjiang Collection of Refined Writings;胡期恒生平及与韩江雅集关系之考辨
15.Out of ten collections of Hu Shi's Manuscripts published posthumously, six are collections of articles covering the debate, which have been published in eighteen volumes.身后印行的《胡适手稿》,十集竟占了六集(共十八册)。
16.Analysis on the Note of Hu Yinglin in the “iography of Poetry Anthology in Dynasties” --Of Historical Estimate about Hu Yinglin;《列朝诗集小传》“胡应麟条”辨析——兼谈胡应麟的历史评价
17.Township Enterprises Aggregation Strategy in the Process of Construction of Small Towns in the Western Region;论西部地区小城镇建设中的乡镇企业聚集战略
18.Interactive Mechanism of the Gathering of Township Enterprises and the Development of Small Towns and Strategies;乡镇企业聚集与小城镇发展的互动机制及对策

Market town集镇
1.The market town is not only the economic link between the city and the countryside,but also the center of economy,politics,culture and education in the countryside.集镇既是联结城乡经济的纽带,又是农村经济、政治、文化教育的中心。
1.This paper analyzed macro situation of Jiangsu and put forward indexes of sustainable development for town.因此,乡村的发展状况将影响江苏省的整体经济发展水平,而乡村的发展在很大程度上又取决于集镇。
2.Market towns which spread all over the country in Tang Dynasty have gradually changed themselves into towns in Song Dynasty.唐代时普遍意义的以草市为代表的乡村中心地渐变为宋代遍布江南的作为市场体系起点的市镇,小市—→草市—→镇—→县的集镇发展轨迹出现在一些持续繁荣的地区,镇作为节点在遍布乡村的小市中间崛起、壮大,成为新的辐射点,它们的介入有效抑制了政治、经济“控制递减规律”发挥作用,使江南中心地层级体系更加细密,形态更加丰富。
3.Starting from the prototype of town meeting hall and making textual research of the "construction campaign" for town culture center,this paper thinks that the campaigns directly caused the emergence of a great number of town meeting halls.从集镇会堂的历史原型出发,考证集镇文化中心"建造运动",认为正是这场"运动"直接导致了在全国范围内大量"集镇会堂"的产生。
4)town centralization镇集
5)Northern Huzhuangji胡状集北
1.Geologic Analysis of Lithologic Deposit with FMI in Northern Huzhuangji of Dongpu Depression;东濮凹陷胡状集北岩性油藏地层微电阻率测井地质分析
6)Huji phosphate rock胡集矿

倍他胡萝卜素 ,β-胡萝卜素药物名称:倍他胡萝卜素英文名:Betacarotene别名: 倍他胡萝卜素 ,β-胡萝卜素外文名:β-Carotene 适应症: 1.防治肿瘤,用于肿瘤的辅助治疗。 2.防治血管硬化,防治冠心病、中风、白内障、老年性痴呆。 3.维生素A缺乏症。 4.红细胞生成性原卜啉症引起的光敏性皮炎。 5.免疫性疾病辅助用药。 用量用法: 口服,每日1粒。 规格: 软胶囊:15mg/粒。 类别:维生素AD属