土地利用伦理,ethical land use
1)ethical land use土地利用伦理
1.The basic concepts and contents of ethical land use are introduced here.本文介绍了土地利用伦理的概念和基本内容 ,分析了我国土地利用伦理选择的现实环境 ,并提出了土地利用伦理落实到土地退化防治实践的具体对策和途径。
2)Idea of land use ethics土地利用伦理观
3)land ethical-use土地伦理利用
1.Finally,the approaches of achieving land ethical-use combined with the measures of economic,legal,administrative policies and education methods were suggested.介绍了土地伦理利用的基本概念,探讨了基本原则,并从土地利用伦理与经济、法律、行政政策、教育手段等角度提出了土地伦理利用的实现途径。
4)Land Ethics土地伦理
1.We must establish a kind of land ethics that advocates cherishing and respecting land so that the increasingly acute contradiction between humankind and land could be lessened.必须树立一种土地伦理道德观念,自觉地爱护和尊重土地,从根本上去协调人地之间日益尖锐的矛盾。

1.The Necessity for Cultivating Land Ethics for a Harmonious Man-land Relationship;和谐人地关系亟需树立土地伦理观念
2.On the Sense of‘Land-ethic’&.Its Multiple Significances in the Popular Novel Gone with the Wind论《飘》中“土地伦理”的多重意义
3.Leopold s Land Ethic Ideas and Its Value in Ecological Environment;利奥波德的土地伦理观及其生态环境学意义
4.The Use and Protection of Chinese Cultivated Land Resources from the Perspective of Ethics从土地伦理的角度看我国耕地资源的利用和保护
5.The Policy of "Three Prohibitions":Interpretation of Land Diversion from the Perspective of Ethics“三不”政策:土地流转的伦理解读
7.Steinbeck s Environmental Ethics: Humanity in Harmony with the Land;人与土地的和谐共处——评美国作家约翰·斯坦贝克的环境伦理观
8.An Empirical Study on the Basiclifesecurity Effectiveness of Rural Collective Land to Farmers in Shanghai--Also on the Survival Ethics Phenomenon of Farmers Decision Behaviour on Land;土地对农民基本生活保障效用的实证研究——上海市农民土地决策行为的生存伦理分析
9.Privatization of Land Circulation is Immoral Choice--Thought and Ethic Intention about Land Circulation from "Capital"论私有化土地流转的不道德性——《资本论》的土地流转观及其伦理蕴含探析
10.From Land Ethics to Ethical Holism:A Study of Callicott s Ecological Ethics;从大地伦理学到伦理整体主义理论——克利考特生态伦理学研究
11.land - utilization and land - administration土地利用与土地管理
12.Veblen s Influence on the New Deal Land-Utilization and Enlightenment;凡勃伦对“新政”土地利用的影响及启示
13.On the Ethical Topic in Evelyn Waugh’s A Handful of Dust;伊夫林·沃《一把尘土》的伦理主题
14.Network cyber ethics :the balance between the localization and globalization of cyber ethics;网络伦理:本土资源与全球性道德共识
15.Ethical dilemma of the localization on hospice care and its construction临终关怀本土化的伦理困境及其建构
16.Essential Step of Localization: Enlightenment of Traditional Culture to Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学本土化的必要环节:传统文化对环境伦理学的重要启示
17.Conflict Between Traditional Culture and Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学本土化的重要视点:传统文化与环境伦理学的冲突
18.East London, an area that has missed out on regeneration.包括东伦敦等未被改造地区的周边土地。

Idea of land use ethics土地利用伦理观
3)land ethical-use土地伦理利用
1.Finally,the approaches of achieving land ethical-use combined with the measures of economic,legal,administrative policies and education methods were suggested.介绍了土地伦理利用的基本概念,探讨了基本原则,并从土地利用伦理与经济、法律、行政政策、教育手段等角度提出了土地伦理利用的实现途径。
4)Land Ethics土地伦理
1.We must establish a kind of land ethics that advocates cherishing and respecting land so that the increasingly acute contradiction between humankind and land could be lessened.必须树立一种土地伦理道德观念,自觉地爱护和尊重土地,从根本上去协调人地之间日益尖锐的矛盾。
5)land use management土地利用管理
1.Development of county land use management decision support system;县级土地利用管理决策支持系统的研制
2.Therefore,it argues that rationalizing the relationship between MFOZ planning and land use management,and coordinating them have become the foundation of optimizing country planning and exploitation,and have been one important method of promoting the management level of land use management.主体功能区规划的基本任务是优化国土开发格局,其与国土资源部"加强国土规划、土地利用总体规划的整体控制作用"这一主要职能有着共同目标内涵,因此,理顺主体功能区规划和土地利用管理的关系,将二者有机衔接已成为促进国土合理规划与开发、提高土地利用管理水平的重要基础。
6)land-use management土地利用管理
1.Researching on building and realization of the information system of land-use management;土地利用管理信息系统的建设与实现研究
2.With the development of urbanization,as the land system and other factors,land-use management of urbanization still exists many problems,which restrict the exhibition of urbanization.土地利用管理是城镇化建设的一个主要内容,随着城镇化的发展,土地利用管理由于土地制度、城镇化战略、政府职能等因素的影响,还存在很多不足,制约着城镇化的进一步发展。

土地利用类型(见土地利用分类)土地利用类型(见土地利用分类)type of land use tudi Iiyong Ieixing土地利用类型(t月祀oflanduse)见土地利用分类。