创意激励,creativity incentive
1)creativity incentive创意激励
2)innovation incentive创新激励
1.Market structure in the upstream industry affects the licensing strategy and innovation incentive of downstream firms.不同的上游市场结构对下游厂商的许可策略、创新激励产生不同的影响。
2.Based on the Hotelling Difference Model,this paper constructs a one-term game model,focusing on the competitive advantage of firms with lower producing costs on the comdition of the existing switching costs and the innovation incentives of firms with higher producing costs.文章在豪泰林空间差异化模型的基础上构建了静态完全信息博弈模型,研究转移成本和生产成本对市场竞争产生的影响以及转移成本下企业的创新激励。
3.This paper constructs principal-agent model and studies proper intellectual assets transferring strategies of client with information symmetry and asymmetry based on analysis of innovation incentive and opportunism risk of outsourcing service provider.建立委托-代理模型,对知识密集型外包项目中基于知识资产剩余控制权的外包商创新激励和机会主义行为风险作了分析与讨论,分别指出信息对称与信息不对称下顾客适当的知识资产控制权转移策略。

1.Types of innovative mechanism of competitive gymnastics and stimulation methods;竞技体操创新激励机制类型与激励方法研究
2.Strategy of Inspiriting Innovation for Internal Innovation Network in Knowledge-Based Enterprises;知识型企业内部创新网络创新激励策略研究
3.An Analysis on Fiscal Policies Promoting Autonomous Innovation in Typical Innovative Countries;典型创新型国家自主创新激励的财税政策
4.Analysis on Spillovers and Incentives of Innovation Based on Core Ability Hypothesis;基于能力假说的企业创新外溢与创新激励分析
5.Innovation Incentives, Market Monopoly and Patent: A Survey;创新激励、市场垄断与专利的理论评述
6.Theory about technology innovation inspiration system for SME;论中小企业技术创新激励系统的构建
7.Innovation of inspiration theory nowadays-self inspiration mode;新时期激励理念创新——自我激励模式
8.Sharing Incentive and Mechanism Innovation of Incentive in High-tech Enterprise;分享型激励与高科技企业的激励机制创新
9.Study of the Technical Innovation and the Function of Property Right encouragement;技术创新产权激励制度的创新功能探讨
10.This is an important driving force for transformation and innovation.这是激励变革创新的重要动力。
11.Research on the Investment, Profit and Incentive of Enterprise Technology Innovation;企业技术创新的投入、收益与激励研究
12.Study on the Quality Evaluation, Training and Motivation of Innovative Talents;创新人才的素质测评、培训和激励研究
13.Incentive Mechmism Based on Stock Right for Technological Innovation Talants;技术创新人才股票股权激励机制探讨
14.The study on stimulating mechanism of agriculture application science study innovation;农业应用性科研创新的激励机制研究
15.Promotion Incentives,Institutional Innovations and China s Economic Growth;晋升激励、制度创新与中国经济增长
16.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Rewards and Individual Creativity;薪酬激励与创新行为关系的实证研究
17.Research on the Incentive Problem of Knowledge Workers in Innovation Management;创新管理中知识工作者激励问题研究
18.Study on the Positive Role of Assessment Criteria and Critique Method;创新绩效考核机制 凸显激励功能

innovation incentive创新激励
1.Market structure in the upstream industry affects the licensing strategy and innovation incentive of downstream firms.不同的上游市场结构对下游厂商的许可策略、创新激励产生不同的影响。
2.Based on the Hotelling Difference Model,this paper constructs a one-term game model,focusing on the competitive advantage of firms with lower producing costs on the comdition of the existing switching costs and the innovation incentives of firms with higher producing costs.文章在豪泰林空间差异化模型的基础上构建了静态完全信息博弈模型,研究转移成本和生产成本对市场竞争产生的影响以及转移成本下企业的创新激励。
3.This paper constructs principal-agent model and studies proper intellectual assets transferring strategies of client with information symmetry and asymmetry based on analysis of innovation incentive and opportunism risk of outsourcing service provider.建立委托-代理模型,对知识密集型外包项目中基于知识资产剩余控制权的外包商创新激励和机会主义行为风险作了分析与讨论,分别指出信息对称与信息不对称下顾客适当的知识资产控制权转移策略。
3)promotion and innovation激励创新
1.The paper simultaneously discusses the problems of promotion and innovation according to government functional orientation and holder-interactive.提出了基于产业链的工厂化农业发展模式,主要是由“技术推进”模式变为“推拉结合”模式,同时从政府的职能定位以及相互参股两个方面探讨了工厂化农业的激励创新问题。
4)Innovation incentives创新激励
1.The innovation incentives of employees in winner-up tournament and loser-out tournament are different.员工在首位晋升制和末位淘汰制两种锦标激励制度下受到的创新激励程度存在较大差异。
5)innovation motivation创新激励
1.The outside economic effect is reflected on that of innovation motivation and innovative effect medium.外部经济效应表现在创新激励效应和创新载体效应两方面;同时,由于拥挤效应、过度竞争、“柠檬市场”问题以及路径依赖和技术锁定的存在,导致产业集群产生创新阻滞,因而具有外部不经济效应。
2.This paper has a study on the outside economical effect of the industry cluster to the technology innovation from two aspects:innovation medium effect and innovation motivation effect.本文从产业集群的创新载体效应、创新激励效应两方面分析了产业集群对技术创新的外部经济效应。
6)Arbitrary Excitation任意激励
1.The Simulation Analysis on the Response to the Arbitrary Excitation of Single-Freedom Vibration System;单自由度振动系统对任意激励响应的仿真分析
2.The three-element method for the first order circuit in textbooks and references has some (weaknesses:) by using it the full response for the first order circuit under arbitrary excitation can not be solved.目前教材及相关文献介绍的一阶电路三要素法具有局限性,不能用其直接求出任意激励下的一阶电路全响应。

创意1.亦作"剙意"。 2.谓创立新意。