乡土工业,rural industry
1)rural industry乡土工业
2)township enterprises乡镇工业
1.This article analyses the forming background of and some problems in the special zones for township enterprises in 7.该文分析了浙江省乡镇工业专业区的形成和存在的问题,提出了发展专业区的对策建议。

1.Research on Construction of Small Towns and Development of Town Industrialization;试论小城镇的建设与乡镇工业化的发展
2.Study on Countermeasures for Control and Prevention of Township and Village Industrial Pollution in Qinhuangdao.秦皇岛市乡镇工业污染防治对策研究
3.The Study of Pollution Control Model in Town Industrial Development;乡镇工业发展中的污染治理模式研究
4.Exert Regional Superiority and Accelerate Adjustment of Rural Industry Industrial Structure in Western China;发挥西部地域优势 促进乡镇工业产业结构调整
5.Research on Industriae Environment and Development in the second Pioneering work in Henan Villages and Tows;河南乡镇工业二次创业中环境与发展问题研究
6.Centralized areas of rural industry--time s strong antenna to village--On the construction of centralized areas of rural industry in west Fujian province;乡镇工业集中区——时代伸向农村的有力触角——浅谈闽西乡镇工业集中区的建设
7.A Few Proposals on Strengthening the Environmental Management on Township Industry加强乡镇工业环境管理的几点粗浅建议
8.Su Nan Township Industrial Zone: An Analysis of the Character of Structure and Synergy;苏南乡镇工业小区的结构及协同性分析
9.Research on Industrial Development & Environmental Economic Game in Chinese Town-village Enterprises;乡镇工业发展与环境经济的利益博弈探析
10.The Development Patterns of Township and Village Industry in Hubei Province Based on Comparative Advantage Principle;基于比较优势的湖北省乡镇工业发展模式研究
11.Economy of Scale:a Must for the Sustainable Development of China s Rural Industries;规模经济:中国乡镇工业可持续发展的必然选择
12.Status prevention and cure of industrial waste water;平顶山市新华区乡镇工业废水污染现状和防治
13.Industrial Parks--a New Mode to Promote Township Enterprises;工业园区——发展乡镇企业的新模式
14.Many townships in the coastal area have begin to industrialize.沿海地区的许多乡镇已开始工业化。
15.On Functions of the Township Union in Building the Jurisdictional Enterprise Union;乡镇工会在辖区企业工会建设中的作用研究
16.Research on Exploitation of Villages and Towns Special Industries Tourism;基于乡镇特色产业的工业旅游开发的实证研究
17.The Township Government′s Role Orientation in the Stage of Industry-financed Agriculture;工业反哺农业阶段的乡镇政府角色定位
18.A Comparative study on rural industry between Japan and Quanzhou;日本农村工业与泉州乡镇企业比较研究

township enterprises乡镇工业
1.This article analyses the forming background of and some problems in the special zones for township enterprises in 7.该文分析了浙江省乡镇工业专业区的形成和存在的问题,提出了发展专业区的对策建议。
3)township and village industry乡镇工业
1.On the basis of expert consultant and AHP method, the plan for adjusting the structure of township and village industry in Changde city of Hunan province is proposed.本文在专家咨询和层次分析的基础上,提出了常德市乡镇工业行业结构调整方案。
2.This lead to the slow development of township and village industry and restrict Hubei s economic and social development.湖北经济发展的优势条件明显却未能充分利用,使得乡镇工业发展相对滞后,从而制约了湖北农村乃至全省的经济发展。
4)rural industry乡镇工业
1.According to the multi level characteristics of regional economic structure in rural industry, the two grades recurrence feedback linear programming model was built up for its main contents.根据乡镇工业区域经济结构具有多层次的特点,针对其主要内容,建立了两级递阶反馈线性规划模型。
2.based on the analysis of the state of the distribution of rural industry in Hubei province, the problems in the process of distributing rural industry are examined in this paper.在分析湖北省乡镇工业空间布局现状的基础上,指出目前乡镇工业布局过程中存在的问题,提出乡镇工业布局的一般原则。
5)rural industry乡村工业
1.Based on extensive fieldwork in Nanzhuang Village, the article analyses the essential factors that influence spatial networks of rural industry.以南庄村的实际调查为基础 ,分析了乡村工业的空间网络要素及其网络特征 ,指出 :乡村工业网络结构日趋复杂完善 ,网络特性看好 ,钢卷尺生产和经营的网络格局以南庄村为中心向四周扩散
2.Since 1840, The rural industry in the Northeast of Jiangxi have suffered a severe shift from prosperity to ruin and groped for a road to rise unexpectedly in the trouble.近代以来,赣东北地区的乡村工业经历了一个由盛而衰及在困境中摸索崛起的过程。
3.The Western European rural industry became flourishing in the Later Mi ddle Age.中世纪晚期西欧乡村工业的发展蔚为壮观,其时乡村工业主要有家庭副业、家庭作坊和分散的手工工场等形式。
6)village industry乡村工业
1.Fei Xiao-tong s Economy of Jiang Village,which puts forward a plan of the "industry going into the countryside",and,taking the countryside as the foundation,by way of a lot of links such as the resolving of food problem,the necessity of sidelines and their practical predicament,the technological improvement of the village industry,the.社会主义新农村建设热潮的兴起表明中国农村发展和乡村城市的重新定位,费孝通先生在《江村经济》中探讨的“工业下乡”的构想,以农村为本位,通过饥饿问题、副业的必要性和实际困境、乡村工业的技术改进、以合作为原则的乡村小型企业的发展以及外界变革力量的引入等多个环节,揭示了“乡村内生城市化”的机理,为思索中国农村发展道路问题提供了启发和参考。
